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THE moment they landed in the island and went to Kevin's penthouse, his brothers and their partners greeted them there. Even the five Marias were also present.

"Sorry guys, I already proposed." Kevin announced and raised his hand with the heirloom ring on it.

"Oh my gosh! Where? When?" Demi asked surprised but happy.

"A while ago, during the charity event. Our mother was there, so I took the chance." Kevin answered.

"I heard your mom was in the country. Is she planning to extend her foundation here?" Dustin asked.

"Maybe. I think that's what mom and tita Ofella are talking when we left them."

"That's good. That means she also meet Frey." Javier commented. "It's good that she didn't object?"

"Actually, she was the one forcing me to prepare the wedding as much as possible. Friday. And he wanted it big because sweets deserved one."

"Every girl deserves to have their dream wedding. Especially when they married a Redwood. What's the use of being known as the Redwood Brothers if you just marry your partners in a simple way?" Yuriko said. She's the last second twins of the Marias. The Marias has two twins and the eldest Sachiko was the only one who doesn't have a twin.

It's not a secret that the family Redwoods, were from a well off family, at least to the business world and to those who knew them. Redwood Brothers are not known because of the island, well they became super famous because of it. That is why the double wedding months ago became a talk of the nation as well. Plus, the anonymosity of the siblings to the public too. They said, it's not their agenda to gain fans bit it's for their own privacy.

"Congratulations! We are so happy for the both you. At least kuya Kevin was not losing when it comes to love life." Sachiko, the eldest of the Marias commented.

"Kuya Rafael is the only single among our kuya's now." Tomiko remarks, one of the first twins in 'The Marias'.

"I know, you don't have to rub it in my face." Rafael admitted.

"If I know, you are also into someone." Selena butted in, the wife of Dustin, looks like she knew something about the guy that gain teased from his siblings.

"How long have been expecting, ate Frey?" Toshiko, the second of the first twins asked after a while.

They are half-Japanese and Frey doesn't know why their names have 'Maria' on it. She thought that there is no 'Maria' in Japan.

"I'm 30 days pregnant, more than 3 weeks now." She answered

"And doc Demi is in her 6 weeks now. So we are going to have two little Redwoods soon." Oscar commented. "Should I remove one cabin and renovate it into a children's café?"

"You might as well do that, bro, because you're expecting not just two, but probably three." Dustin interrupted.

"Wait...don't tell us that ate Selena and you have a honeymoon baby now, that she's pregnant?" Yumiko asked the first of the second twins in The Marias.

Selena and Dustin just look at each other about Yumiko's question.

"Really? Oh, my gosh! I can't believe it. We're too young to be aunts" Yuriko joked.

"You're already old, just acting immature." Rafael teased and messed her hair like a kid.

"Kuya!" Yuriko complaint and both of them teased each other that made them laugh. But, they all greeted Selena congratulations and chatted about the babies after.

So, there will be three little Redwood's soon in the island. They can't wait to see them running in the shore. For now, they're going to celebrate for the growing family of Redwood first.
