Chap 20

The moon is shining brightly and the garden lights around are still on as she walk towards the resort. The bar and club was at the far end of the resort so she needed to walk more before going there. A bulky man came and assists him go inside and passed some tables with drinking guys and ladies. Until they reach a somewhat kind of secluded room and saw Oscar leaning in the sofa with his eyes clothes.

"Sorry if I bothered you. I just can't leave him here alone while I'm working outside." Kevin repeated what he said on the phone.

"But, sir, how can I help him? I can't carry him. Looks like he was knocked down."

"He was. I don't know what came into her and Rafael when they suddenly played the game 'the last man standing' and made them drunk until they passed out. Obviously, Oscar lost. Don't worry, I will let someone carry him and bring her to the cabin. Can he stay there for tonight with him? You know that we can't let anyone just go in to Dustin's house, and Oscar is still staying there, so you can bring him in the secret cabin first."

"Okay." She just nodded and watch Kevin called some bug guys to carry Oscar.

Kevin sent them to where the cabin is and just let them go in after he opened the door for them. He didn't go in and left. The big guy put Oscar into one of the room's bed.

"Thanks." The guy just nodded and also left. Now she's left with this drunken guy.

He took a deep breath and removed his shoes for him to be more comfortable in bed. Then went to the bathroom that was inside the room and get warm water. Even at night, the water from the faucet is still warm. He just needs to clean him up for him to be refreshed at least. It's what her mom does, every time their father went home drunk before.

She put all her might to remove Oscar's shirt that she's sure full of his sweat, but still fragrant. It was not her first time to see upper man's body because he saw how the by standers at their place always shirtless. So he saw different kind of man's torso. Bulky, fatty, skinny, name it. But she never saw a torso just like what she's looking right now. In close range to add more.

A muscular torso with eight packs of abs. Which she could only see in magazines and television. She never thought he could see one on person. Now she knew why they say the phrase 'katawan palang ay ulam na' in Filipino which means, the body is already a delight. It's a nice view too. She just swallows the lump in her throat.

She shook her head to forget all those thoughts in mind. It's not the time for that. She tried to calm herself and started to clean his sweat with the towel. She was wiping his body when his hands suddenly stopped her hands holding the towelette. His eyes were still close but suddenly open after a while. She was just looking at her frozen. She's waiting for him to talk, but he was also staring at her. He even blinks his eyes twice or thrice. Like making sure he's not dreaming.

"I-I'm just trying to clean you up. I'll just---." She stopped when he suddenly pulled her closer that her face was on his bare chest. "S-sir O-Oscar?"

"I told you to just call me by my name." He's voice were still groggy and he can smell the liquor from his mouth.

"Okay, but can you let me go now?"

"No, no lo haré." Umiling ito at naramdaman pa niyang niyakap ng isa nitong kamay ang kanyang baywang. "Even in just a dream, I won't let you go now."


He pulled her more and made her lie down on the bed then cuddle her from behind. His embraced is tight and he even buried his face on her neck. She can feel his warm and soft breathing. It actually gives her shivers but she wanted the feeling and she doesn't know why.

When she thought he's asleep and tried to go, he's going to hold her tighter. So, she gave up and just stayed that way. She's too tired to wait and anyway. Plus, the warm from his body gives her comfort that helps her drift to sleep.
