Chap 01

"RAFAEL, are you busy?" The moment Rafael answered his phone, that's what his brother Javier said. Rafael was currently on his office inside the Spa. Ever since he started the business in the island, he's already hands on to it. So he was checking the last months accounting to see if they everything is in place, or of they needed more promos to gain more customers.

So far, the business is all good. A lot of people are visiting the Spa to relax despite of the image of the island because of the resort. People from the outside who didn't see the island yet believed that the island is a nest for lustful thing. But that only applied to the bar and club at some part of the resort. It's where the endless party takes place. Again, despite of that, a lot of families still visit the island.

"Not, really, why?" He asked still looking at the datas.

"Tia Marina will go with us at the mainland because she's going to go to the market. And we have to meet the designer for Demi's gown. Can you come and get Anthony for a while?"

Right. In a few days, Javier and Dustin will get married to the cousins Selena and Demitry. That is also the reason why they were all busy at the resort. It was a private wedding with families and friends, but knowing them, he's sure it's not just a small wedding.

It's not a secret that people are also looking forward to the wedding because, since the island became famous, the Redwood Brothers do as well. They said they are the ruler of the island because they are the only ones that have business inside the island. We, it's true, except for the restaurants and café's at the resort. Dustin made a business with them to build a branch inside the resort.

Anthony is Javier's first born, because the second one is coming soon. It was the reason why they abruptly getting married. It was just supposed to be the wedding of Dustin and Selena, but since Selena is also a close relative of Demitry, Selena told her to join the wedding with them.

"Okay. You can just drop him off here. I'll just finish this and bring him to the resort."

"Thanks, bro."

Demitry actually doesn't want their son to go to the resort at first, because if the rumored image, but when they came here and stayed for a few days, she realized that it's not that bad at all, so she let him tour Anthony in the resort. And because they are busy with their wedding, Javier doesn't have much time to spend with his son. So he let him take care of Anthony instead. Rafael can say that he's the closest uncle of the kid. Although Javier taught his son the basic of swimming, he was the one who trained him to be good at swimming.

"Tio!" Tio means uncle in Spanish. Anthony came running to him the moment he enters his office. He's seven now.

"Pequeño amigo." He carried him to his lap and hug. 'Little Buddy' in Spanish is what he calls him. "I guess it's you and me again."

"It's okay. I love being with you, tio. Are we going to the resort again, tio?"

"Do you want to?" Anthony nodded enthusiastically.

"Alright, then, I'll go ahead. Sé bueno, buddy. Be good." Javier kissed his son's forehead and patted his shoulder.

"Si, papá." He also taught the kid some Spanish words, him and tia Marina, Javier's old nanny.

"How about Mindy?" He asked when he remembered the nanny of Anthony, before Javier left the door.

"She will go with tia, she needed someone because she'll buy a bulk now. She said she wanted to cook for our sisters when they come. She wanted them to taste Mexican dish."

He just nodded his head, and then his brother left. He told Anthony to wait for him at the sofa first. He will just finish fix everything and they are good to go. One thing he adored about his nephew is he always listens. He's not the demanding type that what he wanted should be done instantly.

They road his Solar Energy Powered Cart or SEP Cart, it's the only transportation in the island, except for the three vehicles of his brothers, and went to the resort. Looks like the boy is prepared because under his summer attire is his swimming boxer, so, the moment they reach the pool area, he undressed immediately while they are on the changing area and asked him if he could go first. Rafael just laughed at him and asked one of the employees to look after him first while he changed.