Chap 04

"Hola, what took you so long, sweetheart?" she turned her head to face him and smile. That made his day.

Sweetheart became her endearment to him, that's when she's not calling him by his name. But either way, Rafael still loved the sound of the both. He calls her Iva or her whole name Ivana sometimes too.

"Sorry, I just finish something." Then he went near her. "Pareces agotado, Iva. You seem exhausted." He put the oil on his hands and starts to massage her back shoulders and the moment he touched her, she moaned.

"Si, es una semana muy ocupada para mi." She said it's a busy week for her. "Ugh, that feels so good, sweetheart." She started to moan and gave him complement again. "You know, if I could just bring you in Pampanga with me, I will do anything to do that. Tus toques son increibles. Your touches are amazing."

Rafael smiled to himself. She started to talk seductively again while moaning into his touches. That's what she missed about her, and what she liked as well. He sound like a pervert, he admit that. But she mostly drops some naughty or witty comments on him, like how good he was on caressing girls and such.

She's very open on sharing her thoughts, censored or not, with him. Then, she giggled after. She's just witty. She had no idea what's she's also doing to him. He can't stop her because he also loves hearing those things from her. She also, side comment, like inviting him to do something hot or what and a lot of times that he was tempted. He's just a guy with a healthy libido. But still, he knew she was just playful.

"You're hands really feels good on my body, sweetheart. It always gave tingles in my system. I'm not sure if it's because you're a guy or because it's you."

"Does your boyfriend have that same effect on you? Why don't you ask him to give you a massage, when you're too tired from work?" Maybe she's already taken, that means 'stop' for him.

"No tengo novio. I don't have a boyfriend. I wish I have one, but none. Estoy soltero. I'm single. I'm too busy to date."

Rafael remembered that she's a chef and also managing her own restaurant. They are also a family of chefs. And she's also hands on to every detail when it comes to her restaurant that is why she's always busy. It was the reason why she came at the Spa when she heard about it. That's when one of her friends invited her to visit the island. That was the first time she came too. The, she fell in love with the place and the Spa's services. So whenever her friend invited her to visit the island, she always made time to go.

He's somewhat happy to know that she's single. "Too shame that no one can have your beautiful body."

"I know right." She giggled. Even her giggle had an effect on him. What a tease. "But I don't mind if you do, sweetheart. I mean, REALLY touching me."

"Tal vez yo pueda hacer eso, Iva." He goes with her comment.

"Mmmm." She just moaned. "Puedes hacer eso por mi entonces? Can you do that for me then?" She said seductively. "Honestly, I keep on imagining that, Rafael, every time I touch myself at home. I always remember your hands on my body just to pleasure myself, because the truth is, tu toque me hizo sentir cachonda."

He paused from massaging her legs because of what she said. She also added that his touches made her feel horny. It was the first time hearing her say about herself as the one fantasizing him. Most of the time they used third party or another person in their witty conversations.

"Your touches also made me wet, Rafael." She added when he stayed silent and started to massage her legs. "I always imagine how it would feel if you also massage me in my privates."

Ivana's voice is dreamily. Like she's really imagining him doing what she's saying now. Rafael can feel his growing hardness inside his boxers now. It's a good thing he wore the loose bohemian pants. This is going to be a torture for him if she would not stop.

"Can you make it higher, sweetheart?" She requested and he follows tried to move the towel up he's not touching his inner thigh close to her center. "Higher." She moans as the towel from her butt fell down revealing her thong and her big booty on him.

Rafael started massaging her inner thighs with both his hands and he knew that he can't hold on anymore. Maybe it's time for him to give himself a chance to do what he always imagine doing with her. He put his hands higher until he reached the side of her center. Ivana keeps on moaning into his touches, but didn't say a word to stop him, she even encouraged him to do more. So he continued.