Chap 09

They were silently walking at the seashore, maybe waiting whom to break the ice first. They were going through the part where only dim lights coming from the torches and from the moon helps them to see each other and their way as well. It's where the waves can hit their feet. The sea water is still warm even in the dead of the night. There are some who are having a night swimming but just a few of them, and they were at the part where it was brighter too.

"Have you tried doing night swimming before?" Rafael broke the silence.

"Here? Not yet, but in a pool, yes. I and my friends were scared to swim in the ocean at night. We thought there will be sharks and other creatures that will come and get us." She laughed just thinking about it.

"There are no sharks here, at least not that we know of. We never saw one as well. So it's safe. Plus, they said that the water at night is more relaxing than the morning, plus the light from the moon helps too, like moon-bathing."

"Really? Have you tried it already?"

"Todavia no, not yet, but if it's okay with you then we can both try."

Ivana turn to the water. From where they are, the light from the moon made crystal reflections in the water and it looks inviting. The waves are not that big and strong either.

"Okay," she agreed, and they settled their slippers under the palm tree.

Rafael removed her summer shirt revealing his muscled torso again, while she just removed her summer dress to let her red pair of bikini stay. She even put her hair into bun. Marcel said that they must wear bikinis all the time when they are in a beach to be always ready, maybe that's one of the reasons why. Thanks to her friend.

She can feel a tingling sensation from Rafael's touch when he guided her while they went into the water. When the waves hit them, Rafael's hands went into her waist to support her better, and again, she felt some current from it but tried to ignore it.

"We can go deeper so that the waves are not that strong. There are parts where the water is still. Do you want to go there?"

She just nodded as they went deeper until they reach that part. Only the light from the moon are helping them see. The water level was on her shoulder already but because Rafael is tall, it was on his chest level. So when a wave came in, she has to jump not to drown by it. But Rafael just carried her from her waist. Her hands was automatically landed in his shoulder for more balance, but when the waves passed through them, their body was closer now,

They were both frozen after as they were just staring at each other's eyes. No one dares to let go or to step back. In fact, she felt Rafael's hand holding her waist tighter. Then, his head slowly goes down to her. She closed her eyes and she knew what he's trying to do. Seconds later, she could feel his lips on her. It was a touch at first, and then he started moving gently. It made her snake her hands from his shoulder to his neck and head, and then answered his kisses. Before a wave passed through them again, Rafael carried her and put her legs around his torso.

"Me estás volviendo loco, Iva. You're driving me crazy." They were out of breath when their lips parted but Rafael keeps his forehead on her. "You have no idea how I fantasized to have you every time." He whispered and giving him small kisses on her face. "You were just so damn hot." She moaned as he started caressing her ass, while kissing her neck. "When you just leaved me last night, you have no idea how it made me insane."

Iva could feel his growing harness. The waved made them go to more shallow part, now on her chest level. So she went down from him turn her back on him and started grinding him with her butt. Rafael's hands gripped more on her waist like helping with her balanced, and she could feel his breathing too. Rafael was still strongly gripping her waist, now assisting her in her little play.

"You like that, sweetheart?" She asked seductively while she was still moving her butt on her while caressing his neck. Rafael held her stomach as he kissed him.

"Y-yeah." He answered catching his breath. "How about try the skinny dipping, sweetheart?" Rafael whispered in her ear that made her heated up. It was the first time, he call her that.