Chap 21

"I hated this day because it was the day my mother abandoned me." He started.

She sat down beside him and saw how his facial muscle moved for trying to suppress his anger. She didn't say anything and just held his hand making him feel that she's listening and she's there.

"My biological mother, she left me when at one of the Spa in Puerto Rico in my 4th birthday. She brought me there saying we're going to have a bonding, he let me stay at the Jacuzzi with the others kids, not knowing that I won't see her again. The Spa owner let me stayed there with her because she thought that my mom will come back the next day to get me, but it never happened. That woman raised and treated me like one of her sons. She didn't give me to the child care because she knew that I might end up with someone who won't treat me well."

She felt his fingers playing hers. She can't see his face fully because he's still facing down.

"She sent me to school, gave me food, and helped me with my lessons and more. He was happy when I got my license as a masseur at a very young age. She said I was natural. I was in my last year in high school, when she died and it was a week after my birthday. She even celebrated my birthday with me and during that time, she didn't inform me that she's dying. Since then, I thought I'm all alone because her husband and children didn't accept since the beginning. I was so lonely and alone that every birthday I have, I tried to kill myself."

"What?" She took her hand because she can't believe what she heard.

Rafael looked at her and gave her a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"That's when I got an email from Dustin, one day, asking some information's that was similar to his, if I didn't meet my father and all. He said he tried to send that email to every Redwood he saw in social media to search for his siblings. We are not yet sure if we were really related but he still tried to connect with me. He even added me in all social media app and in the group chat that he created, together with our other siblings. We encourage each other there and cheer each other up. That was the reason why I never thought of 'that' again. I continued my study in business management, working day and night for my tuition and for me to eat at least once a day. It was tough but I got through it. It was exactly my graduation day when someone came at my doorstep saying I have to go with him. I thought I was involved into something bad that I didn't know of, but said I have to go with them in Pennsylvania to meet with my father. I asked Dustin about it and said he also got the invitation. It was the first time I saw my other siblings. We also confirmed that all of us in that group chat were all half siblings. We welcomed each other even the mood was gloomy because our dad was in his death bed. And it was my birthday when he died, but my siblings didn't know about it. Only ate Cassandra knew and she was not sure if she will greet me or not."

"Oh, Rafael."

"That's the reason why I hated my birthday, because it just reminded me of how people die and leaved me. Before I decided to come with Dustin and the others here, I recently found where my biological mother was. She's now living with her own family back in Argentina. I don't know if she's just messing with my life and just mocking me or what because she always sends me birthday greetings. Like, what the hell? What is there to be happy in my birthday?"

"Forget about her, Rafael. She's not the only family you have now. Your siblings were happy to have you and they all want to celebrate this day with you. They wanted to celebrate the day you were born and came into their lives. It's not just your mom or the unfortunate events from the past that will make you stop to be happy that you were born and exist. We are still here, we are all happy to meet you, to have you."

He stared at her again. "You're happy that I was born?"

"Of course, I am. Every girl might be thankful that you existed in this world. That face and that body is rare nowadays." She joked and he chuckled. "I won't lie that every time I come in this island, you're always the reason why. Since the day I met you in that massage room, even when I'm lying down and just listening to your voice, you already got me. You see, Lo diste color a mi aburrida vida, sweetheart." She caressed her face saying he gave color to her dull life. "You go my attention just by talking to me and massaging me, Rafael. You made me relax despite from the busy schedule I have in th restaurant."

"Even though I'm just an ordinary masseur and one of the Redwood Brothers?"

She giggled but nod. "I just set those standards because I prefer ordinary guys back then, and that was before I met you. Now I know that love can find no boundaries."

"Really? Then prove it."

She smiled and closed the gap between them and kissed him. He felt him smile before answering her kisses. Oh how she missed his sweetheart, his amante, his Rafael.
