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"THANK you for convincing him to go out in his birthday, Ivana." Dustin told her after they ate together. The group already ate while waiting for them, so when they finally arrived, they just let them eat together. Then the next party, like drinking and cheering came after.

Now, Rafael was with his sisters making him open his gifts from them. Like a kid opening his present in Christmas day.

"We thought you'll be back tonight." Kevin teased her.

"Nothing happened, we just talk." She informed them and shrugged.

"Are you disappointed?" Selena added to the teased laughing.

"Nope. I am actually happy because we cleared things between us now."

"I'm glad that asking for your help works, Ivana. Thank you coming into his life." Cassandra said knowingly.

"You know his story, right?" She asked and she nodded.

"What story?" Frey asked.

"It's about his past that it's better to be unknown and forgotten. What are important now are the present and his future." Cassandra answered.

His brothers nodded for understanding.

"Tia Ivana, eres la novia del tio Rafael?" Anthony suddenly asked her, he was being carried by Oscar.

"Si, soy su novia." She answered yes from his question if she's Rafael's girlfriend.

The boy gasped that made his parents and Oscar laughs. They were the only ones who understood Spanish there anyway.

"You don't know that he will understand you, do you, Anthony?" Oscar asked laughing.

The boy nodded. "Tienes una sangre española tambien, tia?" He asked if she has a Spanish blood too.

"No, hijo. Estudié cómo hablar en español." She answered that she studied and learned about it.

"Excuse me; are you trying to sell us?" Kevin asked jokingly. "Because we're going to protest."

"Why not try to learn how to speak it too." Javier suggested.

"I'll pass." Dustin raised his hands.

"Anthony got curious who you are because he saw you came with Rafael. He keeps on asking me if you're his girlfriend, so I told him to ask you instead." Oscar said after putting down the kid and let him run to Rafael.

"He told us that he asked his uncle when they went to Pampanga together, but his favorite uncle said he doesn't have, so maybe he's curious now, why he's with you." Demi explained.

"Right, he's the closest uncle of Anthony because he's been with him since he came here first. We're aware of that though." Dustin added.

They all turn to Anthony when he suddenly burst out crying and Rafael was trying to comfort her. The girl's didn't know what to do either.

"We didn't do anything," Yuri raised her hand like surrendering innocently.

Javier carried his son immediately and started talking to him, Demi approach them too.

"What happened?" Cassandra asked her sisters.

"Little bunny asked if Rafael will marry Ivana." Natasha answered.

"Then kuya Rafael said maybe, but not for now." Sachi added.

"Then Anthony asked if they'll have a baby soon and will forget about him." Yumi informed them too.

"And when Rafael answered 'maybe', before he continued his sentence, uri joka cried." Minji finished.

She looked at Rafael who was just looking worriedly at Anthony who is still crying.

"We were so worried that she might be out of breath again. He was still healing from his asthma." Lauren said worried too.

Rafael looks like he's also scares of approaching his nephew, so she did.

"You and mama will take care of my baby sister soon, tio Rafael was the only one who can play with me, but if he's going to have a baby too, then who am I going to play with? My friends are not here." She heard the kid say while still crying.

She asked Demi if she could talk to him and she nodded. The others were just watching. She doesn't know much about kids but she knew that they can easily get jealous. She's not good in taking care of kids too, but at least she knew how to persuade them.

"Hey, buddy." She gets Anthony's attention and sat at the bean bag in front of him and Javier. "Por favor, no llores. Don't cry. Your tio Rafael won't ever replace you, okay? You will always be his pequeño amigo." That what she heard him calling the boy a while ago.

"Even though you'll have a baby soon too?" He was still crying but not that loud anymore.

"Yes, and honestly, I'm not sure if that will happen sooner or later, but yes. No one can replace you because you're the little buddy they all have here."

"But I'm going to have a baby sister soon, and tia Frey and tia Len will also have a baby too. I'm not going to be their baby anymore." He stopped crying but he is still sad and teary.

"Even if you will have baby brothers or sisters, you will always be their pequeño amigo, little buddy, little bunny, young man and more, from all your tio's and tia's here. Okay, think of it this way, buddy, if you'll have baby sisters and baby brothers, you can help your mama and papa, and even your aunts to take care of them. You can teach them all the things that you've learn from your tio Rafael. Look at your tia Cassy, is she jealous from her younger siblings?"

Anthony shook his head. "She loves them."

"See? And look at them now, they were all happy here, celebrating your tio Rafael's birthday, right? And you can do that too, with your baby siblings sooner or later."

"I can teach them how to surf and swim too?"

"Yes, of course you can. You can play with them and you can even teach them how to speak Spanish."

"Really?" Anthony wipes his remaining tears and looked at his parents. "Mama, papa, I can't want to see my baby brothers and sisters."

"But, that will take time, buddy, because for now, you are still young. Even if your baby siblings will be born, you have to wait for them to get a little older for you to do that. Do you understand what I'm trying to say, buddy?" She asked him again.

"Yes, tia."

"Thank you." Javier said after the kid went to his mom to kiss her big tummy.

"Thanks for saying those words, Ivana." Cassandra added.

"Welcome to the family." Minji hugged her.

"We won't let you go now, Ivana, even if you and Rafael fight." Pierina said and also hugged her, then the others did that too.

"Uhm, thanks." She don't know what to say now, she was feeling overwhelm by their praises. "But one thing you didn't know yet." Rafael was now on her side and they all looked at her waiting. "I'm older than your brother."

They all looked at each other and suddenly said: "SO?" ... in chorus, then they just all laugh.

"They all knew that I want my woman older than me." Rafael whispered when the others have their own conversation already.

"So, I was not the first older woman you dated?"

"Nope, you are." She just raised his eyebrow on him. "Because all of my past girlfriends were not serious. They were just flings. You are the only woman who was closed to my ideal type." Then he claimed her lips, not caring if his siblings were watching.

"Get a room, there're innocent souls here." Kevin shouted and they all laughed at him.
