I got to Derek's ice cream shop and slumped in a booth. He came rushing over immediately. He got a new help so he wasn't worried about the customers.

"What's wrong?" he inquired.

"I am trying so hard not to give up," I confessed.

If people were going to keep reopening my healing wounds intentionally, I may as well just hide away in a jungle. There'll be food and water so I shouldn't worry.

"No reason should be good enough to give up on life. Whatever the problem is, it must have a solution. Now, tell me what happened," he smiled sweetly and I swooned inwardly.

I told him everything that transpired today.

"I wonder why he's decided to make my life miserable. He's taking this murder and ex convict stuff too serious. I know my sins were meant to catch up to me, but this is just too much. I didn't even do the stuff intentionally," I ranted.

"Okay. Calm down. Do you want to quit your job?" he asked me.

"No!" I yelled. "This is my second chance. I can't throw it away because of one douche bag."

He nodded in understanding, "Do we get a restraining order?"

I laughed bitterly, "That won't work out fine either."

"Why not?" he asked in wonder.

"Well, he's my boss and I've have to answer to him. How can I get a restraining order for someone who's in the same work place and living space as me? Doesn't just make sense," I thought.

"So, what do we do then?" he asked thinking.

I smiled at his concern. Seeing this side of his always tugged on my heart. "First of all, I want ice cream."

He laughed heartily, "It'll all turn out fine."

"You and Nancy always say that," I noted and he smiled.

He went to get an ice cream plate and returned, "She still doesn't like me, does she?"

I laughed and shook my head, "Some feelings don't just go away."

"I don't want what I feel now to go away either," he said.

I stared at him, "What feeling is that?"

"Happiness," he smiled longingly at me.

"Why are you wasting my time, lady?" an elderly woman screamed at Derek's help at the counter.

We turned to the ruckus. The young girl cowered and hurried to get the orders that was placed by the woman. Derek went over. I watched as his face lit in recognition and he embraced the woman. He dragged the woman to out booth and sat her down.

"Mum, when did you return?" he asked, completely forgetting my existence.

The woman was dressed in stylish and fancy clothing and she had an aura of importance oozing from her.

"I came in last night. Got to the mansion and found only your brother. Where is your sister by the way?" her brows scrunched up.

Derek scratched the back of his head and looked at his shoe, "I don't know, Mum. I do see her around but we hardly keep in touch."

She shook her head in disappointment, "You aren't making mama proud, boy. Your younger brother is by far more responsible than you are. He was the one who directed me here, even though he confessed you both don't keep in touch. You're supposed to look after your siblings as the eldest. You're supposed to be the one in charge of our establishment but then, you decided to sell ice cream and left your younger brother in charge. That's so disappointing."

"Mum. I love what I do," he said.

"I thought you'd outgrow your youthful exuberance. I thought you'd be more like a man now, but you still behave like a child," she tsked.

"Mum, I'm not a child," Derek countered.

"Okay then," she said, placing her arms on the table leaning forward. "Where are your wife and kids? I was hoping to see them."

I choked on my ice cream and coughed. Her attention drifted to me. Why did I even choke in the first place.

Her face lit up in a smile, "Is she the one?".

Derek looked at me, just as I looked at him. I began shaking my head when he said, "Yes, she is the one."

My mouth fell open.