When I got to the entrance of the canteen, I observed the city was already bubbling and the canteen was already bustling with customers. Miss Jane was in an apron taking orders at tables while Jonas was at the counter dishing out the order. Looks like they prepared the food earlier on. How had these two been coping cooking and taking orders for all these customers? They must be hardworking.

I entered. Miss Jane looked up from a customer and her face was in shock. Jonas looked at me and his mouth opened. Did I look so bad? The mirror didn't say so. Miss Jane excused herself and rushed to me. She took in my appearance one more time and dragged me behind the counter.

"Why would you cut your hair? Do you have a disease or something?" she asked, concerned.

I smiled at her concern, "No, Miss. I just wanted to try a new look."

She smiled. "I was worried for you and my customers. Didn't want a disease flying and then they'll shut us down."

I smiled reassuringly. "I'm fine."

"Mother, customers," Jonas reminded his mother.

"Oh right. Jonas set her up. She'll be in charge of the bills," she said.

"Mother," Jonas called. "She's a stranger. Aren't you being too trusting? Especially with money?"

Miss Jane only smiled and dashed off, leaving Jonas bewildered. He turned to me and pointed to a cash register on the counter.

"That's your duty post," and as I walked towards it, he warned, "My eyes are on you."

I scoffed and said, "I hope you don't get blinded by my beauty."

He was shocked for a moment and laughed, "You wish." He resumed dishing food and I began attending to customers who wanted to pay.

We worked from morning till ten in the night and we began closing.

"You both did well," Miss Jane commended as we walked home. "You'll sleep till one am, so we can prepare for the day."

I stopped in my tracks and opened my eyes wide.

Miss Jane smiled and patted my shoulder, "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

Jonas laughed, "I'm quite sure she prefers her beauty sleep to working."

I snorted, "Oh please. Shut up."

Miss Jane chuckled. "I see you've found your match, Jonas."

He groaned and entered his room that was beside mine. Miss Jane stayed back in the sitting room and I entered the room. The house was tastefully furnished. I was proud of this mother and son. They work their butts off and they're getting their reward. I smiled and tucked in bed.

"But Mother, she's a stranger. You shouldn't just trust her," I heard Jonas voice. He wasn't yelling, but I could hear the strong disapproval in his voice.

"It's a test, son. If she fails, I'll send her away," Miss Jane's soothing voice told him.

"And what if she disappears?" Jonas asked.

Miss Jane chuckled, "Come on. You should know your mother. She can't get away."

I got scared a bit. Was nice, angelic Miss Jane dangerous too?

"I don't mess with people but they dare not mess with me," she bragged.

"Okay, mother. I trust you," Jonas said.

"Now go rest. I'll be out here. And do give her a chance," she told him.

"Mother, why don't you take your pills? They'll help you sleep," he said, almost in a whisper.

Miss Jane giggled, "Too much meds in the system, son. And they do nothing. I'll just let it be."

"Okay, mother. Goodnight," I heard him kiss her and his footsteps making its ways to his room.

I got to my door in a flash and stopped him in the hallway.

"Hey," I said.

He grunted in response.

"I don't expect you to trust me cos we just met and you know nothing about me. But I want you to know that I'm so grateful to your mom for accepting me. And I would never think of hurting her."

"You could hurt me but please not Mother," he pleaded.

I smiled at his devotion and love.

"I promise I won't," I assured him.

I wanted to enter my room when he asked, "Won't you appreciate me too?"

I turned back to him and asked, "For?"

"Accepting you."

I smirked, "Just like I need to earn your trust, you need to earn the appreciation. Goodnight."

I saw him smile and just before I entered my room, he said, "Your hair looks good though."

I wanted to thank him but he had already disappeared into his room. I smiled and got to bed.