Chapter 117


I stretched a little bit, careful not to jostle the little girl that slept in my arms still peaceful and oblivious to my strain.

I looked down at her, her hair was scattered all over and her mouth was slightly open.

I did not think j had ever seen a more beautiful sight in my entire life.

I smiled even as my body ached.

I and Enola, even though we were being careful, had been slowly slipping back towards each other, she was smiling more frequently and finally, it looked like the trauma she had faced in ianthes house was slowly leaving her, the only thing that brought about some darkness and sadness in her eyes was when she asked about Matt and she did not get a good reply, I stressed about Matt too, I just needed to be done totally and I would set out to look for my boy myself, I did not care what I had to do or who I had to beg, surely Ianthe would release the joy to me if I begged her enough?