Chapter 4:Weiyi transmigrate from 21st century part- II

He smiles, further exposing his sharp teeth.

His pointed ears twitch, as she shiver when she saw them.

She looked down and see that her other thigh is slashed open. Blood is pouring out.

'I can't lose blood that quickly. I have to survive! I can't die here when I just reborn.' she determined.

"Please.... don't bite my neck and suck my blood. If you want to atleast drink from my wound."Weiyi said as her voice seems to getting low by each sentence.

"I like fresh blood best." Jun Yexuan replied as he looks at me coolly.

'Damn! what nonsense am I speak! Yes, I might have hits my head somewhere amd speaking silly'

The Werewolf, Fu Mobai said, "Why are you scaring her, Yexuan?"

"Why is she asking stupid question?" Jun Yexuan replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

The third Demi, a werewolf bends down and lifts me up.

I screamed.

The feelings of his furry hands on my body, that creeps me hell out.

' Where's he taking me?'

"Don't worry, human. I'm just moving you out of the rain." Fu Mobai said as if he can read my mind.

The movement is too much. A flash of white-hot pain course through her body and she passed out again. She woke up after a bit,

She don't know how long she have been out.

'Wait! What have they done to me while I was unconscious?'

She tried to look at her body in the darkness, but its hard to see anything.

Atleast I'm under the coach and out of the falling rain water.

All I see is the blood still pouring out of my thigh.

'Am I going to die here? I'm going to die just like that when I just reborn? Heaven what the heck wrong with you, why do you let me rebirth when I'm going to die again.'

I look around.

'Damn! Where's the Demis go? Don't tell me they left me here in this damn place to die!!'

Just then, she hears them coming from the other side of the coach. The Werewolf approaches her.

"You're awake. How do you feel?"Fu Mobai asked.

'Yey! This bastard still have nerve to ask me how I'm feeling, when I'm fucking dying here!!!'

"What do you think you'll feel, when you know you're dying?" Weiyi question him instead of answering him.

He stays quite.

She looked at him, and their eyes met. His eyes are so kind.

'can a Demi be kind' she wondered.

'No, he must be trying to trick me! If he's that kind then he would have saved me till now.'

'when would this world gone crazy and a Demi consider helping a human? Isn't they hate each other in this world?'

"Can you go for help? I need to stop bleeding, If I lose too much blood I might die here. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Weiyi said as she focused herself to speak in her hoarse voice.

"Of course I understand. I'm not animal." Fu Mobai replied angrily.

'lmao when did I said you're animal.'

He look away. When he turns back he's calm again.

Then Weiyi said, "Then what are you standing there? Do something or ask for help, please?"

Fu Mobai said hesitatedly, " Yes..... I know you may die. But I can't do this on my own."

I'm confused, wondering what he meant by can't do alone. 'Can anyone on earth tell me What does he mean'

I look confusingly at him as look for the answer.

Then the Zombie steps between Lu Weiyi and the Werewolf. His short white hairs blows wildly in the wind. As he comes closer, I realize how unique and beautiful those olive green eyes of his.

'Am I really thinking that a Demi is handsome when I'm dying here!!! Ahh Lu Weiyi, Lu Weiyi.... you can never control this little cult mind of yours, when it's come to some handsome hottie bun'

At the very moment, I felt like slap myself in spot for thinking nonsense rather than looking for a way to save myself.

'I think I've lost too much blood. I'm not thinking straight. Yes, this must be the case.'

The Zombie, Shen Siyu spoke, " Why should we save her? Look at how she spoke to you, Mobai. She thinks we're Nothing more than just animals. Leave her!! Let her die here, she would die anyway without us."

'Oh my grand-dad! Are sick in your head or what? When did this lady said you guys are animals? It's obviously him who called himself animal, why blame me'

She very badly wanna say her thoughts but finally she didn't. Because firstly her voice is broken, secondly she's too lazy too argue with this morons.

Fu Mobai said, "You don't know that, Siyu."

The Vampire steps closer.

'Wow he's so handsome in his human form. I've never seen such handsome person in my two lifetime. I have to admit that he looks way better than those models of entertainment circles.'


He have fair and smooth skin, it's so smooth that I can't see any pores on his face. He have a high bridge nose, thin sexy lips, white teeth and two incisors teeth infront shows that he's a pure blooded vampire.

That's peach blossom, Ocean Blue coloured eyes, it's so clear and beautiful. Looks like some sparkling stars of night sky.

I can see my own reflect on his eyes but they're are so deep, like an abyss.

He have beautiful, flowing dark blue hair, it's so smooth and shiny, I really wanna touch it...

It took some time before Lu Weiyi snap back in her sense.

She said, " Please can you help me to stop my blood from bleeding?"

But he turns away from me and walk back towards the other

Lu Weiyi, "..." ' Damn This cold hearted jerk!! leaves me here like this without even a reply or expression'

Jun Yexuan, " Lu Hao, told us to save her. What will we tell him if she dies?"

'These demis knows orginal owner's so called father, whom she never met.' Weiyi come to sudden realisation.

Fu Mobai, " We must try our best to save her. No matter what we still owe it to Lu Hao."

Shen Siyu, " So now I have to spill my blood for a human? Never!!!"

Fu Mobai, " Siyu, you owe Lu Hao as much as we did. Will you let his daughter die here?"

Jun Yexuan said calmly, " We only need a few drops of blood from each of us. We'll just drop it into the wound and she'll be saved. It will cost us nearly nothing."

Shen Siyu said, " The world will be better off with one less human. Let her die!!!"

Fu Mobai barked at Shen Siyu, " Why did you even come, then? You knew this might be necessary. Lu Hao warned you."

Jun Yexuan replied, " I don't want to let Lu Hao down, but saving a human? I don't know either, Mobai"

Lu Weiyi spoke after many difficulties, "Please.... if you can save me....."

I tried to speak but suddenly the world is spinning. And I saw a white light in the distance, I can feel my body weakening.

Then everything goes black as I sink into deep dark abyss...

'Will they save me?'