Chapter 8: Sky High Academy

Lu Hao said, " Weiyi, you must understand not everything that you've learned about Demis are true. They can be kind, just like us humans. And some of them are just as cruel as humans."

Lu Weiyi, " I don't think so I can live in between of those Demis as a only human here."

Father Lu laughs, "Give it a try atleast. If it's too much let me know."

Lu Weiyi worriedly said, " And what if they try to attack me?"

Father Lu, " There's not a single species of Demi that eat human or drinks their blood.

Yes, they have different nutritional needs than humans but they get their nutrition from small animals in the forest. When they changed to their Demi forms, they go to forest and hunts."

'ohhh.... That's the case, why vampires here are so much different from those movies. Tsk tsk it seems nothing is believable from those movies.'

Lu Weiyi spoke again, "But what about those people they said were attacked by Demis. I've seen the bite marks on their necks, the claws mark down their bodies. Those couldn't be man-made, right?"

Father Lu ignored my question and tried to change the topic.

'Not again, this Old man of original owner is always ignoring my important questions.' Weiyi wanna roll her eyes.

Father Lu, "As for the three young men I've sent to find you..... I want you to meet them properly now "

Lu Weiyi shrugged her shoulders, "well... I'm not sure."

Father Lu, "Don't be afraid. They're good young men."

'Ehh! why does it look like all of them are good and I am the only bad person here, who's slandering them? Whatever'

Father Lu gone to open the door and welcome them as three of them walked in rows.

Father Lu thanks them with a gentle smile, " Boys, first thank you y'all for saving my daughter."

Fu Mobai replied, " We're happy to have been in your service."

Shen Siyu gave him a dirty look and then he again show his flirtirious smile to Weiyi.

'Oh gosh! This strange flower' Weiyi throw a disdain look at him.

Father Lu, " These three are students at my school Sky High Academy."

He put his hand on Jun Yexuan's shoulder and said, "This is Jun Yexuan. As you know his Demi form is a Vampire. Before coming here, he was constantly hunted by those humans. But now here he found a home and he's excellent. He's one of our best students."

Jun Yexuan , " Thank you for your complimentary words Master Lu. Its correct that my family and many other vampires have been forced to be itinerant. I'm delighted to be here, thanks to Master Lu."

'Huh! Why all of sudden it's become so cold? Wasn't it was alright while ago.'

When Lu Weiyi rubbed her hand in her arms and see the expressionless face of Jun Yexuan, she understood the reason of sudden drop of temperature of the room.

His words might seems warm, but he certainly has a cool attitude toward humans. Literally, he's a living example of iceberg, after his coming room temperature seems to decreased. She decides to keep distance from him, this man is dangerous.

Lu Hao moves on to Fu Mobai.

And start to introduce him, "This is Fu Mobai, a Demi werewolf. Mobai is known here at Sky High Academy for being fearless. He may be the bravest young man I know."

Fu Mobai, "Thank you for your kind words, Master Lu."

Father Lu smile and said, " And the last one we have our Shen Siyu, a Demi zombie."

Shen Siyu lick his lips and said to Weiyi, "I eat human, so watch out."

Lu Weiyi rolled her eyes at him with a expression 'as if I'm going to believe you, How childish!'

Father Lu laugh and said , " As you can see, he is trying to be a comedian. But your jokes aren't funny at all. Siyu, you know my daughter isn't used to Demis."

Shen Siyu look apologetic at Weiyi. Lu Weiyi is surprised that this guy know how to feel sorry. She got one thing that he obviously respect her father Lu Hao.

Shen Siyu, " Pardon me, Master Lu."

Father Lu, "Its fine, I know that you were just teasing."

Lu Weiyi spoke, " It's nice to meet you all. I'm indebted to you for saving my life."

Father Lu butt in before they could reply, "Actually, these three will be your bodyguards while you're here. I know that you've had very little contact with Demis, so they'll keep an eye on you until you feel more comfortable here."

"Additionally, there are some Demis in our school who aren't comfortable with humans. These three young men can help you navigate those of situations as well."

'What does that mean? Not comfortable with humans?'

Lu Weiyi wants to refuse having bodyguard, " I'm sure I can manage without bodyguards."

Shen Siyu, "Really? We have a vampire here who hates humans so much that she keeps a human-shaped target in her room to throw knives at."

Lu Weiyi, "Once she gets to know me ---" she'll think twice to say even a word.....

Fu Mobai interrupt her before she could finish, " She'll never want to know you."

'Damn it! atleast let me finish what am saying'

Lu Weiyi said , "But I'm friendly."

While she's smiling mischievously in her mind, and thinking if that girl ever dare to mess with her then she'll give her hard to come by lesson to her.

Jun Yexuan, "However friendly you may appear, the problem remains that you're human."

Lu Weiyi, "Still, I don't think I need bodyguards. I can take care of myself, I'm not a little girl."

Father Lu insists, " I think you better keep them with you all the times. They'll keep you safe."

'So when will I have any privacy? If these annoying people keep following me all the day

then before I got to die in the hands of Demi whatever, I'll be anger to the death by them.'

Lu Weiyi replied, " Whatever. "

Shen Siyu, " We're sacrificing our own time to take care of this human and that's all she can say?"

Lu Weiyi, " What?! Do you want me to bow at your feet instead?"

Jun Yexuan, "I believe that would be a good start."

Lu Weiyi said with a playful smile, "Sure, if you persuade my father to not insist to have you guys as my bodyguard, then I may consider about that. What do you think hmm...?"

Fu Mobai, "Stop it, You two! Leave the girl alone."

Father Lu said with a serious look, " Good, then it's settled. There's one thing I must speak to you about Weiyi. A warning actually."

'What is it now again? As if I don't have enough headache.'

Father Lu, " There's a cruel, rogue human who hunts Demis in the forest around the school."

Fu Mobai said in heavy tone, "The Hunter."

He spits out the name as it it's poison, it surprise the always calm and collect Mobai having such a huge reaction.

Father Lu, " Yes, Mobai. The Hunter. He's very dangerous. You must never go outside of the school wall, he has killed many of our students."

Lu Weiyi, "But isn't he kills Demis, I ought to be safe."

Jun Yexuan, "Or perhaps he only kills Demis because they're readily available."

Shen Siyu, "He might switch his target into human, if he stumbled upon a tasty young thing like you."

Lu Weiyi smile and said nothing.

She have started classes at Sky High Academy from onwards today. She have also been assigned a dorm room.

'Thankfully, I've been given a small single room all to myself. I guess father couldn't find someone to share room with me. It's good for me, since I'm not used to live with someone."

Here all the other students share rooms same as 21st century dorm system.

Lu Weiyi have her first class in afternoon, so she wanna go to her room and fresh up before attending classes.

Here room is located on the second floor of girl's dorm building. It's simple decorative room with furniture similar as from 21st century with attach bathroom.

She unpacked her lagguage and arrange everything and took a bath.

Now, She finally got time to see new look.

Standing infront of the mirror Lu Weiyi saw a girl, having a small pointing nose, red lips, white teeth and smooth fair flawless skin almost translucent. Her skin looks little rosy since she just had hot bath. Her long eyelashes that flutter as she blinks like a cicada's wings and double eyelid eyes and those pair of crystal clear black eyes, that can charms anyone who stares back at it.

Her pure black straight hair that reach upto her waist. With height 173 cm and slender figure with curved much better than model of 21st century.

Lu Weiyi is quite satisfied with her new look.

She smile and admiring her new look 'tsk tsk this looks is much better than my previous look. Although I was one that can be called beauty in my past look but this look can bring down three kingdom .'