Chapter 10: The Hunter

It's a man wearing a black hood and high boots. Then he lift up his hood.

It is a man on his 20's with very handsome features, silk black long hair, dark black eyes, high bridge nose and thin lips.

He's wearing a silver necklace, it's designed a moon, star and a sabar.

'Ehh? Who's he? He doesn't look familiar. I'm sure he's not from school.'

'Should I ran or not? Maybe I can ask him way back to school? hmm...'

Suddenly a thought popped in her head, 'Child shouldn't talk to stranger. It is dangerous.'

'Umm... Yes, that's right. Wait! damn it! Who are you kidding huh? I'm not child. Still it better to run rather than lingering in forest. I could be dangerous stay with a man like him.'

She ran through the forest. Branches are tearing her soft and smooth skins but she didn't seems to care about that.

'I remember now that man must be The Hunter, they're talking about previously. Will he kill me if I got caught? Wait....Wait... That's not right, I'm a human and he's also. It won't benifits him to kill a weak human like me. Then again if he want to silence me Well it better if I able to get myself away from him.'

Lu Weiyi ran faster as she could, but she can hear the heavy footsteps behind. It only mean that man is chasing after her. She really want to cry right now. This situation...she don't know how to describe.

'Oh no! I'm doomed. Fuuu.... I can't ran anymore. My whole body is feeling exhausted.'

She turned her head to check out their distance between. Who knows she will ran straight into a tree the moment she turns around. The strong trunk of tree hits her head hard and she fall back down. The everything goes blacked.

'Not again!!!!' that was Lu Weiyi's last thought before she black out.

Not sure how much time had passed.

She start to gain her consciousness and her long eyelashes flutters as she slowly open her eyes.

'Is he gone?'

But when she turned around she saw him sitting under a tree, a little farther from where she was lying. When she look at him, his face changed.

'Huh? Did he knows me?'

Lu Weiyi, " Who are you? Why were you chasing after me?"

Then only she noticed the scratches and cuts on her arms. They're healing in a speed that can be seen in naked eyes as she watch.

'My body is acting so strangely since the incident. Did my body mutated into some kind??'

She look back at the man again.

The Hunter, "Don't be afraid. I want to help you."

Lu Weiyi raised her eyebrow after hearing him, " How? Like chasing after me? I know y'all very well."

The Hunter chuckle, "Like the vampires know all about you? I didn't mean to chase you, it's you who start running."

Lu Weiyi, "..."

'Fine! It's my fault, running without any warning. Who wouldn't be scared meeting stranger man in middle of forest? For God's sake!!'

Weiyi stand up from ground and dust off from her clothes. Though her head is still throbbing.

Lu Weiyi, " Oh well! How do you know about that."

The Hunter, " I know a lot about your school. Let me lead you back to the school . "

She stare at him suspiciously, trying to find if he's lying or not.

Lu Weiyi asked with doubt, " Really?"

'Since when did this world become so good.'

The Hunter replied with a gentle smile," Yes, I mean lead you to the gate. I won't forced you, you can follow me if you want."

'Well let's follow him, since I lost my direction to way back.'

Lu Weiyi have no choice other than follow him. He looks straight at Weiyi. The sincere eyes is telling her, that he isn't deceiving her.

Lu Weiyi, " Okey, lead the way please."

Then she follows behind him. They walk for a bit and so Lu Weiyi saw that they're at the edge of the forest. Then he suddenly stops in his track.

Lu Weiyi gives him a question look.

The Hunter, " It's better if I don't go any further. You can go back from here, right?" He points his forefinger ahead and Lu Weiyi turns to look at that direction. She canp see the school.

The Hunter, " There's the gate. Are you okey now?"

Lu Weiyi, " Umm... Yes, that's..... Thank you."

The Hunter said with a smile, " I'll come back to see you again."

Lu Weiyi, " Huh?... Wait! What?!"

She was looking at the school gate. When she turned around, there's no shadow of The Hunter left behind as if he was never been present there.

As she walk back to the gate, she saw Shen Siyu was standing there, who knows from when he appeared.

'Wondering if he saw The Hunter or not.'

Shen Siyu, "How stupid are you, human girl."

Lu Weiyi, "Stop calling me that, I've a NAME and that is Weiyi. I've told you multiple times."

Shen Siyu, " And everyone has told you that the forest is dangerous! You're the stupidest person I've ever met."

' You're the stupid one, your whole family is stupid .'

"I couldn't care less if The Hunter killed you, but Mr. Lu wouldn't like it. Let's go!"

He grab Lu Weiyi's wrist but she pulled it back from his grasp.

Lu Weiyi, " I was bored and I need some fresh air to calm myself. Moreover, I've already met The Hunter."

Shen Siyu, " No you didn't.Bored? Are you tired of living or what?"

Lu Weiyi, "....."

' Is that mean, he didn't saw The Hunter? That's good too, it will save me some trouble if he don't know about The Hunter and My encounter."

Lu Weiyi, " I'm fine. Leave me alone, I'm tired."

Shen Siyu, " You're coming with me. I won't lose you again."

Lu Weiyi, " Are you afraid my father will be angry? As much as you hate humans, you seems to love Lu Hao."

Shen Siyu reply with gloomy tone "Mind your own business, human girl."

Lu Weiyi said with her usual signature smile, " Okey! Then leave me alone."

Shen Siyu grabs her wrist and this time she couldn't break away from his grasp no matter what. So left with no choice, she have to go with him.

'Damn! This punk is quite strong, despite of having such skinny body. Ouch it's hurt!

Ufff..... People here are so rude. I miss my previous world.'
