Chapter 1 - Hello

My mother tried to drown me once. My friends poisoned my drink. My teacher almost took my eye out. I've had some life. If you were in any of these situations, I bet it would take only 10 minutes for you to die.

Every human fears death at one point of their life, it's an awareness that one day their existence will end. The end, it's different for many people. No one knows what happened after you're gone. Do you re-live until you become the better version of yourself? Do you immediately look upon the big, pearly, white gates?

Humans have short lives, that's why most of them waste the life given to them, some go the boring way and do normal human stuff. Others, they spend their life rotting away imprisoned because the things they did were wrong to the rest of society.

They're both a waste of time. My opinion is that humans have no need to exist, that's why they're weak and easy to manipulate.

I sometimes wonder why they exist? If I had known, then maybe I wouldn't be here.

The celebration had been going on for hours and the sounds of the feast could be heard from miles around. The clink of glasses and cutlery. Loud and merry laughter. Lights peering through the skylight, different shades of red, purple, yellow, green sparks filled the sky. Even though it was a happy night for the people above, my night was rather - I'm not sure what the words are.

It was pointless really.

So, where did I go wrong? I planned for years, I've done so many things in such a long period. It makes it impossible to make me a murderer.

Humans alway jump to conclusions and once they've decided, which only takes 10 seconds! They become stubborn and never admit their faults, even when they are wrong. I'm still here, over 2000 years later, confused and I have no idea how they did it. At least they only know one thing. Not too much that could end in world domination and the rest of eternity, me a lab rat.

I'm an immortal being, sentenced to a lifetime in prison for the murder of over 60 people during the past 200 years.

This is my path to redemption.

I was put in this prison 2000 years ago, I was a wanted criminal during the early 1700's. I have been running away from the truth, hiding my power from people, trying to live my on going life is a pain. Secrets are something that create suspicion, and once people get suspicious they loose their respect for you.

Before my imprisonment, there was a wanted murderer in the town I lived in, the people questioned my actions and mistook me for the killer. They sentenced me to life time in prison. It's funny how they thought they had won, I couldn't care less. I have the whole of eternity left.

The murderer continued killing innocent people but they had forgotten about me and left me chained up. It's said that they never caught the guy, so here I am. Chained up, underground 2000 years later paying for his crimes because of this stupid curse!

Immortality is a pain.

The sounds chains make are loud, the echo doesn't help at all. My prison is underground, so it smells. The rotting chains, the rats corpse and the sewage water running around the building.

The chains holding me up rusted, and I was able to move around again, a few decades ago. But I couldn't go anywhere, there was another wall in my way. Then, there was a whole other world I needed to reach if I wanted to be free.

"I wonder what it's like up there?"

When your immortal, time feels different. Sure you live longer but everything goes by in a flash. It's opposite to normal people of course, like when they use that expression to show that time moves slowly. 'If you stare at a watched pot, it'll never boil' something like that...

A boiling pot is hot, it'll burn you if you touch it. If it burns you badly it may leave a mark or a permanent burn. If I leave this cell, what scar will burn me? It's been years since I've seen the sun, will that burn me? Being in the real world, it'll just create more problems for me.

I had thoughts like this everyday.

I remember the first time I said hello, after 2000 years. The day is repeated in my head a million times and the feeling never goes away.

I woke up that day or night, I could never tell, to a noise. A loud noise. It echoed throughout the walls, the floor felt as if it was going to spilt. The noise was new to me, but I couldn't help but try to locate the source of this mysterious thing.

I ran to the metal door and searched the prison. The walls around me collapsed, one after the other, and rays of white and yellow followed after the tumbling rocks. My eyes took in the sight but couldn't stand the brightness that filled the room. I had to shut my eyes tight and loose my sight for a while. So I depended on my sense of hearing.

The annoying noise had stopped, the next thing I heard was something I hadn't heard for 2000 years. Had my ears deceived me? A voice. No, human voices!

I was finally going to be free, live a life I had been waiting for! But then that excitement died down. I won't be able to live a normal life. The metal bars still stood tall, barricading me in my cell. What would these people say to me? How did I survive without food? Did I not freeze to my death? How long have I been here? Who am I?

Their footsteps could be heard, multiple of them made their way to me. My heart was racing, I think this is what people experience, a Panik attack. My heart was going to explode. My body felt numb and my head was racing with so many thoughts it felt unreal!

This is it. My secrets out and my life is going to be hell. I prepared for what would happen next.
