A giant clawed deer is in front of me, but I remember, these years were a waste to us, I remember every second swinging samuel, every change I try to make by balancing to improve, every hole made to puncture accurately, I remember it as if It was yesterday, I don't know if it's because of the messages in my head, but this feeling of connection with the world that I hadn't felt years ago, He returned, the deer shakes its claws, body trying to break it in half, I hadn't thought about it but because the deer has claws ?, no no, more important, why as 2 tall adults together ?.
I stop thinking and roll to the left.
The tree behind me breaks like butter.
-So only his speed is not normal huh? - I say with emotion.
Wait, I hadn't thought about it yet, but why am I so calm in this situation? Not if it's my turn, I'm dead? No, no, because I feel emotion?
It stabilizes with the claw where the tree was and tries to tear with its other claw towards me, but returning to the subject, no, wait.
"So I still have things to remember huh?" I say with a bitter smile as I dodge his other claw with a side jump.
I stop thinking and grab samuel from my back.
It is time to fight.
He beats me in speed, but his attacks are still predictable where they are going, I have a momentary advantage if I can reach him, but, the deer realizes that he won't be able to rip me, so.
Just when it roars, I jump forward and do what I've been doing all these years.
To stab
The deer notices my attack, but continues to roar, but uses the only weapon he has not used in all this time, he pounces on me trying to stab me with his horns.
I am in the air stabbing I can dodge it, it is clear that if samuel who is the damage receives that attack he will break, all a quick decision.
I hug Samuel while I turn my back on the deer.
All my bones ache from the impact, but while I'm in the air feeling my blood fall, I realize that before it hurt more, the deer tries to insert its horns in me, but before that I grab the horn in my armpit, I give myself turn around and stab samuel into his skull.
My spear fails.
-My spear fails wait! ??? -
-Hugh!? -
The deer notices it and rocks its head tightly until I look like a rag as I try not to let go, but in the end I can't resist and let go.
This time I do not attack myself in the air, I fall to the ground.
"Damn, would it hurt less if you attacked me wise?" I say to the deer who is watching me while he waits.
That waits?
Sure, he's waiting for his friends to call with that roar.
-OOOOOOOUUUUUUH !!!! - Sounds in the distance approaching.
-Let's see I'll call you Fang, are you ready, samuel? - I ask samuel as I watch Fang get into position for another tackle, I don't see how other 2 Fangs arrive.
-3vs2 that's not fair did you know? - I say as I take off my shirt bloody from the blood on my back.
I lower my head to chest height, putting my weight forward, my feet pointing diagonally left and right, samuel pointing towards the floor.
-Now if you bastards I just wanted to talk and they try to kill me, so I will kill them and cook and then exterminate their entire race- I say with hatred, that it is not hatred, only that its meat seems juicy with so much muscle.
But why do you ask this strange position? It is as clear as my head said, the spear art of the mountain sage, this time if I remember, as I had no one to teach me, try to develop a spear art that would optimize the Defense damage, because after all, I have no one to practice defense, so I thought, who is more aggressive than someone who tackles you regardless of his life?
I run towards fFng 1 which is still in tack position, Fang 1 of course sees my attack so he starts running with his horns towards me, but this time before hitting me, I move my foot to the left and with the force with which he came running I use it to roll on my left leg to change my direction thus being next to Fang who tried to tackle me, and in this position without losing the energy gained from running, I stab his neck hard.
Samuel crawls on his neck with difficulty, but the distance of one arm on his neck is enough to make him bleed, the downside is that it makes him mad.
I rip samuel from his neck, and the blood comes out like a waterfall, good to have a great body it is normal that there is so much blood.
- I could fill a pool with that! -
As I think I could do with so much blood I don't realize and get another tackle from Fang 2.
-AHHHG- I scream with emotion
While I'm falling the Fang 3 tries to tear me apart with its claws, so I swing samuel against his sharp nails, using the force of his attack, with samuel I use his nails to swing and as you imagine, throw me to the ground violently.
-curse - I say as I try to remember more insults to take out my pain.
As I do so the 3 Fangs surround me.
My whole body hurts, why do I feel that those statistics I uploaded keep me alive?
Or was I always handsome and tough could that be too
-I have no other huh- I say with resignation
-I wanted his skin without damage-
I have to remember
I was avoiding her since I woke up.
I knew it
That if I remember my life in the quiet mountain would end
"Shit," I say as I lift my head through clenched teeth
Time seems to stop
I look at the sky
and remember