Cap 9 – The Eart

Control the time…

I was able to stop it when I managed to get the meaning of time, playing with the flow of future time has been quite entertaining, but this will only help me for the different futures, one that has given me many ideas of how to get out of this, but still I can add time to this life by making myself a person who lives forever as long as time itself exists, the problem behind it

Is that I occupy a base

And if my base is a half dead body

It doesn't help

I occupy turning back the time of my body except for my memories

So come back healthy as a stone

And then with that I can forge my body into something eternal

But to train to go to the past and thus be able to control time itself

I occupy going back and seeing the flow of my past until it ceases to exist, thus understanding how time goes back to the past and imitating the flow and disseminating it to find its origin, and thus having the power to travel to the past, future and present.

But when he got this idea it was a long time ago

I've been putting it off out of reluctance

I can remember my past

But seeing it is something else

It's not that I'm scared or terrified of the past

It is that when I return to the past I will relive the death of my beloved

And that makes my mind shake


That is the time I have had to decide

I have tried to reach the pinnacle of time in different ways, it is clear that I can continue

But without the past tense my ideas become more complicated, which always use time itself.

After hesitating for a long time

I have A IDEA

Instead of seeing the past time going backwards, I will see it flowing forward, with the conception when traveling to the beginning I will capture the past and when seeing all my past I will take that meaning and I will turn it into the past itself, since my meaning of time is to be one with time, in good theory I am right in saying that if I understand the past itself, the concept of past in time will be more easily formed with just a time of meditation.

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense.

I started to doubt, but before I regretted it, I made my view of time begin to recede, the river of time changed to flow in the opposite direction, everything around me changed, my body stopped in time disappeared to only remain my view of the past time, my past, ignore my past, I will focus on that later, put all my attention on the river of time flowing in reverse.

The river in time goes in reverse, but it does not change in the slightest, that means that no matter in which direction time flows, it will always be time, it will never change to something non-existent, so it gives me doubt

When was time created and how?

I am doubtful, but I checked my MaTime posture and just going back to my past and that giant ocean was running out, so I'll leave it as a note for the future.

I had an Epiphany, I remembered one of the notes I wrote about the mana itself

If mana is the will of the world, and our will controls the will of the world, we can take the world as an individual who has a will.

As if it were a flame, my whole mind was filled with thoughts about a world

An individual with a will

The will to create what we imagine and what we feel

Our wishes reflect what we see and what we feel

Our eyes show what we think we see

Our thoughts turn to what we want


What is a reality?

Each person is a world, I remember a man in my world saying such a thing


Everything around you and everything you believe and feel

Every thought

Every action

Every feeling

The reality we see

What we believe is real

In my mind, leaves of a book turn around echo in the distance

My world

My reality

My existence

The time stops

All my thoughts are full of emotion

I have an idea to create mana

I have an idea to get to the pinnacle

I turn my eyes to stopped time

What surrounds me is a hospital room, but the machines are not from the time of the world in which I live, they seem strange to me, but at the same time familiar.

I look back at the doctors around my mother, my father is on a chair next to the bed.

They seem strange to me after so long, but at the same time my mind feels at home around them

Crying of a baby resounds in the room

My previous body

Agito Sidero

My name in two completely different worlds

And which one am I in?

Is clear

The earth


My childhood was normal, living with my family until I reached the appropriate age for education.

Time keeps flowing

They taught me the core subjects with a little advanced math and how to connect with a machine,

If from childhood a chip is inserted into the brain in children which is incorporated with an impenetrable AI that learns with the child and is used as memories and to make operations and simulations easy mind you, from the beginning they show us different types of plants and meats and other types of food, then they show us recipes so that the chip remembers it, for our future use.

This not only helps the chip, but also the child to be in school and socialize and learn different things to survive and live.

Then they teach us martial arts and different types of weapons to select

Thus, choosing an art and a weapon to improve their whole life, so that children do not make hasty choices, they are given all the corresponding information in case they want to change weapons and martial art in the future.

With the routine of learning things, eating, playing or entertaining, socializing and living with the family, training the body, sleeping.

We continue to flow until I enter higher education, I observe how they gave me to choose multiple careers to choose, to one that my grades were average, in this Asian country they gave us the option to choose any career regardless of your qualifications to pursue your dreams .

Of all the ones I saw, I was only interested in one


Normally this career would not exist in higher education

But this career was created 1 year ago in a union of multiple careers of creation of planetary protectors, as well as of massive and small arms, as well as science of mechanical creation, thus creating a career that allows you to graduate, have the basic knowledge To create anything that is proposed to you, which in itself is crazy, this year we will try to implement it to see if it has results, but do not hesitate.

With this choice, time shook, I saw a wave creating from my past choice, influencing the future in a new direction that I already knew.

A bitter smile forms in my mind

I still remember what my mind was thinking

Looking for an impossible answer

I still haven't found her after all

Even with all this almost eternal time that I've experienced

My past self enters the class in which the only crazy students are to choose such a career without a future in which they were guinea pigs

A Man and a Woman

There were only 3 of us in the class

Only 3 people bet their future

The man saw me enter and laughed in response to my greeting

-Ahahaha, you were in the wrong class or are you sane enough to like me, tell me which one are you? - looks at me still laughing

I laugh and walk over and hold out my hand

-Agito Sidero, I tell you not to question my sanity in our first talk that sounds ugly- I say as I scratch the back of my head

- Sure it only confirmed, seeing that you did not leave, I imagine that you also chose mechanics, no? -

-Yes- I say dryly

-AHAHAHAJ that's how I like it boy, a man with balls, because my name is Schmo - he says with a big smile while extending his arms in a big hug

I look back like this the woman and ask

-And how could you call yourself crazy young scientist - I try to say with composure while I laugh

-Aco- He says while looking at me with irritation

-AHAHAJ- I laughed after losing my composure at his gaze

-Well, well Aco, Schmo, let me ask you something interesting- I say as the smile on my face deepens

I see again another wave in time appear silently heading towards the future

I return to see the question that I still cannot find an answer and try to savor its answers once more

- They are alive? -

The expression of the two people stops, after all any sane person would respond with a typical response of

If i'm alive

I am biologically alive

Why are you asking such stupidity?

But for me it has another meaning

I see the two of them fall into deep thought

The first to answer is Schmo

-I will consider myself that I am alive when I die for what I wish- he says, putting a smile on his face and laughing

Aco doubt

But keep squeezing your answer slowly

-When my will is eternal I will feel alive to answer that question- she says with an unbreakable look

My deep smile disappears and my laughter begins to sound throughout the class.

-A group of crazy people, in a crazy class, thinking of doing crazy things, what more can I ask for- I say as I sit in a chair near the other two

Schmo sees me again and says

- And you shake, what is your answer to that question? - He looks at me curiously

I see it again and my smile disappears

I try to squeeze out an answer

My mouth stays open

Looked down

I doubt

-I don't know- I say deeply

I see how the two of them open their eyes in surprise

But then Schmo smiles again

- That sounds fun, don't you think? - he says resisting laughter

This time the wave of time is brewing around the three

-Hey? - my voice resounds in confusion

-Since the three of us will be together for a long time, let's take an oath, we will not do it for our lives, or for our families or even for the world, let's swear by the heavens as witnesses, with the earth as a contract and with our words as signature - Schmo extends his hand in squeeze to both of us as we look at him in confusion

But ignoring us continues

We do not realize it, but the chip of each one records since he said oath

-We will swear that we will find the answer to this question as long as we are alive and our soul exists, as long as any of the 3 of us continue to live in this life or other lives, or for eternity, we will find the answer even if our body disappears, even if our memories disappear Even if our soul has to be broken, we will find the answer-

Solemnly says

-What do they say? - He asks us with his smile

My first thought was that calling him crazy was foolish, it was an insult to call him crazy, if we live another life and reincarnate in a tree as some religions say, we still have to look for that answer, of course it sounds fun, but my instinct said yes I accepted there was no going back.

But don't go into this race following my instincts

-I swear - I say showing my white teeth

I see the river of time heading from where I came

-I swear- Aco's melodious voice sounds next to me

Aco's river of time flows with mine

-I swear - Schmo says with another smile

Schmo's river of time unites the three of us and takes us to a different timeline

Every little action brings a reaction and changes the path in time affecting the future

Time is flowing again

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