The place where our dreams live. Part two.

The house we were in was too beautiful. I didn't know what kind of place it was, but the comfort awakened the writer in me. 

The warm climate and the singing of different birds along with the sounds of the sea made me fall in love with life even though I had no idea where I was. 

Leon kept exploring the neighborhood, but I knew he wanted to drop everything and run to that beach in front of our house. 

"This whole thing is weird. Don't you think?" he asked.

"It's weird, but it's so beautiful here. And what are we going to do here?" 

"It's a real kidnapping." 

"Come on. We need to figure out where we are," I said and wanting to see the sea sooner, I walked out of the house. 

There was still no one around. The sun was shining brightly. The palm trees stretched upwards, sometimes covering us from the heat. The paths of sand and small stones felt good through my shoes, and I wanted to take everything off and feel the warmth.