The place where our dreams live. Part four.

"How long have we been walking? I feel like this boy just cheated us," I said, feeling the pain in my feet after an hour of walking. And with each step forward through the forest, my shoes were becoming unsuitable for walking on the small rocks. But Leon was as superhuman as ever, never complaining about such things. 

"We've been cheated out of everything, Skye," he muttered quietly. 

"Do you blame me for everything?" 

"What? Why would you think that?" 

"Because of me, you're in this place now and who knows where we'll be next. I got you into all this," I said, feeling ashamed for the first time. 

Leon smiled and shrugged, but said nothing. 

We walked on in silence. 

After another hour of walking, I began to admire the nature. Again, it was too beautiful to be true.