
"What? Why do I need you?" I asked, wondering why he was suddenly asking me that.

"Yes. Why do you need me? Don't tell me it's about simple friendship or support."

"You know, I need you because I don't have anyone in this world with whom I can fully be myself. Yes, I have a brother now, but I don't know him at all. And I need you so that I always know who I am and why I'm here. I understand myself better with you. You do? I can see my reflection in your eyes more clearly than in a mirror. And besides, I just feel comfortable with you. You're right, it's not friendship or support. It's just what's happening at the moment. It's just what's meant to be."

I think I answered correctly, even though I had so many words in my head, but if I went on, I probably wouldn't be able to stop.

"I knew that's what you would answer."

"But then why did you ask that?"