Meanwhile in the mortal realm, the Earth king was extremely worried. He had always a man of ambition. He hoped that one day, he would be taken seriously just like the other kings. He had worked hard all these years to gain fame and respect across the three realms. Time was fleeting in the mortal realm. He was no longer in his prime. He knew he had to find a way to make the mortal realm king of all the other realms.

He just feared that after all these, his sons would not be able to keep the legacy alive. He was the only king of the mortal realm. No one dared to question his his decisions. The sects in the mortal realm were divided into four sects. Lotus Sect reigned supreme over all the other three sects. Royals from the palace all studied at the Lotus Sect. In other to become the Earth king, many royals attended the Lotus Sect.

The Lotus sect had only rule. Attaining purity. Disciples of the lotus sect were supposed to have a pure heart being detached from worldly emotions just gods in the heavenly realm.

The Sect leader of the Lotus sect was no other than Bai Lian. She was known to be a pure hearted naive woman. Many people in the mortal realm adored her and worshipped her. They said her good deeds could outmatch the heavenly king himself. Little did the mortals know she was no other than the Goddess of Virtue. Her position had enabled her to open a sect in the mortal realm, teaching mortals to change and abandon evil.

"The world is in chaos. Good and evil work in accordance to the will of nature. Death and rebirth are predestined and time is fleeting. All of you must be ready. When you encounter a demon, do not be in a haste to act without judgment." Bai Lian said talking to the disciples.

"Yes Master!"

"Good. Continue with your training then." Bai Lian said.

Demons had started running rampant. The heavenly realm would never interfere easily with mortal realm's matters. It was now up to the Lotus sect to keep the peace of the mortal realm.

"Sect Leader, everything has been arranged." Jiu Bao said

Just as the heavenly realm had a sect to keep the peace of the mortal realm, the dark realm also had a sect in the mortal realm. The Raven Sect.

They helped carry out the desires of the dark realm. The leader of the Raven Sect was no other than Lord Chaos. She had always been great at carrying out missions. Bringing chaos to the mortal realm was her forte.

Lord Chaos had always enjoyed being free. Here in the mortal realm, she could have as much fun as she wanted. The Raven sect was extremely harsh on its disciples. There was no room for failure in the Raven sect.

"Jie Nan." She heard someone call her name. Lord Sly was her junior. He would never dare to call her by her first name.

Could it be him? She stood up, searching outside her cultivation room but didn't see anyone. Suddenly, a tinge of pain hit her. It must be him.

Lord Pain appeared. He had been watching her for days. Lord Chaos was an eccentric woman. It had been quite a surprise when he had found out she was cultivating so he decided to come see her.

"Tell me Lord Pain, why did you come see me? Did you miss me?" Lord Chaos asked circling him.

She had tried so many times to seduce him but failed. He thought she would have given up by now. Seems he was wrong. Not that he didn't enjoy it, he just knew he couldn't make her happy. He was a boring man who only cared about making the dark realm great.

"Don't play around. I came here for official matters." Lord Pain said

Few minutes later, they sat down. Lord Chaos didn't care if he came for official matters or not, she was just happy he was here. Pouring a cup of his favorite wine, she waited anxiously for him to drink it.

"No need. I'm not here to drink. I came here to tell you to keep a close eye on the Earth king. You know he has always been an ambitious man." Lord Pain said

A tinge of disappointment hit her. He was truly not here for her. Many years had passed. She had tried every trick in her book to make him fall in love with her. Now, she was getting tired.

"The Earth king wouldn't dare betray us. He studied in the Raven sect. Besides, you know our rules. All our disciples have been poisoned. They have to be obedient if they want the cure." Lord Chaos said

Back in the palace, the Earth king anxiously waited for news. The time of the month was approaching. Very soon the poison would act up. The leader of the royal guards appeared holding a box.

"Did you get it? What did they ask for in return?" The Earth king asked

"Lord Chaos said that you should not delay the finding of the Orane Flower" He said

"Orane? I have never of such a flower? Where are we supposed to find it?" The Earth king asked

"The Orane flower is a rare flower that grows in the Lotus sect. They say the flower was planted by the Nature Guardian herself. As for what they want it for, I don't know" He said

"If it is in the Lotus sect, then it will be near impossible to get it. Lotus sect doesn't allow outsiders insiders. Besides I never went to Lotus sect. Call me Princess Jiu Bao." The earth king said.

Princess Jiu Bao was the next Sect Leader of Lotus sect. She had come a long way since she arrived at Lotus sect. Many royals schooled at either Lotus or Raven sect.

"First sister. Someone from the palace is here to see you." Xie Bai said

My father. The Earthly king. Being the first princess, I have always carried a lot of responsibilities. My father had schooled at Raven sect. Raven sect had been mysterious to the world.

"Let him in" Princess Jiu Bao said walking out of her cultivation room.

"Greetings Princess" The head of the royal guards said paying respect.

He was extremely worried about the earthly king. The earthly king was an ambitious man. He would do anything in order to attain great fame and respect despite his status. The dark king gave him no respect causing the earthly king to go mad with ambition. Today he was here to convince Princess Jiu Bao to help her father. Raven sect had sent medicine to suppress the poison but if the earthly king didn't fulfill their demands, they wouldn't send another.

But Princess Jiu Bao was a pure hearted girl. It was no surprise to the world when she was chosen to succeed the current sect leader. Her sword skills were renowned plus she was young genius.

"Princess, your father has message for you. He..." The head of the royal guards stopped when someone entered.

"What does the earthly king want from first sister?" Princess Su Ying said entering.

Surely they were here to take advantage of first sister. In order to become the next earth king, many royals claimed to be saints and entered Lotus sect. Except their first sister who was truly a pure hearted person. That's why she had entered Lotus sect. To protect her first sister.

Princess Jiu Bao shook her head. She had suspected her fourth sister would show up when she found out that her father had sent someone. Her fourth sister was a person with strong character. She would not allow herself to be bullied. Plus she was impulsive.

"Fourth sister, don't be rude." Princess Jiu Bao said

"What? The earthly king is just trying to take advantage of you." Princess Su Ying said

"Princess, the earthly king was worried about all of you. Princess, don't always be at odds with your father" The leader of the royal guards said

"Worried? The earthly king is an ambitious man who only cares about attaining power and fame" Princess Su Ying said.

"And he is willing to do anything to gain it" she added thinking.

Truthfully, she missed those days. Before they became the royal earth family. Back then her father was just a prince. They had lived peacefully. But when her father began to desire the throne, he changed. Abandoning family and forgetting kinship.

He had formed an alliance with the dark realm who helped him get the throne. But at the cost of her mother who had been his first wife. The new earthly queen was a princess of the dark realm. Of course she was pure evil and had tried so many times to get rid of her and her sister but she had failed.

Now, he was back again. Trying to destroy the peace they had worked hard for. Her and her first sister had come to the Lotus sect in order to escape from their father.

"First sister, don't worry. I will not allow father to use you" Su Ying said

Princess Jiu Bao shook her head. Her little sister had grown up.