"How dare you?" Su Ying said beating a unknown man she met on the street. Earlier today, she had decided to go down from the sect. The Lotus sect building was shaped like a lotus and it was admired because it had been built on water. All the disciples of the Lotus sect knew how to swim. This was because it was not easy to leave the Lotus sect building nor attack it.

She had to swim a lot of distance to shore. Although she loved staying in the Lotus sect, it could sometimes be boring. For the first time in nearly a month, she was able to leave the sect to come down and play.

Just as she was playing around on the road, she saw man selling a copy of the book of legends. The book of legends was an ancient book that held descriptions of all the gods and demons. She had a copy earlier but her master had siezed it. The odd thing was that the book of legend was forbidden in the Lostus sect. Smiling in a daze, she opened the book admiring the gods in the heavenly realm. Everyone aspired to ascend into a god but the process was very difficult.

Her master had always wanted her to take her cultivations seriously saying that she would make a fine god but what her master didn't know was that she had no plans of ascending. No. There was just so many rules. One would have to give up worldly matters, be distant to the world.

Su Ying wanted to leave her life to the fullest. Fighting evil and bringing justice. After she was done buying the book of legends, she started heading back to the sect happily. Her first sister would be happy to see this book.

Just when she was heading back, three men come out of nowhere to block her path. Su Ying sighed out loud. Her master would soon start looking for her.

"Who look we have here? Its such a beautiful girl who is all alone" One of the men said

All of them were dressed like beggars. Maybe they wanted money. Su Ying searches through her money pouch looking for money to give them. Just when she was about to give them, she was shocked that one of them had already stood in front of her grabbing her hand.

"See, she has a lot of money. What else do you have?" The man said laughing.

Damn! She had changed out of her sect uniform. Maybe they wouldn't have been so daring if she was wearing her sect uniform.

"Listen, if all you want is money, I can give you all the money I have. But I have to be on my way, I am a member of the Lotus sect" Su Ying said and they started laughing.

The other two men moved forward and tried to grab her but she dodged making both of them hit each other. She tried hard to free herself from the first man but to no avail. She decided to do something drastic. Kicking him below the belt, she pushed him down on the other two men before he could recover and ran away.

She would have used her magic but Master had always said that they were not allowed to use their magic on petty things. Yes, to her, this was a petty thing.

Walking to the sea side, she could see the sect though it was so far away. In order to come out, she had to swim. This was because she didn't want to draw attention. Those men may soon stand up and she didn't want them to catch up with her.

Using her magic, she was a able to start flying. Lotus magic required you to be calm and focus. She had to calm her racing heart in order not to fall into the water. When she landed, she turned back facing the shore. Those men were still nowhere to be seen. Sighing, she turned to enter the Lotus sect gate which was very big by the way.

The gate opened by itself leaving her dumbfounded. While she was still in shock, two disciples walked out behind her master. Bai Lian was already tired of looking for Su Ying. Su Ying was her fourth disciple. She saw potential in Su Ying and knew she would make a great god in the heavenly realm. Too bad that brat was not willing to learn. Today, she would have to put her foot down to stop her nonsense.

Bai Lian saw Su Ying standing there in shock. Signaling to the two disciples behind her, they came forward holding Su Ying. Su Ying's shock ended with she felt one arm holding her. Oh boy, she was in deep trouble. Her master would not surely not let her off.

"Master." Su Ying said smiling

"Carry Su Ying to the punishment hall immediately" Master Bai Lian said

"Master! Master!" Su Ying said begging her master.

After they had locked her in the punishment hall, Su Ying felt like her body was on fire. According to legends, the lotus sect punishment hall, had a fire and ice dragon under it. The fire was immerse and Su Ying had to do her best to use her ice magic in time. Just after she had sighed in relief, the room temperature changed.

She struggled to sit in the middle of the room. On the floor in the center of the room was a lotus pattern. The punishment hall was barely decorated. The walls were decorated with two dragons crossing each other. The candles in the punishment hall made it easier for her not to feel afraid.

Using lotus magic, Su Ying decided to mix both spells to quell the temprature. Bai Lian couldn't concentrate on what the disciples were telling her.

"Master, you should go and check on fourth sister. It is obvious you cannot concentrate because you are worried about her" Xie Bai said

"Master, second little brother is right. We all know her level is not enough." Jiu Bao said

"No. It will be her fault if she cannot handle it. I have tried my best to train all four of you. She takes her cultivation too lightly" Bai Lian said trying to hide her concern.

Xie Bai smiled to himself. It was obvious master was worried. Oh that foolish girl! How could she allow herself to be caught? In the past he had often protected and helped her. This time wouldn't be an exemption.

Sneaking away from his master, he heads to the punishment hall. Opening it, he sees Su Ying sitting in the middle of the room. He rushes to her and finds her face was already pale. Her cultivation was too low to deal with the dragons. The dragons will feed on your life force causing you to lose most of your life. You would have to use your inner energy to supress them.

Sitting down behind her, Xie Bai summons his inner energy and transfers it to her. Su Ying's color was returning back causing Xie Bai to sigh in relief. Grabbing Su Ying's shoulders, Xie Bai rests her in his arms. She was still not yet conscious. Xie Bai didn't want to disturb her from her cultivation but it felt good to have her in his arms.

Just as Xie Bai was starting to enjoy the feeling, the doors open causing him to block his eyes from the bright light. Master Bai Lian looks inside and sees Xie Bai holding Su Ying. She was very well aware that Xie Bai had feelings for Su Ying.

"Master." Xie Bai said making Su Ying sit up well.

"Xie Bai, what are you doing here? Go the hall of emotions to receive your punishment" Bai Lian said

Xie Bai was puzzled. Could it be that master knew he loved Su Ying? Not wanting to confront her, he left without a single comment.

Bai Lian shook her head not wanting to think of the many problems in her sect. Falling in love was not a crime nor was it forbidden but they were her first four disciples. She took time to train them personally. All of them would have to transmigrate into gods one day.

Su Ying woke up later in the night. In the past she would be severely injured. Where was she? Looking around, she recognizes the place as her room. In the center was a coal furnace which must have helped her recover. Su Ying gets up from bed and walks towards the coal furnace. Healing coal. Only high disciples like the four of us could get healing coal.

Who brought the coals to her room? Maybe it was her first sister. Just as her mind kept on wandering, her first sister enters inside carrying a tray of food.

"Fourth sister, you are finally awake. Here. I brought you some food. I know you must be weak." Jiu Bao said

"Thank you. Second brother?" Su Ying asked

Jiu Bao didn't want to tell Su Ying the truth. If she knew Xie Bai was taken punishment in the hall of emotions, she would rush there immediately. Master would definitely punish Su Ying again.

"He went out on a mission." Jiu Bao said

"He didn't even think to bring me along? Second brother is going to get it from me" Su Ying said

Meanwhile, Xie Bai was sweating profusely while struggling to contain his emotions. The hall of emotions was far worse than the punishment hall. The aura in it would cause you to fall into an illusion seeing the one thing that you love.

It was like a reliving a nightmare. The more emotions you feel, the more pain you would still feel.

Xie Bai spat out blood because this own nightmare had a name, Su Ying. The little sister he loved but didn't notice him. Slowly he felt something moving across his body causing him more pain. He couldn't endure any longer causing him to fall on the ground unconscious.