"You are here again. Don't tell me you came to see me" Lord Chaos said walking around Lord Pain who was sitting down.

"Don't be unruly. I came on behalf of the dark king to see how the Raven sect has been doing" Lord Pain said coldly.

Just as Lord Chaos was about to say something, Tingzhe entered the room. Tingzhe stopped in his tracks when he saw Lord Pain. Not out of fear but because of the complicated relationship they had.

"Tingzhe, what is it? Can't you see whose here? Hurry and greet him" Lord Chaos said hating the tension in the air between them. They were father and son after all.

"Greetings Lord Pain" Tingzhe said purposely avoiding calling him father.

Lord Pain stood up from his chair slowly. All these years he had seen him grow up. Day by day he was convinced that Tingzhe was his son but Lord Chaos refused to admit to him who was he was Tingzhe's father. Just as he was about to touch Tingzhe's hand, Tingzhe stood up.

"Mother, I can see you are busy. I will come back later. Respectfully taking my leave" Tingzhe said leaving before they could even utter a single word.

After Tingzhe left, Lord Chaos closed her eyes in despair taking a deep breathe.

"Are you never going to tell me the truth?" Lord Pain asked

"What do you mean?" Lord Chaos asked playing innocent.

"Now is not the time for your games! Tell me. Is Tingzhe my son? I have asked you so many times over the years but you always played with it." Lord Pain said

"Do you need someone to tell you? Can't you see he resembles you so much?" Lord Chaos said

"No. I need you to answer me! Is Tingzhe my son? Is he?!" Lord Pain said shouting. Before he could realize, Lord Chaos slaps him hard across his face.

"Don't come here to my sect and shout out me! You are the one who left me all alone when I got pregnant! Whether you decide to acknowledge him as your son or not is none of my business! We did just fine before. We will continue being fine without you. Now, get out. Get out!" Lord Chaos said pushing Lord Pain through the door.

After he had been pushed through the door, she fell down crying. She, the sect leader of the Raven sect was crying like a baby. Lord Pain inhaled when he heard her crying. It broke his heart.

"Lord Chaos, stop crying. It's my fault. I didn't think at all before saying something so stupid. Please forgive me." Lord Pain said

"Get out. I don't want to speak to you." Lord Chaos said

"Chaos,....." Lord Pain started

"Didn't you hear her? She doesn't want to speak with you. Go away" Lord Sly said

"Sly, how dare you? Don't meddle in matters that don't concern you." Lord Pain said

"What? Haven't you caused her so much pain? I know that's your speciality but how can you do it to the woman you love?" Lord Sly asked

"You!" Lord Pain said wanting to hit Lord Sly. Taking in a deep breathe, he turned away.

"What? You don't like hearing the truth?" Lord Sly asked

"Chaos, I will be back. You take care" Lord Pain said walking away.

Turning back to Lord Pain's room, Lord Sly doesn't say anything. Sitting down outside her door, he could hear her crying and it broke his heart. He had watched them move back and forth with their love story while hurting each other.

"Lord Sly, time to go" His bodyguard said.

Getting up, he put his hand on the door still hearing her crying before he left.


"Don't you ever challenge me in front of Fengge!" The heavenly king said to the god of ice.

"Don't you ever dare hurt Fengge that way again. Heavenly king, you better take a step back. You don't want to cross me" The ice god said

"Enough! Both of you people are brothers. You cannot keep fighting like this. From the way you two are going, the secret will be exposed in no time" The fire god said

"The ice god obviously doesn't know his limit. I am the heavenly king and I will not allow him to disrespect me just like he did before!" The heavenly king said

"Really? You may be the heavenly king but I am your older brother and the first son of the late heavenly emperor! And as far as respect goes, did you give me any respect when you decided to marry your older brother's fiancée while he was in cultivation?" The ice god asked

"Enough. I advise that you people stop here. Let's leave the past in the past. Fengge will be leaving the heavenly realm to investigate the flower the mortal king is looking for. I think the best way would be for him to enter the Raven sect." The fire god said

"No! There is no way I will allow Fengge to cultivate dark magic" The heavenly king said.

"Heavenly king, I advise you to take a step back. The heavenly realm has no successor apart from Fengge. Besides Fengge listens to you. If you instruct him not to practice dark magic, he wouldn't" The fire god said

Fengge knelt down as he received the heavenly king's decree. What did his father have in store for him?

"The heavenly king's decree. Crown prince, Fengge shall go down to the mortal realm to find the Orane flower before the mortal king." The fire god said as Fengge stood up.

"Yes Father. I shall make I don't fail my mission. I shall make sure I bring back the flower back to the heavenly realm" Fengge said

Maybe his father would stop being mad at him after he brings back the flower. The fire god walked closer standing beside him.

"You will have to enter through the Raven sect. The mortal king is from the Raven sect. That is the only way to know everything that is happening but be careful, the three lords of the dark realm are very smart and not to be underestimated" The fire god said watching Fengge as he knelt down to thank him. The poor boy. He always looked forward to pleasing his father without holding grudges. Too bad the heavenly king didn't even regard him as a son.


The mortal realm was truly a place of temptation. No matter how many times he visited it, he never got tired of visiting the mortal realm. Too bad he was here to look for the immortal flower and not to have fun. Stopping at a junction, Fengge looked at the two paths. It was easy to tell which of the two paths lead to the Raven sect. Just as he was about to take the path that had been desolated and abandoned, he heard people passing by and decided to hide.

Su Ying sang happily while passing with her second brother and her third sister. They had succeeded once again in their mission. Master would surely be happy with them. Unable to contain her happiness, she kept on jumping around her third sister, Huiqing.

"Look. We finally defeated those demons. Master will surely be happy and reward us." Su Ying said shaking Huiqing's hand.

Just as they were about to take the other path, Xie Bai stopped them.

"Whose there?!" Xie Bai asked drawing his sword.

Fengge sighed. They were obviously cultivators from the Lotus sect. He was here to join the Raven sect. Seems like having a confrontation could not be avoided. Coming out slowly, he looked at them closely. Each of them had a good level of cultivation even though they were not enough to spar with his.

"Who are you?" Huiqing asked

"Fellow cultivators, I am not here to fight." Fengge said

"Then why are you going to the Raven sect?" Su Ying asked

Just as Fengge was about to answer, he suddenly remembered. She was the crazy girl that they had been watching on the god of fate's mirror. He would have to quickly avoid her.

"Why I am going to the Raven sect is none of your business. I better get going. I bid you farewell" Fengge said

"Hey, brother. You obviously don't know. The Raven sect is known for their evil and heartless practice. You do not look like a demon. You better be careful. How about this, take this fire tube with you. If you run into any danger while you are there, just blow it and we will receive your signal" Xie Bai said

"Hey second brother! Every man is responsible for himself. Since he is so determined in going there, we should not bother wasting time on him." Su Ying said

"We are cultivators. It is our duty to help the weak and protect the innocent" Xie Bai said

"Disciples from the Lotus sect are truly role models for all fellow cultivators. Upright and brave. Thank you for your offer. However I don't think I will need anyone to save me" Fengge said leaving

"Arrogant!" Su Ying said watching him leave