"He's going to pay. He's going to pay! That stupid good for nothing!" Jiayi shouted clearing the things on her table.

Never in her life had she been humiliated like this. Not only did that stupid demon refuse her, Tingzhe had embarrassed her.

Suddenly her door opened and Lord Sly entered the room. Her master. Ever since she was little, she had always had a close bond with Lord Sly. Since they were both snake demons, her father had entrusted her lessons to Lord Sly.

Lord Sly had been on his way to the dark court when he heard things crashing to the ground from Jiayi's room. Out of worry, he rushed into her room to find her extremely angry.

"Don't tell people you are my disciple." Lord Sly said picking up the teapot Jiayi had thrown on the ground.

Jiayi turned her face to the other side scoffing.

"Master, I am in an extremely bad mood. Now is not the time to make me angry" Jiayi said making Lord Sly smile.

"I am not here to make you angry. Tell me. What is making you angry?" Lord Sly said

"Its that stupid Tingzhe. Master, you have to help me get rid of him." Jiayi said touching Lord Sly's hand.

"All in due time, remember? But for now, stay away from Tingzhe because of your uncle." Lord Sly said dropping Jiayi's hand.

"I can't stand this any longer! Master, you promised me that you would be quick in surpassing my uncle. While our plans are on hold, that annoying Yang Han is winning over all the demon generals." Jiayi said getting angry.

"Ssshhh. Keep your voice down. What if someone hears you?" Lord Sly asked

"I don't care! I don't care! I don't care!" Jiayi said hitting her hand on the bed.

Lord Sly stayed quietly for sometime looking at Jiayi. She was still too impulsive.

"Okay. Don't get angry. Didn't master promise you? You will become crown princess. Trust me and stay calm Jiayi." Lord Sly said talking so close to their face. His mouth, a few inches from hers.

"Okay. I will trust you master but don't disappoint me. I am counting on you master." Jiayi said touching Lord Sly's hair as he closed his eyes.

Shifting forward, she drew closer wanting to kiss him when Lord Sly shifted away

"I have to go. Your father may be looking for me." Lord Sly said

"No master. Don't reject me. I already feel bad as it is." Jiayi cried.

"Okay. Stop whining. You have other things to do in order to work on our goals. For example, Fengge." Lord Sly said arranging his hair.

"I don't know where the fool is." Jiayi said, her attitude changing.

"Well, I know. He's in the Raven sect." Lord Sly said

"What? What do you mean?" Jiayi asked standing up.

"Yes. He infiltrated the Raven sect. Your father is worried about this matter. In fact, I was in my way to attend a meeting concerning this matter." Lord Sly said

"What! Master, please keep me updated on everything. I will head to the heavenly realm to see what I can find out." Jiayi said as Lord Sly nodded leaving the room.

The heavenly king threw the nearest cup at his side at the God of war angrily.

"What do you mean you failed? You mean to tell me it is now hard for you to kill a naive stupid crown prince?" The heavenly king asked

"Your Highness, the crown prince is ordinary. He is very intelligent and talented. I release the tiger beast as you asked but he was not alone. He was with some fellow demon disciples" The god of war said.

"Stupid! I don't care how it happens. Fengge must die." The heavenly king said making the god of war worry.

It was no secret that the heavenly king didn't like the crown prince. Most gods thought he was just being strict but only few gods knew it went beyond being strict. That he hated the crown prince from the bottom of his soul. If only the crown prince knew, he probably won't stay in the heavenly realm.

Just then, the god of fire arrived entering the hall. Signaling the god of war, the god of war left the hall.

"What was the god of war doing here?" The god of fire said

"Nothing. What are you doing here, junior brother?" The heavenly king asked looking at his junior brother.

"What are you up to now? You better be careful. Don't get the god of ice angry. He is dangerous" The god of fire said taking his seat.

"I am not afraid of him. I am now the heavenly king. And I would rather die than to allow his son take the heavenly seat" The heavenly king said

"But you have no heir of your own. There is no use trying to kill him. If you do that, who will ascend the heavenly throne after you? Think about it" The god of fire said throwing fruit into his mouth.

Fengge sat down trying to regulate his power. Because of Jiayi's venom, his powers had become unstable. Opening his eyes, he saw Tingzhe standing there in front of him.

"Thank you for saving me" Fengge said climbing down from his bed.

"Did Jiayi discover you true identity?" Tingzhe asked

"No. I don't think so." Fengge said rubbing behind his ear.

"Then why did she try to seduce you? No. Don't answer. Jiayi's reputation is very questionable. She is the biggest flirt in the dark realm. Fengge, you better start realizing who your Jiayi truly is" Tingzhe said

"No. Jiayi is not like that. On the second thought, maybe she discovered my identity and tried to test me. She has done so in the past." Fengge said shaking his head.

"You are making stupid excuses for her. Open your eyes. Everyone in the three realms know how big of a slut Jiayi is." Tingzhe said

"No she is not!" Fengge said hitting Tingzhe with his powers.

Tingzhe flew hitting the wall behind him. When he finally landed down, he spat out blood. After watching Tingzhe spit out blood, Fengge rushed to Tingzhe's side.

"Are you okay? Lemme see" Fengge said but was stopped by Tingzhe.

"Don't come near me." Tingzhe struggled to say.

"I didn't mean it. I just lost control of my powers." Fengge said

Just then Yingtai entered the room seeing Tingzhe holding his chest. Rushing to his side, she bent down checking him.

"What did you do to him!" Yingtai asked shouting at Fengge.

"I didn't mean it" Fengge said

"You!" Yingtai said trying to stand up to fight Fengge when Tingzhe stopped her.

"Just take me out of here." Tingzhe said.

Helping Tingzhe up, Yingtai took him out of the room leaving Fengge to feel sad. When she had helped him on her bed, she summoned her power trying to help him heal. The injury had been too severe. Just how powerful was that demon envoy?

When she was through, she left him to go to the kitchen. It was already past lunch time. If any of their demon masters caught her, she would be in deep trouble. Spelling the door, she turned trying to cook some chicken soup for her.

Tingzhe woke up feeling dizzy. His throat was also so dry. Sitting up, he looked round the room remembering everything that happened. That stupid crown prince! He had injured him severely.

Just as he was about to leave, the door opened and Yingtai entered carrying a bowl of soup.

"What are you doing?" Yingtai asked

"Thank you for healing me" Tingzhe said about to leave when she rushed to block him

"Stay! I cooked some chicken soup for you. It will strengthen your body. Plus it has some red demon eggs. It will help you recover your cultivation too" Yingtai said pointing to the red demon eggs.

"Where did you get demon eggs?" Tingzhe asked.

Demon eggs were extremely rare and powerful. The more redder the eggs were, the more effective it was. Yingtai had gotten him the very red eggs. These type of eggs could only be found in one place.

"Don't worry about that. Just come and eat" Yingtai said dragging him to sit.

"Thank you." Tingzhe said picking up the spoon.

Yingtai was extremely happy. Maybe it was because he was injured. But this was the first time Tingzhe had been so gentle with her.

"They are good." Tingzhe said nodding his head.

"If you want, I can make them for you until you recover." Yingtai said blushing.

"No I don't want to bother you. Besides, if you are caught stealing demon eggs, you could be expelled. Promise me. You should never try to steal demon eggs" Tingzhe said

"Yes. I promise. But Tingzhe, why did the demon envoy injure you like this?" Yingtai asked sitting down beside Tingzhe.

"Because of Jiayi" Tingzhe said

"Jiayi? The demon princess? He's in love with her? Is he mad?" Yingtai asked

"I think so. Yes. I am sure he is mad" Tingzhe said.