Huiqing flew across the room landing on the ground but stood up again. This little formation wasn't going to stop her. Using her powers, she tried to figure out where the center of the formation was.

Jiu Bao looked outside at the formation. Huiqing was a smart girl. Jiu Bao knew it wouldn't take long before she cracked the formation.

"Tingzhe, I beg you. Leave. My sister is here. If they find out that a demon is here, they will turn the whole sect upside down" Jiu Bao said.

"So you are worried about me?" Tingzhe asked smiling.

Reaching out for the nearest pillow, Jiu Bao threw it at Tingzhe who started laughing.

"What do you want? To have me chased from the lotus sect?" Jiu Bao asked

"Allow me to explain. To explain what happened that night. After that, I won't disturb you." Tingzhe said

"Fine. Now, get out of here. Now!" Jiu Bao shouted while looking at the barrier. Any minute now and the formation will be broken.

"You better. Or else, next time, I will make a big commotion. Right here in the lotus sect" Tingzhe said

"Yes. Yes. I promise." Jiu Bao said panicking.

Chuckling at Jiu Bao's behavior, Tingzhe disappeared immediately the formation crumbled causing the barrier to disappear. Jiu Bao sighed in relief while holding her chest as Huiqing entered the room.

"Are you okay? First sister!" Huiqing shouted entering the room to see Jiu Bao standing in the center of the room.

"Huiqing, what are you doing? Is there a problem?" Jiu Bao asked gasping for air.

"Why did you erect such a complicated formation? Who were you with just now?" Huiqing asked looking round the room.

"Who told you that? Why are you here?" Jiu Bao asked arranging her sleeves.

Tingzhe appeared in the Raven sect. Just as he was turn, he saw Fengge. Ever isn't that incident, they haven't talked to each other. Besides that naive crown prince injured him because he had told him the truth.

"Tingzhe, can I talk to you? Hope you are no longer angry. I didn't mean it" Fengge said

"No problem. Besides, I am not one to keep grudges. What trouble did you enter this time?" Tingzhe asked looking up at the ceiling.

"What do you mean? I've not entered any trouble." Fengge asked looking confused.

Shaking his head, Tingzhe rolled his eyes at Fengge.

"Speak! What do you want? You are the crown prince of the heavenly realm yet I have to look after you. Such a bother." Tingzhe said making Fengge smile.

To him, Tingzhe was like a kid who had a serious face but a childish heart. Since they were fated to meet, he might as well just enjoy their friendship.

"Please take care of me while I am here!" Fengge said laughing as Tingzhe shaped his head.

"I am not one to meddle in other people's matters but I need to ask since I have made you my responsibility. What are you doing in the Raven sect?" Tingzhe asked smirking as Fengge froze.

Of course. The truth spell. Since he had asked a question, Fengge would have no choice but to answer with the truth. But this naive crown prince. What if he lies again and damages his cultivation base?

Just as Fengge is about to speak, Tingzhe raises his hand to stop him.

"What is it?" Fengge asked

"Forget it. Knowing you, you will prefer to lie and injure yourself than to say the truth. Better you don't talk." Tingzhe said

"I wasn't about to lie. Besides, you treat me well. I trust you." Fengge said

"Do you always trust anyone that treats you well? You shouldn't do that. Some people come around to deceive you. And hurt you" Tingzhe said making Fengge shake his head.

"No. Everyone has a story to tell. Only when you meet them and interact them will you be able to hear that story. The goal of the heavenly realm is to destroy evil and save lives. But I think that should involve everyone. Demon or god" Fengge said

"And what's your definition of evil? Because many gods in the heavenly realm think that all demons are evil." Tingzhe said

"My definition? I think that evil can be demons or gods. Evil can't be pushed to only one race." Fengge said nodding his head.

"Well said. You are right. Anyone can be evil. It shouldn't be pushed only to us because we are demons. There are some demons that are more noble than the gods in the heavenly realm." Tingzhe said

"Good. Since we share the same values, I hope we will be able to work together and bring peace to the four realms." Fengge said

"To the four realms." Tingzhe said.

Jiu Bao's heart raced at the memory of what happened earlier. He had come. To her room. The love of her life. No. He was a demon. Son of Lord Pain and Lord Chaos. He must have come to seduce her so he could get something from her.

Opening the bottle Tingzhe left earlier, she poured the contents on her hand smiling. Pills. Cultivation pills.

"First sister, are you still in love with Tingzhe?" Jiu Bao heard someone say making her freeze.

There was only one person that knew of what had existed between her and Tingzhe apart from her father. Turning her head, she saw Su Ying enter the room. Clenching her hand, she stood up from her bed turning away.

"What do you mean? I am not. Impossible!" Jiu Bao answered immediately making Su Ying chuckle lightly.

"With the way you answered, anyone would definitely question your answer. And you are blushing too." Su Ying said laughing as her sister stomped into the inner chamber.

While she was laughing, Jiu Bao came back throwing a book at her. Her face changed immediately she saw the title of the book. Lotus sect spells. She had always been curious about this book. The book contained all sorts of cultivation techniques that was used in the Lotus sect.

"Instead of laughing, why don't you go and cultivate? It took you a lot of time to enter the level of Martial Expert. Only heaven knows when you will leave that level." Jiu Bao said as Su Ying started throwing her legs up in the air like a little child.

Both of them paused when they suddenly heard commotion outside. Just as they were about to leave to check it out, Xie Bai entered inside.

"Xie Bai, what's wrong? What's happening outside?" Jiu Bao asked extremely worried.

No. He wouldn't dare. Did he really come back to cause a big commotion because she didn't come see him? Her fears became a reality when Xie Bai answered.

"Two demons are attacking us. All the disciples are already outside." Xie Bai said.

"Demons? Are they looking forward to die? How can they think they will win against us in our own sect?" Su Ying asked

"He is mad. He has gone mad." Jiu Bao murmured pacing round the room.

"Who has gone mad? First sister, do you know them?" Xie Bai asked.

"Let's just go and see who they are." Jiu Bao said leading the way as Xie Bai and Su Ying followed.

Fengge increased his powers as the disciples of Lotus sect ran around in circles. They must be preparing for a formation. Fengge looked at Tingzhe who summoned his demon powers wanting to destroy their formation when he saw Jiu Bao arrive with her sister and a man.

"Told you I will be back to cause a big commotion." Tingzhe said smiling.

"You demons are extremely daring. To come here and disturb the tranquility of the Lotus sect" Bai Lian said looking at Tingzhe and Fengge.

All of a sudden, she recognizes Fengge. He was the heavenly crown prince. What was he doing with a demon? Bai Lian wasn't the only one who was able to recognize someone.

Fengge looked down and also recognized Bai Lian. The goddess of virtue. Of course. Its now made sense to him. After his formal coronation back then, Fengge noticed that certain gods had disappeared from the heavenly realm. Seems like she had become the sect leader of the lotus sect.

"Too bad I am not in the mood to kill anyone today. I just want one person. Her. She must come with me" Tingzhe said

"First sister will not go anywhere with you, you demon! How dare you show your face here?" Su Ying said shouting.

"Su Ying, stay out of this." Jiu Bao said

"My disciple is not going anywhere. What do you want? To die here so that the Raven sect can blame us?" Bai Lian asked trying to reason with them.

"How long are we going to continue this?" Fengge asked Tingzhe .

"Until Jiu Bao comes along with us. You promised. We are sworn brothers whose fate is now intertwined. We will share both the good and bad things" Tingzhe said.

"These demons are not going understand anything until we show them what we are made of. Disciples! Lotus sect demon vanishing formation." Xie Bai said shouting.

All the disciples took their positions drawing out their swords. Whispering the spell, they used their hand to draw out lightening on their swords. Fengge looked at Tingzhe worriedly. This was a demon vanishing formation. It could kill Tingzhe if he didn't stop now.

"Tingzhe, let's stop now." Fengge said

"No. We are not leaving. Lotus sect, let me show the full power of the Raven sect" Tingzhe said with his eyes turning red just like his father.

"PAIN!" Tingzhe said causing all the disciples to fly around coughing out blood.