"Mother, your son has grown up. I am doing well. Always outstanding and bringing nothing but glory to the heavenly realm. Are you proud of me?" Fengge asked as tears fell from his eyes while looking at his mother's picture.

The ice god stood watching from inside as watched Fengge speak to his mother. It was very rare for him to get emotional but his heart always ached whenever he saw his son. Because he felt guilty. Today was his son's birthday and yet once more, he couldn't tell him, "Fengge, happy birthday. Your father and mother are both proud of you because we love you".

Walking up to Fengge, he stood with his hands shaking as he touched Fengge.

"Greetings Uncle" Fengge said bowing down.

"Today is your birthday. Why are you here?" The ice god asked realizing he was doing exactly the opposite of what he had planned.

"I came to pay my respects to my mother. Please don't tell father" Fengge said.

"Filial piety is one of the most important things. I'm sure your mother must be very happy with you" The ice god said.

"Did you know my mother? I mean I know she was the heavenly queen, but, can you tell me about her?" Fengge asked making the ice god flustered.

Clearing his throat, the ice god tried his best to maintain his emotions as he talked about the love of his life. The only woman that able to melt his icy heart.

"Where do I start?" The ice god asked. More to himself than to Fengge.

"Anywhere. You can start anywhere. There is still a few hours into the banquet" Fengge said eagerly.

"Okay. I will tell you. Your mother was.... Was a sweet innocent person just like you. She was as beautiful as the moon when the sky was clear. No. She was more beautiful than that. She was the most beautiful goddess the heavenly realm had. Her face glowed brighter than the sun but softly. She was a sweet girl who cared about every living thing. She loved every form of life." The ice god said remembering.

He remembered as he watched her for the first time playing in the River of frozen thoughts. It was a big pool in the heavenly realm where the most adorable fishes swam by. The river ran far and wide across the three realms and no one had ever seen the marked ending of the river. He had been the heavenly crown prince at that time. His master was the infamous god of ice just like him so he practiced water magic.

That's when he saw her. Meng Jiyang. The most innocent person he had ever met. The girl who became the empress of the heavenly realm and the mother of his child.

Remembering Fengge, his mind went to the day when he was just about to leave for seclusion. His parents had died and he had become the new heavenly king. He greatest wish was about to come to pass. He was going to marry Meng Jiyang and make her his empress.

"Don't go. I feel scared" Meng Jiyang had said.

It was almost as if she was predicting the future. He had just refused to listen.

"I have to go. My powers have been weakened greatly. If I don't go and cultivate, it will destroy thousands of years of cultivation. The blood thirsty serpent bit into my flesh" He said exposing his skin for her. His skin was already rotting.

With a heavy heart he had abandoned her. Maybe when Fengge finds out about this, he would surely blame him for leaving.

"She sounds like she was a nice person. Its no wonder I feel so much for her. Even though I never met her" Fengge said.

"Should I give you a very nice gift? Follow me." The ice god said breaking a jade stone he brought out of his sleeve.

After breaking the jade stone, the ashes turned green and floated in the sky until it became a firework. Exploding.

After a few minutes, a woman appeared. She was wearing a greenish blue dress and she looked very elegant. On her fingers were little time made rings. And her hair had only one hairpin which was unusually shaped.

"Greetings Ice god" The woman said bowing down.

"Time goddess, can you do me a favor?" The ice god asked and the time goddess just nodded.

Fengge stood dumbfounded as he saw the time goddess. The time goddess. The only goddess in the heavenly realm that didn't obey any of the three rulers. They said she was as independent as the nature guardian.

"Even the time goddess obeys you?" Fengge asked in shock.

"Hush! Don't say that. The time goddess might get mad and not agree to what I am asking her." The ice god said.

"Ice god, you are being too modest. You saved not just my life, but the life of my entire clan. I am forever indebted to you" The time goddess said.

"Nice to meet you. I am Fengge, the heavenly crown prince." Fengge said.

"Is he the one?" The time goddess asked the ice god.

"Yes. He is." The ice god said.

"No wonder. But its such a pity. Father and son share the same fate. Such a pity" The time goddess said.

"Please take us there" The ice god said.

Disappearing with all of them, they found themselves in a place that looked a big void. The time goddess led the way until they reached a room. Opening the door, she stood outside as they both entered. Fengge's mouth dropped as he saw his mother. She was exactly like she was in the painting.

"This is your mother. The heavenly queen. Her soul is trapped here in this time prison. You will have to enter without your powers or else you may cause a crack in the prison. Once that happens, your mother's soul will disappear into the void so be warned." The time goddess said leaving them alone.

Fengge walked slowly as he entered the time prison where his mother was kept. He had heard it from his father when he was little. All celestials were trapped in the time prison after they died. This was because they weren't like humans and once every ten million years, they had a chance to be awakened. But this required a lot of work and a lot of use of dark magic. His mother probably won't be happy if he did that so he never thought about it.

"Mother, is that you?" Fengge asked looking at the woman closely.

"Fengge? Is that you?" The heavenly queen asked.

"You know me. You remember me." Fengge said happily.

"Wish him happy birthday. Its his birthday today Jiyang" The ice god said coming forward.

"Really? Had time really gone back so fast? Happy birthday Fengge!" The heavenly queen said.

"Thank you so much. Mother." Fengge said about to touch her when the ice god stopped him.

"Don't touch her. That's not really her. It's only her soul. If you touch it, she will disappear." The ice god said dragging him away.

"But, she's my mother! Allow me to see my mother!" Fengge said shouting.

Not knowing what to do, the ice god hit Fengge's neck causing him to Falk unconscious.

When Fengge woke up, he found himself in a room. He became unsettled thinking something had happened. Sitting up quickly, he realized he was in his room. He was back in the heavenly realm. Standing up, he makes up his mind to search for the one person who can give him all the answers he is looking for.

Just as he was about to head out of the room, he opened his door and saw six servants standing outside holding his outfit in trays. That's when it hit him. Today was his birthday. He looked up at the sky and realized the sun was almost at its peek meaning his birthday banquet was about to begin.

Putting his hand on his forehead, he looked at the servants in frustration.

"What are you doing here?" Fengge asked.

"Your Highness, we brought your clothes. Its almost time" The first servant said.

"No problem. Come in" Fengge said resigning.

Su Ying looked around excitedly as she watched the celestials in the heavenly realm move about. Her master had chosen to bring her along in order to motivate her into cultivating. Since she wanted to see how the heavenly realm was on days of festivity, she had played along.

It seemed like a masked party which made Su Ying worried. Even though her senior sister had not been chosen, Su Ying was sure she would come since she was the crown princess of the mortal realm. Passing through thousands of people, Su Ying searched for her sister. Not paying attention, she found herself bumping into someone.

"Su Ying. What are you doing here?" The earth king asked.

"Father?" Su Ying said shocked.

"The earth king arrives!" Someone announced.

A big hand wrapped around hers dragging her away.

"Where are you taking me to?" Su Ying yelled.

"Keep quiet. You are going home" The earth king said dragging her away.

Just they were about to reach the banquet door, the earth king stopped making Su Ying look up

"Is there a problem?" Fengge asked.