Su Ying sat down in the mist of chattering disciples. Luckily, she had remembered to bring everyone gifts or unless all the attention would have remained on her. Once every five minutes, she glanced at the training grounds which could be seen from the window. Her heart was obviously worried about Fengge. Just then, Master Bai Lian arrived through the doors entering the room. All the disciples stood up to greet their master. All except Su Ying whose mind was still wandering.

"Su Ying!" Master Bai called out.

"Fourth sister. Fourth sister, master is here" A disciple said tapping her shoulder.

"Master. Greetings Master." Su Ying said rushing to her feet.

"Look at you. You just became the crown princess yet you are already over thinking." Master Bai Lian said sitting down.

"The heavenly realm is indeed different from the mortal realm. Of course I have to worry." Su Ying said.