Fengge woke up to an empty silent room. His whole body felt weak from over exerting himself and his throat, too thristy and dry. Maybe it's because he had been sleeping for long. Sitting up, Fengge was about to stand up and get water when the barrier Su Ying put up stopped him. 

Looking around, the barrier became invisible. Using his powers, he touched it and watched as it became visible. Suddenly he started laughing to himself as he looked at the level of barrier that was used. Inhaling, he used all his focus and tried to scatter the barrier but failed. Fengge looked around in confusion at the barrier. Luckily, Su Ying arrived entering inside.

Pausing at the sound of Su Ying's face, Fengge watched as Su Ying stared at him looking confused.

"Are you the one that did this?" Fengge asked.

" You are already awake? Your Highness?" Su Ying asked adding the last part slowly.

"Aren't you going to remove this?" Fengge asked.