Fengge tried to land on his feet but immediately saw the ground open causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground. It was only when he hit the ground did he realize that Kunhuo had used his power to decieve him. 






"What?!" Master Bai said when she heard the news.

Xie Bai/Yang Han clenched his hand into a fist by his side in anger. Being the crown prince of the dark realm, this wasn't supposed to be his business but Su Ying had been the love of his love for a long time now.

"Those celestials are just too much! I am going to get fourth sister." Xie Bai said about to leave but Huiquing stopped him.

"What are you going to do? I am very sure fourth sister did something." Huiquing said rolling her eyes.

"Nonsense! Even if she did something, it doesn't mean we should just sit down and allow her to stay there. I will go and speak to the heavenly king." Master Bai said.