Su Ying knelt by Fengge's bed holding his hand crying. How cruel could the world be? Many mortals had always looked up to the heavenly realm as saviors and helpers. Embodiments of justice and good yet they were all devieving, conniving people who were different from what people made them to be. She was going to make them pay. All of them. For harming the love of her life. Tinzghe entered inside feeling very bad as he watched Su Ying's hand clenched on the bed.

"Everything will be alright. You'll see." Tingzhe said.

" Please take care of His Highness." Su Ying said.

" I will. Both of you are in good company." Tinzghe said.

" Not just you, all of us will stay and protect you and the crown prince" Su Ying heard a voice say.

Turning back, she eyes widened as she saw her master, Master Bai Lian and her other disciples. Jiu Bao, Xie Bai and Huiquing. Including the other junior disciples.

"Master!" Su Ying said running to her master and hugging her.