"I don't remember. Why are you the only one? Ro Wan, eat some more. You are becoming too skinny." Jiu Bao said trying to change the subject.

"Really? I want to know. I want to hear." Ro Wan said obviously not allowing Jiu Bao to change the topic.

Jiu Bao glanced at Ro Wan scolding him with her eyes. Tingzhe who was watching turned putting on a cold face.

"Forget about it. Ro Wan, you better eat. I don't have much time to stay with you." Tinzghe said making Jiu Bao turn to look at him.

Yes. It was obviously not important to him. If it was then he won't have married Yingtai. Jiu Bao stood up suddenly unable to bear it any longer.

"Ro Wan, I just remembered. I have to go and meet my sister. I'm sorry I can't stay for long but know that I am always going to be longing for your success. Excuse me." Jiu Bao said placing a kiss on Ro Wan's forehead and leaving before any of them could say anything.