"Something is strange. When Fengge brought the bottle to show everyone in court, thert was not a drop of the powder remaining. How did Jiayi get another bottle to drink?" The prime evil lord asked staring at the guard. 

"Your Majesty, you think?" The guard asked.

" No. I am sure. It's Fengge. He must have been the one." The prime evil lord said.















Three days after, everyone from all the realms gathered in the heavenly realm. Today was supposed to be the day Jiayi was to be killed. Since she was already dead, the prime evil lord had given orders out so that she would be buried today. Everyone present stood gazing at Jiayi's dead body as they waited so they could send her off. 

"Thank all of you for coming. Actually, I didn't expect there would be so many people after all the wrongs Jiayi committed." Huiquing said.