Fengge stood by the window glancing through it. Each day he looked at the prime evil lord's palace, he couldn't help but be afraid of the unknown. What was happen?

"Greetings Overlord." Qigang said.

" What are you doing here?" Fengge asked.

" I came to report back to you. Earlier today, the dark king summoned all the lords of the dark realm. He asked us to moblize all the soldiers we have in order to help fight." Qigang said.

" I thought he didn't believe in what I was saying before. Why did he suddenly ask all of you to moblize your armies?" Fengge asked.

" Overlord, please don't misunderstand the dark king. He might just be worried about you. Never doubt that the dark king really cares about you." Qigang said.

" Of course I know that. Tinzghe is my only good friend. Is that all he talked about?" Fengge said as his eyes gazed at the prime evil lord's palace.