August 26, 2009.

Norman had woken up after a day of playing and chatting with Mary Jane and Harry, the little guy practically had a permanent smile present on his face for the entire previous day.

It really was a bit curious how something as simple as spending time with the three of them could make him so happy, however there was a bit of a problem with Harry being too close to the redhead.

Honestly the Osborn would have nothing to say if Harry was only fond of her for being his nanny however yesterday he could confirm his suspicions that his son seemed to be starting to see her in a motherly way.

It's not as if it was anything surprising Harry grew up without a mother and despite knowing about Emily from the talks he had with Bernard he was still a child, and it was logical that he would be looking for a mother figure.

In this situation it was obvious that he would see Mary Jane in that way, since she is the closest thing he has had to a mother in his four years of life and that could be a problem in the future, after all there will be a time when Harold wills no longer need a nanny and therefore Mary Jane will disappear from his life, that can certainly be a hard blow for the boy.

Norman put his right hand to his forehead, massaging it to calm down, just thinking about that scenario gave him a headache.

In the end there would be no point in thinking about it, when the time came Harry would have to learn to take care of himself and understand that Mary Jane could not always be with them.

Currently, he was in his office in the Oscorp Building, to his great relief Harry recovered in just one day so there was no longer any need to take care of him and although Norman believed that he should rest a little more the little Osborn insisted on going to school and in the end Norman complied with his request.

As the Connors Formula was in its final stage and only needed to monitor the animals that were used as test subjects there was no longer much need for him to be in the laboratory every day, and he only went a little before it was time for Gwen and Dr. Curtis to leave.

The ringing of his phone resounded in the office, he soon picked it up, "Sir you have a call from the medical board" the voice of his secretary was what he heard as soon as he answered the call.

"Okay, connect the call" he casually ordered.

Soon he had a small discussion with the spokesman of the medical board, in simple words after the results of the animal tests they had approved its experimental use in humans, however some of the members from the medical board should be present when the test was performed, the Osborn accepted after a little negotiation and in the end ended the call.

He got up from his seat and proceeded to walk towards the door of his office, he needed to inform Gwen and Curtis about the approval and due to the time they had spent together he felt he should do it personally.

"That's what happened" Osborn ended by saying to the two people who were in the laboratory, he had simply summarized the conversation he had on the phone with the spokesman of the medical board so there really wasn't much to say.

"Now having the green light we can look for a volunteer, once we have him the tests will be done immediately" Norman expressed very seriously.

"Sir, could I be the volunteer?" the question was already expected for the Osborn, and he just looked at Dr. Curtis: "I assure you it has nothing to do with my desire to get my arm back" he added quickly thinking that his words could be interpreted that way.

"Continue" Norman instructed as he gave Gwen a brief glance to remain quiet, the blonde understood the unspoken indication from her boss and just nodded her head.

"I won't deny that my main motivation for this research was to recover my lost limb, but I realized that there was much more to it than what I saw at first" he began to say sincerely to what he believed was a selfish action: "The serum is functional, but the three of us know that the data may not always be correct and that there may be a failure that leads to a disastrous scenario" he continued saying before the watchful eyes of his two co-workers.

"That's why I think it's better for me to be the experimental subject rather than someone else, that way the risks will be minimized if something goes wrong" he finished by saying while looking directly at Osborn.

"Alright" after a few minutes of silence was Norman's reply, "However I assure you Dr. Curtis that nothing bad will happen, but I agree that as the one who worked the hardest on the research be the first to use the serum" he continued and Curtis just nodded enthusiastically.

"Well, let's take one more look at that data," he declared as the three people began to work.

Norman was currently on his way home after a day's work, originally he had not planned for Curtis to be the experimental subject, but after his words he knew that if he turned him down he was still possibly going to inject himself with the serum.

While the serum was only to regenerate lost limbs he didn't know if it might have a different reaction in Connors' body, he just hoped that fate wouldn't play a trick this time.

As for the development of the OZ Serum, Norman had been having a couple of mixed feelings for that, at first he had thought to just stop the research and pretend it didn't even exist.

But that action would have been too much of an idiot, despite his reluctance he knew that the OZ Serum could certainly be a great advantage for future events there could be, plus if he could somehow manage to mix both The Lizard's serum along with OZ's, it was likely that he would certainly gain a really great power.

That power would probably put him only below the power of the Hulk or Thor, which would no doubt be a great advantage, plus the fact that he could get to research Gamma radiation to find a way to get the mutation that brought the Hulk to life.

However, that was in the future, first he would have to go step by step, after all The Lizard's serum was not ready yet and there was no point in starting to look for ways to integrate it with the OZ formula.

Norman stopped thinking about it for the moment, even though he had a plan he could not implement it quickly, as both The Lizard serum and the OZ formula were not perfected and only once they were, he would use them.

A short time later he arrived at the Osborn mansion and later had dinner together with his son, who excitedly mentioned to him what happened on his school day.

The older Osborn somehow began to look forward to the time of day when he could have a little time with Harry, perhaps it was one of the consequences of spending time with him almost every day, but considering that for all intents and purposes Harold was his son that fact was of little concern to him.

After dinner Norman would take the little boy to his room and wait until he was completely asleep before going to his own, so he could get some rest.

It was midnight, the Osborn Manor was completely silent, all the people who lived there had gone to sleep a long time ago.

However soon a shadow appeared on the outskirts of the mansion, with mastery jumped over the high walls of the mansion and soon forced their way into the residence of the Osborn family, the fluid movements told that it was not the first time doing something like this.

With quick yet silent steps she began her tour of the mansion, it seemed that she knew what she was looking for as her steps never faltered for a single second.

Soon she reached a door and stopped for a moment before entering it, the room was a simple one however the shadow did not pay attention to those details with quick steps she found the bed and could see the silhouette of a person lying on it.

A small knife made an appearance in her hand and with relative tranquility she approached the bed, only seconds before she heard something that stopped her completely: "I never expected that the night would bring me a little lost kitten " was the last thing she heard before losing consciousness.