Norman was looking at the various exhibitions that students and professors of the university were giving for all those who wanted to learn about science.

Some of them were a little interesting, but nothing that really caught Osborn's attention completely, most of the people were simply explaining basic things or things from books, but in a more didactic way.

There were few who had a personal project or similar and those that did leave a lot to be desired, so he hadn't really found anything worthwhile.

Beside him stood Felicia somewhat bored, "You know I thought this would be more fun" she said to Norman.

"You thought wrong" was the only response she got from Norman as the man scanned the stands in his line of sight for anything interesting.

His gaze soon fell on a stand considerably larger than the others that held still a man perhaps in his early 40s, his hair color brown while dressed in a white lab coat, who was giving a lecture about a potential energy source.

Norman moved a little closer in his direction finding a certain resemblance to a character he knew very well, Felicia just followed him while keeping a little quiet due to the change of attitude that Osborn adopted.

'The power of the sun at our hands' read the Osborn, somewhat arrogant and powerful words, but they only confirmed his suspicions, as he began to pay attention to the man's words.

"His name is Otto Octavius he's a former professor at the university, if I'm correct now he's like some sort of consultant or something like that" Felicia said quietly to Norman as she saw how interested he seemed to be.

Norman just nodded at that, as his mind began to make certain plans regarding Octavius.

Once the little lecture was over Norman simply started to leave not before Otto saw him and nodded his head something Norman simply returned.

Once they were a little further away Felicia spoke up, "Aren't you interested in his research?" she asked as she truly believed he was.

"I am" he said in simple words which earned him a look from Felicia, "You must understand that sometimes you can't do things directly, first you must investigate and from the information you gathered you must develop a plan to follow" he explained with a bit of seriousness.

"Oh you just show up and buy their research or invest in it and that's it" commented Felicia: "It's not like you don't have the money to not do it" she added.

Norman nodded his head, "You're right, however, I don't want just that, I want gratitude and loyalty, which while many people may say can be bought I believe that thinking is not correct" he mentioned as he paused a bit and looked at Felicia so that his words would have more impact on the woman.

"What Mr. Octavius wants to do is a very risky and expensive project, at this moment only three companies could invest in it, the first one is Stark Industries that although is a good candidate, they won't accept it as they already have their own energy source and Anthony is somewhat arrogant and will think he doesn't need something like that" he explained calmly.

"On the other hand Pym Technologies has never been interested in that kind of project and even if they did it would take years to give Octavius approval to do his research" he continued.

"I guess the third one is Oscorp right?" Felicia asked before Norman could say anything else, but instead of being irritated by that fact he showed a smile at the white-haired lady's words.

"That's right, so tell me, how would you feel when all the doors have been closed and no matter how hard you try none of them open except for one that does" he finished saying as he started to resume his steps.

Felicia just stayed for a few seconds thinking about the implications that Norman's words had on them, to then start following him again, "And what happens if you are wrong?" she asked, while Norman's words had logic it was also a very optimistic and perfect scenario.

"I won't" he replied confidently, "I'll make sure of it" he added and this time Felicia understood that while Norman hoped and believed that those scenarios would indeed happen, he also meant that if they didn't happen he would make sure to make them happen.

"Is that what you did with my father?" the question was asked with seriousness by Hardy.

"Walter tried to steal from me, at the time I didn't care if he lived or died, your visit made me take pity on the situation and I saved him, in turn I got him to work for me, but if it helps you I never intended to hurt your father, but the opportunity was too perfect to pass up" he answered truthfully as he looked into the woman's blue eyes.

After a few seconds in silence Felicia shrugged her shoulders, "That's good enough for me" she commented as she approached toward the black-haired man, "Now come on I want some food" she mentioned as she positioned herself next to Osborn before starting to walk this time being followed by Norman.

Mary Jane had come to pay a short visit to Gwen and Norman, but when she arrived at the place of the conference she only met Gwen while there was no trace of Osborn anywhere.

Quietly the redhead approached her friend who seemed busy looking at her cell phone, a brief greeting was all she needed to make her presence known, "MJ What are you doing here?" the blonde asked curiously as soon as she realized who was the person who interrupted her.

"Well, I'm done with my classes for the moment and thought I'd pay you and Mr. Osborn a visit" she explained sincerely, "By the way, where is he?" she asked curiously as her green eyes continued to search for him.

Gwen just nodded her head at her friend's explanation: "Once his lecture was over he went out to see the projects and exhibits that the students and teachers were doing, he's probably still doing that" she replied.

MJ understood the blonde's words, but still found something a little strange: "You didn't guide him? I'm sure if you had told Dr. Curtis about it, he wouldn't have turned you down" she asked and then gave an idea, even if it was a little late to implement the idea, although considering Gwen's personality it was a little curious that she didn't think of that.

"I didn't even have time to suggest something like that" replied Gwen: "Before I could say anything Hardy appeared and started chatting with Norman, by the time I reacted he had already decided that his guide would be her, so I didn't mention anything" she explained quickly.

"Hardy?" asked MJ: "Like Felicia Hardy? That Hardy?" questioned the redhead again to her friend who only nodded.

MJ just thought about all the fame that Felicia Hardy had at the university which was certainly no small thing, there were many rumors about her all over the institution, most of them really weren't very good and gave Hardy a very bad reputation, of course these were just rumors, and she didn't believe in them, but still she wondered how Norman knew someone like her.

In the end she simply stopped thinking about it as there was no point in even doing so, the fact that Norman seemed to be in some kind of relationship with Felicia was proof that most of the things they say about her were lies otherwise Norman would never be with someone like her

"What do you say we get some food?" she asked as she stopped thinking about Norman and Felicia and expressed herself as she saw that Gwen's mood was a bit chaotic.

A brief nod of her head indicated that the blonde agreed with her question, so after Gwen let Connors know that she was going out for a while they both went in search of food, to relax a bit.

On the other hand, Norman was together with Felicia after having found a food stand, after that they simply went back to look at the missing exhibitions, although this time simply out of curiosity, as they both doubted they would find another investigation that would catch Norman's attention.

"I think it's time to leave you back with the blonde" Felicia mentioned when she realized they had seen all the things there were to see.

Before answering Norman felt two gazes on him, one of them seemed to be watching him with great interest and curiosity while the other was looking at him with scrutiny and distrust plus he could make out a bit of fear in the last few seconds.

Norman tried to locate her the stares, but he couldn't no matter how hard he concentrated, they just disappeared like nothing.

"What's wrong?" asked Felicia as she saw Norman in a state of alertness.

"It's nothing" he told her without even looking at her, "Tell Curtis and Gwen that I had to leave due to a problem that came up suddenly and I hope they'll excuse me for it" he added as he began to walk quickly and in the few seconds it had taken Felicia to process his request he had disappeared into the crowd.

'What just happened' thought Hardy.

Somewhere in New York.

A sort of yellow colored circle formed in a New York alley from which two women emerged, one of them practically dragging the other.

"What's wrong with you Illyana?" Jean asked as she tried to get out of her friend's grip.

The blonde named Illyana didn't answer at her friend's call and just had a thoughtful look on her face, "Jean that man is dangerous" she said seriously to her friend.

"Dangerous?" asked Jean: "His only ability is to teleport, maybe he is well-trained, but in short he doesn't represent any danger for both of us" not understanding what her friend meant she kept on saying.

Illyana showed a somewhat creepy smile: "Oh, believe me if I'm right he's someone that can't be underestimated, I'm sure even Betsy doesn't know how dangerous he is" she finished saying seriously.

"Then tell me about it" both women were surprised when they heard a woman's voice and soon took their gaze to the direction it came from, where they saw a similar golden circle that they themselves came out of.

Only that out of this came Betsy with a somewhat casual outfit and a man who seemed to be in his old age stage, but retained some energy, his clothing was somewhat strange, as he wore something similar to red robes with a kind of black shirt and gold accessories.

"I want you to know that I blame you for this" Illyana did not forget to tell Jean when she came to the conclusion that they had been caught.

Jean only showed a shy smile at her friend's claim: "In my defense I didn't think you would use your powers to transport us to another place" she said: "So technically it's your fault that we got caught" she continued saying which earned her an incredulous look from Illyana.

"I really wonder why I'm still your friend" was all Illyana managed to say before the two newcomers positioned themselves in front of them.