
This book does contain what I experience at night. I love my friends very much and a lot of the things in here are meant to be fantasy. I do not intend to romanticize anything. I simply want this to be a book my friends and I can enjoy. I don't know how to explain to them the things that go on at night. I can't explain how I can't sleep or eat. Just know I love you all and this is the only way I can explain myself.

A few themes in here explain: PBA (Pseudobulbar Affect), Hallucinations, Paranoia, Medication, False memories, Anxiety and Other things I do not know the name of.

I'd also like to include that there are a few triggers: Manipulation, suicide, and depression. If these are your triggers, I suggest that you do not read any of the chapters.

In all of this, there is wholesomeness, maybe a crush, who knows but here is the disclaimer incase anyone catches these themes and get triggered.

Thank you!