Blooming Seed

Once the night has fallen over the sky

the dreams of children will rise for play time

Among the ones who sleep, I'll lay away until the sunrise

A lone koi in a lily pond

wondering of the world greatest deals

forgetting how to live in the limelight shining over them every night

Goodnight to a world in which my time won't last long in

the worst of fair wells yet the greatest send off in history

No one is fully prepared for anything

The use of many words are dull

the dialects and accents have to stand out more in order to be unique

but the way people interpret the unspoken affection, will lead them to ponder

We never mean to say goodbye so soon, acting as if we'll die in the morning light. Preferably the moon light

the fire flies can guide us to the sacred realm of the world that no mere mortal can ever see

the memories gained in life, in which we lost

It's much easier to know that the unspoken is true

the verbal form is just confirmation

so tonight, rest well and have a good night

Each step, the concrete feels slightly rougher

the light feels a lot warmer, but the heart doesn't exist

just the soul everyone's been after for almost an eternity

No wonder so many spirits lie awake all the time

some of them just don't know

how much they were loved and appreciated.