The Worst Singer

"Anything else?" Chen Guang said after hearing his son's story and a little bit of protest from his wife.

Chen Liqin still had some more to tell but Shao Chen was disturbing him again by circling him without any reason.

Meanwhile, Chen Yongrui who only laughing at the disaster was sent to get a physician for Liang Hu.

"Anything else?" Chen Guang repeated, giving his son one more chance to speak as Chen Liqin seemed to have more to say.

"Yes! I – don't disturb me!" Chen Liqin could not concentrate.

Shao Chen did not care and still circling him. As he was threatened to be expelled from here, he decided to use the remaining time he had to get revenge. However, he felt that something was missing. Like he had forgotten something from the revenge plot he had heard before. While digging on his memory, his gaze became empty and blurry but his legs were still circling Chen Liqin incessantly.

"I – arggghhh!!!!" Annoyed by all of this, Chen Liqin stood up then pressed hard on Shao Chen's shoulders with both of his hands, stopping the crazy girl from moving again.

"Ou—ouch!" Shao Chen was dragged back into reality. However, he still could not remember the missing part of the revenge plan.

"Stay here quietly for a moment!" Chen Liqin snapped, shooting a menacing gaze.

Shao Chen stopped without saying a word. Chen Liqin waited, assuming that Shao Chen would retort but did not get any reply.

'Maybe she finally wants to hear me?'  Chen Liqin thought in a bit of suspicion but still felt jubilant. It was like he had succeeded in opening the gates of heaven after a long struggle.

Just after Chen Liqin released the pressure on Shao Chen's shoulders and intended to speak to his father, Shao Chen suddenly shouted, "No way!"

Shao Chen started circling Chen Liqin again.

"ARRGHHH!!!" Chen Liqin intended to press that crazy girl's shoulders again when Chen Guang stopped them.

"Enough! Looking at the two of you makes my head hurts!" If Chen Guang let this continue, maybe until the sun went down and rose again, they would still repeat the same thing ceaselessly.

"Shao Chen, is it? Could you stop for a while? I will let you circle on Liqin as long as you like after I finished talking to him," Chen Guang asked.

"Fa—Father?!" Chen Liqin glared at the former emperor but only got a grin from Chen Guang.

On the other side, Shao Chen who had completely processed Chen Guang's words immediately stop his leg. He sat back in silence with a radiant face.

In contrast with him, Chen Liqin became distressed.

"Father! You did not intend to let him—"

"That is indeed what I intended to," Chen Guang cut in.

Chen Liqin was dumbfounded. 'You intended to let this crazy girl stay inside the palace?!'

This information itself had given him stress. It did not occur to him that his father would make him suffer more with his next speech.

"Liang Hu's back condition looked very severe and maybe it won't heal very fast. My son, you will be in trouble without his assistance. Therefore, I demanded Shao Chen's accountability to substitute Liang Hu's role during his recuperation," Chen Guang decided with a satisfied smile.

Yan Mei was also stealthily smiled in satisfaction. 'That is my husband!'  She exclaimed inside.

Chen Liqin almost fainted. "No way! I object! His help does not worth anything. He could only add unnecessary jobs to me. Please reconsider, Father!"

"I do not accept any objection!" Chen Guang insisted.

'What is Father thinking?!'  Chen Liqin glared in suspicion at the former emperor as he and his father were very alike. If Chen Liqin thought that something was unpleasant, his father definitely also thought the same. That's why he was suspicious that his father had cooked something behind him so that he permitted this unpleasant crazy girl, who usually could have been seeing the gate of heaven with all of her rude attitude towards the royal, living inside the palace. She was only fortunate that she had been in the palace after his father's reign and the rules had become milder.

Unfortunately, Chen Liqin could not come out with something that made his father acted like this.

"Then it had been decided! Go teach Shao Chen his job!" Chen Guang dismissed the small meeting.

Chen Liqin became more frustrated after hearing the order.


Without understanding anything, Shao Chen was trailing after the emperor as ordered by the former emperor. During the long walk, his thought, as usual, revolved around the revenge plan. As he thought harder, he was more convinced that there was something wrong with the plan.

'Something was missing….' He tried hard to dig his memory.

The storylines of the novel book that had been read by He Tao and Yan Mei began to flow inside his head. Whether his memory was true or false, he still followed it until finally, a word popped out in his brain.

'Song!'  He exclaimed to himself excitedly.

'Alright, I can do it right now!'  He intended to start the plan right at the moment.

However, when he backed to reality, something smacked into his face, darkened his vision for a while before that thing slid off his face.

"READ IT!" Chen Liqin ordered or more precisely, snapped while sitting behind his desk. They had come inside the royal office building.

Shao Chen was standing still dumbfoundedly. He was too taken aback because of the sudden slap on his face. When he came back to himself, his eyes rolled down, catching a long paper which was folded several times on the floor. That was the thing that had smacked his face.

Kneeling, he took the paper and opened it.

Chen Liqin pretended to focus on the document in front of him while stealthily glancing at Shao Chen who was still kneeling and looking straight at the paper. However, after a fair amount of time had passed, Shao Chen still did not say any word, made Chen Liqin growled.

"Have you finish reading it or not?!"

Shao Chen blinked several times before slowly looking at the emperor. "I can not read."

Chen Liqin's jaw dropped. "Then why did not you tell me earlier?!" He snatched the paper back furiously from Shao Chen's hand.

"Why I have to tell you?" Shao Chen asked in confusion.

Chen Liqin's head throbbed. "I ordered you to read it! So if you could not read, you should tell me!" he roared very fast.

Shao Chen frowned. He could not catch up with the fast speech. "Pardon?"

'Did he play with me?!'  Chen Liqin assumed that Shao Chen was deliberately given him a hard time. Murderous aura flowing from him.

Even though, the truth was Shao Chen indeed did not understand. Unfortunately, for the umpteenth times, he was not sensitive enough so he only stood silently with an innocent expression.

Chen Liqin gripped tightly until the paper was crumpled. He was tempted to ignore Shao Chen and did not teach him anything but if his father discovered, he would not let Chen Liqin go easily. At last, after suppressed his anger, he said, "Come here!"

"Remember! Every morning, a palace courier will send a pile of documents. You have to receive them and bring them here to me," the emperor began to explain.

However, Shao Chen only stared blankly at him. Chen Liqin stopped eventually in suspicion. "Did you hear me?!" he snapped.

Shao Chen only blinked once without saying anything.

Furiously, Chen Liqin roared, "Do you have a mouth to speak properly?!"

"I have," Shao Chen replied.

"Then answer my question!"

Shao Chen nodded then fell silent again.

"Why you did not answer?!"

Shao Chen's head tilted a bit. He was really confused. "You did not ask."

Chen Liqin smacked at the desk. "I had asked you that did you hear me?!"

Shao Chen nodded.

"What did you hear?"

"You said 'I had asked you that did you hear me'," he answered innocently.

Chen Liqin slapped his forehead. 'What the h*ll is happening to this girl's head?!'

The room fell silent. No one said a word.

'Is it mean that I could start my revenge plan?'  Shao Chen had misinterpreted the meaning of this silence.

He intended to start but his lifted leg froze in the air when he finally realized something again. 'How is the song?'  He dug into the memory and found a pile of words which he remembered as the song's lyrics.

Shao Chen began circling Chen Liqin.

"What? What the h*ll are you doing again?! I—"

"You heavy child…." Shao Chen started to sing with a loud, discordant voice.

Chen Liqin immediately covered his ears. His body hair stood upright because of the worst singing voice. "What are you—erghh stop!"


"If you pooped, your hand will cry!"

Chen Liqin identified the song even though the note was not right. However….

"THE LYRICS ARE TOTALLY WRONG!!" Chen Liqin shouted, could not restrain himself anymore. He covered Shao Chen's mouth with both hands but….

"Mm mm mmmm mmm!" Shao Chen insisted to continue to sing.

"I said stop! It is wrong!"

Shao Chen stopped. "Mmm mmm mmm?"


"Mmm mmm mmm?!" Shao Chen asked again but in murmur.

Chen Liqin just realized that he was still covering Shao Chen's mouth. 'No wonder it was not clear!'  He grumbled while letting go of his hand.

"Said it again!" he ordered.

"What is wrong?" Shao Chen asked again after loading for a while because he almost forgot what he wanted to ask.

"The lyrics!"

Shao Chen frowned. "It was like that as I remembered," he muttered in wonder.

Chen Liqin snorted. "What a rotten memory you have?! How could the lyrics become so ridiculous and you still convinced that it was the right one?! What did you sing again? If you pooped?! How could it have that kind of vulgar lyrics?! My God, was your head alright?!" he grumbled and mocked nonstop. Unknowingly, he had lost all of his restrain and put out all of his emotions at Shao Chen even though it should be not appropriate as an emperor.

"This is the correct version! Listen properly!" Chen Liqin could no longer stand Shao Chen's stupidity. He began to sing the song with the proper lyrics and notes. Even though his voice is not as good as a pro singer but it could never be worse than Shao Chen.

[You naughty child,


If you punch,

Your hand will be chopped off….

If you mocked,

Your tongue will be burned….

If you kicked,

You will be confined in a dark room



Hey, naughty child,

White hands will come after you]

"Like that!" Chen Liqin exclaimed proudly.

'How is it? Did you finally see my greatness?!'  He could not stop grinning ear to ear.

Shao Chen nodded. At the same time, he mumbled the lyrics Chen Liqin had sung again and again.

"I remember now! Thief Emperor, I will begin my revenge!" Shao Chen stated excitedly.

'What? Revenge?!'  Chen Liqin wondered. He thought that he had never done something to this crazy girl that could make her hold a grudge.

Shao Chen had resumed circling Chen Liqin and singing the correct lyrics. The notes still false – it was so bad that it could give someone a stomachache. Despite that, without feeling shame, Shao Chen sang out loud full of confidence.

Chen Liqin felt nauseous instantly. It seemed that he had dug his own grave!