His Mother is Out of Mind

"When I arrived at the Yao Family's Residence, it was indeed had been totally emptied. There were not any sign of someone living there," Chen Shihong began reporting.

Just when he intended to get into the house, he felt someone was observing his movement.

"Their hiding abilities were top notch. I could not find any of their figure so I pretended not to aware of them and move more cautiously."

"Are they Junjie's subordinates? According to what he said, Uncle Qiang asked him to help on searching the Yaos. I forgot to confirm it with Uncle." Chen Liqin thought for a while. He still suspected that Dai Junjie was involved in this case.

Chen Shihong shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know but there is possibility. Fortunately, I used the disguise skills you taught me so they should not recognize me easily."

Yao Residence entrance was unlocked so Chen Shihong went inside easily. As what had been said, there were no one inside.

However, it was strange. When Chen Shihong touched the things around him, everything was spotless.

"If they left hurriedly, moreover it has been a while since they ran off, how could the residence be very clean?" Chen Liqin asked in wonder.

"I thought so." Chen Shihong nodded.

Therefore, he checked every side of the residence precisely but unfortunately, he could not find any other oddity. He even went inside a room which was filled with scrolls – he guessed this was the office room or archive room, but still could not find anything important besides the documents about Yao Family's small businesses that did not have any connection to the illegal auction.

"But, I found this while I was checking underneath a table in the inner room." Chen Shihong took out an old black key from his pocket.

Chen Liqin received and observed it thoroughly. "What is this key for?" There was a part of the key that turned a dark red color.

Chen Shihong shook his head. "I don't know. I could not find any door in the residence that fit the key. However, the floor underneath that table had a little bit dried red spots, same as the one left in that key."

"Blood?" Chen Liqin lifted his eyebrows.


"So … there is possibility that they were murdered instead of ran away."

Chen Shihong agreed but could not give an affirmation. "The probability is big but lack strong evidence as I only found one dried red spot underneath that table. Others parts, sides, and corners in that residence were spotless."

"Hmm …."

If Dai Junjie was involved, what was the reason to annihilate them? Is there something that should not be known by Father if the Yaos met him?

There was also another possibility that when Dai Junjie arrived, all of the corpse had been disposed so he thought that the Yao Family had ran away.

All of these was too confusing.

"I tried to ask the locals that lived around the residence but it was no use," Chen Shihong continued.

Yaos' residence was very remote and he had to walk for almost 10 minutes to see the nearest neighbor. When he asked whether they heard any scream from the Yaos' residence few nights ago, all of them answered no.

They even did not notice that the residence had been emptied. They were only wondering why they did not see someone from Yaos passing through these days, but it was not strange because the Yaos were known to not show up in a certain time each month for several days.

"A beggar that I inadvertently met told me that he saw someone ran away from the residence on the night Dai Junjie was sent to caught the Yaos. However, he was drunk at that time so he did not remember anymore than that."

Chen Liqin sighed. The clues were too few. If the Yaos were really murdered, a small dried blood spot on the floor won't be a significant proof.

"I see, thank you for your hardwork. I have to trouble you again to inspect this key." Chen Liqin decided to put his hope on this mysterious key.

"I am more than happy to help you but how could I find this key identity? There were thousands of key in Xin Kingdom. It was impossible for me to check on each residence that was build in this whole kingdom."

"Of course I have thought for this. Ah Hong, search for the list of Yaos' properties. Maybe, this key is from another residence they have."

For the next plan after they got the list, Chen Liqin would think about it later.

"Alright." Chen Shihong nodded in agreement. Just searching for the list. It won't be hard, or so he hoped.

Meanwhile, Shao Chen who was listening seriously did not touch the food as he could not do two things at the same time. However, even he had all of his focus on it, he still did not manage to get the core of the problem because their conversations were too complicated and fast.

What Shao Chen really caught was only the Yao surname that kept coming out. It reminded him that both of this body's parents were also had Yao in their name.

'Did I get caught?' He thought warily. He had not taken his revenge and his money had not come back either, so he should not be caught now. 

Just as Chen Shihong was about to leave, the office door was suddenly opened and Yan Mei hurriedly came inside.

"What's happened, Mother?" Chen Liqin asked in confusion, whereas Chen Shihong paid a respect right away.

"I heard that you were sick?" Yan Mei was anxious. She did not wait for answer and immediately fondled her son's feature then twirled his head in all directions to check on his condition.

"Mom, I did not!" Chen Liqin stopped his mother right away.

Yan Mei knitted her eyebrows. "If you did not, then why did you order medicine from Zheng Fan?"

Zheng Fan was the name of the best imperial physician in Xin Kingdom.

Chen Liqin remembered that medicine. At the same time, he was reminded of Shao Chen existence here.

'Did he hear our conversation?!' He thought, looked at Shao Chen hurriedly.

Shao Chen sat with a blank stare and open mouth. Chopsticks held on his hand but there was no sign for it to move. When Chen Liqin saw the tray, the food and medicine were still there, untouched.

Yan Mei followed her son's gaze in confusion. "What happen to Shao Chen?"

Chen Liqin was snapped back to reality then explained "The medicine is for him. He has sore throat."

Hearing that, Yan Mei immediately rushed towards Shao Chen. "Are you okay, Dear?!" she asked affectionately as if Shao Chen was her own daughter.

Startled as Yan Mei was suddenly appeared in his view, Shao Chen was almost retreating a few centimeters if Yan Mei did not pull his arm.

"A—" Shao Chen tried to talk but the sore got worse that he coughed badly.

Yan Mei became more anxious. "Hurry finish your food and drink the medicine! It will make you feel better," she exclaimed, hurriedly took the plate to Shao Chen.

'Why he has not finished eating?' Chen Liqin confused. He was afraid that Shao Chen had listened to their conversation.

'But … he was a fool. Even if he heard us, he won't understand, right?' Chen Liqin tried to be positive.

However, if actually Shao Chen was acting stupid … Chen Liqin did not want to think about this but there was probability for this to be true.

He could not help but suspect Shao Chen. Silently, he walked towards Chen Shihong who had not left. In fact, Chen Shihong had also just realized Shao Chen's existence and did not understand why he was there.

"Shihong, help me investigate that girl too. Her name is Shao Chen," Chen Liqin whispered carefully.

Chen Shihong frowned. "What was happening while I was outside the palace?"

Chen Liqin sighed. "I will explain it to you later."


"Did you feel better?" Yan Mei asked after Shao Chen finished the meal and medicine.

Shao Chen tried to speak but his condition was still the same.

"Hmm … I will ask the physician to cocked new medicine for you tonight," Yan Mei said while rubbing Shao Chen's back softly. She would remind her son to order the physician later.

Shao Chen did not muddle on it. Instead, seeing Yan Mei was here, he took out his holy bible right away. 

He intended to ask Yan Mei read the continuation of the story so that he could get another revenge plan that won't harm his throat like this. However, he could not tell her properly because a lot of the syllables on his word was hard to catch.

Yan Mei was confused but she tried to guess the meaning. After considering her understanding about Shao Chen and the connection with that book, her eyes sparkled in thought that she may guess it right.

"You want me to teach you reading?!"

Shao Chen thought for a while before understand what Yan Mei meant. Just as he was about to shake his head, Yan Mei had thought that she was right and clapped her hands excitedly.

"I will ask Liqin to teach you!" she exclaimed, very happy in some reason.

When Shao Chen realized, he was about to reject. There was no way he wanted to learn with that sh*tty emperor! Moreover, he did not want to study but just needed someone to read him the continuation of the story!

However, the fired up Yan Mei had ran out of the office, leaving Shao Chen stunned on the spot.

Meanwhile, outside of the office, Chen Liqin told Chen Shihong all of Shao Chen's craziness this past few days.

Even that serious and calm Chen Shihong laughed until he had stomachache while hearing the story.

"Don't laugh! I'm really miserable because of her!" Chen Liqin protest in annoyance.

"Sorry, sorry," Chen Shihong said but he did not stop laughing.

At the same time, Yan Mei suddenly came out from the office in a frenzy. When she saw the emperor, her eyes immediately lit up.

"Liqin, you have to teach Shao Chen reading! Okay?" she ordered without further ado.

"What?! Mother! Please, don't give me more unimportant work to do!"

Yan Mei glared menacingly. "Do it or I will ask your father to expel your love from the palace!"

Chen Liqin's eyes widen in surprise. His feature flushed dark red, furious. "Why are you suddenly bring Ming Yu up?! He did not involve in this matter!"

"Yes, he did not involve but I am serious with my word. Remember it!" Yan Mei said decisively then went away without waiting for her son's answer.

Chen Liqin ruffled his hair fretfully. 'What was father and mother thinking?! Was that crazy girl doing something to my parents?' He became more and more suspicious. He could not guess why his parents seemed so fond on Shao Chen.

'Maybe she was actually the princess from another kingdom that was planned to be betrothed to me?' But Shao Chen was too crazy and reckless to be a princess.

Chen Shihong looked at him with pity. "Be patient, Brother." He could only console him while patting his shoulder.

"Sighed … ah Hong, change of plan. The key could be investigated later so please check on Shao Chen's identity first."

I will definitely reveal your identity and get rid of you! Chen Liqin sweared to himself.

Chen Shihong nodded. He would help as much as he could to lighten the emperor's heavy burden.