{A/N: As the name says, this is the continuation of my previous story "The Unknown Magician."}
Pratuesh was just sitting at the table of his home thinking something: the war that happened just a month ago. The number of friends he had lost, the number of questions he had. And most important of all: things the Professors seem to hide. Hide from him! Why? He was a graduate magician now. Then why? He figured he would ask later, he was dying for blue pancakes. (Blue food became his favorite after he read The Percy Jackson and The Olympians and, The Heroes of Olympus Series.}
When he got his pancakes ready {after messing up the kitchen quite too much since he was horrible at cooking} someone slammed on him. He looked up when someone else slammed on his face. "What the hell!" he grunted. "Arrgh" one of the slammed ones grunted.
Pratuesh pushed both of them away from him and started grieving over his pancakes. Then someone smacked him on his head. "Ouch, it hurts!" He said turning, just to see an angry-looking Sadako. {A/N: Guys go by "the 'Minecraft Youtube videos' of 'Good Sadako'"!} He tilted his body to see behind her, just to find two-person laying on the sofa injured. He pronounced a healing spell and healed them. Those two people were Entity and Herobrime. The ones who helped him in his war.
"Nice to meet you again kid!" Said Herobrime while Entity was trying to do something. "Erm... what are you doing Entity... sir?" Said Pratuesh.
"Nothing kid, just trying to open- up a portal." Replied Entity.
"Don't you remember Entity, your cousin Dark Entity took away our powers! Even Sadako's!" Said Herobrime.
"Why; are you saying it as if I am weak!" Said Sadako irritated and anger flashing in her eyes.
"Woah- Woah- Woah guys! You are saying that your powers are gone and you are stuck here!?" The three nodded, then he continued: "And you know what; my uncle and the magic university is gonna kill us if they get to know about it!"
"That means you will not help us! I- we came here expecting that you would help us!" Herobrime said forcing a cracked voice to come from his chords, while Sadako gave him puppy seal eyes.
"I never said that! Actually, I would love to spend my time with the great legends of Minecraft!" He said and then continued "Well but we-"
He was cut- off by someone calling to him "Son, I have got enchanted blue cookies ingredients for you." Said his mom while his uncle continued "And I will be the enchanter of your cookies!" By this time Pratuesh had made the three invisible and his uncle and mom were in the kitchen. Both their faces were horrified after seeing the messed up kitchen. Or so Pratuesh hoped.
His uncle instantly just like always made an 'undo spell' spell in the whole kitchen, and the three were almost caught! If not for Entity, he pushed himself and the couple out of the kitchen boundary just in time. The kitchen remained messed up, so his mom went to clean it off.
"You made pancakes, right?" His uncle asked him.
"Yeah" was all he replied.
"Why did you throw them?" his uncle said pointing at the corner.
"I slipped on the mess." Pratuesh lied. {And let me tell you, he was 'horrible' at lying!}
His uncle left a disappointed look and Pratuesh knew that he- had- sensed- them! And would soon bring it out! But, he had to make sure that the secret should not go to the magician ministry.
That night Pratuesh shared his room with Sadako, Herobrine, and Entity. While sleeping he dreamed something weird:
He was in the Minecraft world, chained in front of Dark Entity. All he could see around him was blood, blood, and blood. Dark Entity had an ax made of lightning and darkness with him. How is it possible! Entity's powers are related to darkness. Then it clicked in his mind 'He had really sucked the three's powers!' A cry of help brought him back to the dream. Then he saw Dark Entity advancing on him with a 'blase rod!' "No" he muttered "No no no" he repeated.
"So, magician, will you tell me where did you teleport those three?" Dark Entity asked.
Pratuesh tried to reply but was not able to, instead, a sound came shriller than his, and this was the time that he understood that he was summoned in someone's mind. "To my world!" That seemed to enrage Dark Entity. He yelled in anger put the Blaze rod on his (or the person's body's) cheek That girl yelled in agony and Pratuesh woke with a start panting and yelling as well.
His sound had woke up the ones in the home as well. Herobrine, Entity, and Sadako were staring at him, and there was a knock on the door. Pratuesh quickly made his unknown to others' roommates invisible and replied to the door. Outside were his uncle and mom.
"What happened?" asked his mom tensed.
"Nothing!" He replied.
"We heard yelling." said his uncle.
"Nightmare." He said, his voice barely a whisper. "Some of our magicians have been held captive in the Minecraft world by 'Dark Entity.'"
"What about the other glitches of Minecraft?" Asked his uncle.
"For me, they are the- huh, anyway their powers have been taken by Entity 404 so that they could not stop him from starting another war!"
"Uh- oh!" was his reply.
"Breakfast's ready!" Said his mom and went downstairs. Pratuesh was going to follow when he felt his uncle's palm grip his arm. He turned and asked "Yes?"
"What's worrying you nephew?"
"Nothing uncle."
"Listen, Nephew, you have been looking tense from yesterday the time your mom and I returned. It looks like you are trying to hide something from us, And it's not nice for a magician to be-" Pratueshe's uncle was cut short by him. "Listen, uncle, I will ask a question."
"Yes." His uncle said with a look of satisfaction.
"What do you think about the legends or your called 'glitches' of Minecraft?"
"I think that it's not their mistake that they are the glitches, they are good... and helped us a lot during our war. I will not accept it in front of the magician council else they cut my proffer license. And let's go, breakfast's ready." It was Pratueshe's turn to hold his uncle's arm.
"I want you to meet some legends!" He said smiling. Then he made an undo spell- spell on the three Minecraft legends and yelled "Mom, we have guests!"
To say that Pratueshe's mom and uncle were awestruck and furious would be an understanding. Awestruck, you must have understood. It's not always you meet amazing legends!
His mother was furious at him since he did not let her know about them and they were not able to see her hospitality. And his uncle was furious since he kept them just hidden without informing him. "You know what? The magician council can be here at any time! Their aura is very- very- very- very thunderous!" Scolded his uncle.
"Don't worry uncle; the super magician is here. And their powers have been taken, so... their aura should also be neutral or... very less?" Replied Pratuesh.
"Kid, our aura is the same and will remain the same as ever." Replied Entity 303.
As if on cue the door was being knocked. "RUN!" Yelled Pratuesh and switched on the 'Run' song in the music system.
"Honey, I am home! Open the door. It's freezing cold." Yelled Pratueshe's dad from outside the door. His mother went and opened the door, and Pratuesh stopped the song. Outside was her sweet loving husband! He scooped her in his strong muscular boxer arms and gave her a kiss on her forehead, and Herobrine and Sadako cough's together. Everyone glances at them. And this time There was a beam of light breaking the window. "Get in!" Said a commanding familiar voice.
"Seriously, does it have to be now?" yelled Pratuesh back. By this time the VIPs of the magick council had entered through the window. "Hey! Why couldn't you get in through the door?" Said his father to them. "What do you want," Said Sadako in a deadly calm voice which sent a shiver down everyone's spines. "So you didn't run this time," Said the main man. "We are not runners!" Yelled Herobrine and thunder sounded outside. "Hero, your powers!" Exclaimed Entity and Pratuesh jerked his head towards him.
"Come with us, else..." said one of the trespasser magician.
"Else what?" Was Pratueshe's intelligent reply. And as their reply, they pointed their wands at him.
"No one is gonna harm my son," Said his father. Their heads snapped towards him, and this distraction was enough for him to freeze them all.
"What are you thinking?" Yelled his uncle. Ready to d-freeze them.
"Wait," said Pratyuesh, and turned towards Sadako with a wide grin and raised his wand. "Maybe I found a loophole." He asseverated and spelled out such a spell which only a few legendary magicians had used before. Sadako was enveloped in bright white light and then returned to the normal state. "I feel powerful" she commented. "Your powers are back," Pratuesh replied and turned towards Entity 303, he raised his wand again and used the same spell with a slight change of words. Entity was covered in a dark aura with red stripe like lines. Herobrine, Sadako, and Entity went and gave Pratuesh a group hug, which startled him.
"Mmm... son, good to see you with your friend's and all, but what to do with them?" Asked his father, as clueless as ever whenever some magical stuff happened.
"Oh honey, you are just as clueless as always!" His mother said in a soft tone. Then she turned to her son in her commander mode "Unfreeze them." She ordered. Pratuesh looked at his uncle whose jaw was still touching the ground, then turned to the army of magicians and did as said.
"H- how did you do those spells?" asked one of the magicians, "No one has been able to do that in- like... a century." she continued. "I don't know, it just came in my mind," he replied honestly. "Anyways" starts the leader of the wizard army, "We are taking the ones from Minecraft." He finishes.
"No, you are not!" Replied Pratuesh.
"How are you gonna stop us?" Asked one of the wizards.
"Mm... I- don't know." Pratuesh stated.
"Stop it and come with us." Yelled a wizard and they were teleported to the middle of the council hall.
Wizards sat all around them {Pratueshe's uncle, Pratuesh, His mom and dad, and the legends of Minecraft.} in high chairs. "Hellow" started Pratyesh with a cheerful voice and his mom and Sadako facepalmed. "How long have you kept them?" Started the judge.
"One to two days," Was the reply.
"Why did you keep them? You know that they are ene-" The judge was cut off by Pratuesh yelling!
"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU SAYING?" The complete building literally shuddered and everyone went pale. The last time they saw him this angry was... never. But his sudden increase in aura was freaking everyone. The last time they sensed this aura was when he had killed their enemy in the last war, and that too from like... four hundred meters away.
"I just men-" The judge tried to reason.
"I KNOW WHAT YOU MENT. AND LET ME TELL YOU, THAT IF NOT FOR THEM, THEN WE WOULD HAVE HAD LOST OUR PREVIOUS WAR, AND EITHER BE KEPT PRISONERS OR KILLED!" Pratuesh said stamping one of his feet. "You know what?" Pratuesh continued calming, " After the war, I always used to think, that what are you hiding from me? But now I know. You hid the fact that you were the ones' to defy the peace treaty. You betrayed them, but still, they chose to help us in our war." By this time, all the magicians' heads were hanging low including his uncle.
Then, there came a swooshing sound, and out of nowhere appeared a Minecraft Nether Portal and stepped out Dark Entity.
Behind him came the magicians who had vanished in the last war, being carried by Zombie Pigmen, and were made to kneel down forcefully.
"Hey cuz!" Said Dark Entity.
"Still not done with your overconfidence! Huh?" Replied Dark Entity.
"Nope!" Herobrine said popping the 'p'. This seemed to annoy Dark Entity.
"Bow in front of me punny glitches," Dark Entity said proudly in a commanding voice.
"But you are a glitch as well!" Said Pratueshe's dad.
"And we will never bow in front of you." Continued Sadako.
"SHUT UP MORTAL!" Yelled Dark Entity.
"Maybe you should look behind you Dark Entity." Replied Pratueshe's mom.
When Dark Entity looked back, the first thing he saw was... that... his Zombie Pigmen dead! After that, he saw two figures approaching from the portal. Green Steve and Null! 'No Please!' Dark Entity thought. Then he saw the complete magician council's magicians' wands pointing at him. He tried to run away, just to be held back by Null. "Enough, now no more running away Darkie." Said Green Steve.
"Seriously?" Was Dark Entity's reply and he teleported Null and himself in the portal.
Behind him, Herobrine, Sadako, Green Steve, Entity 303, and Pratuesh ran into the portal as well.
*************************IN THE MINECRAFT WORLD!*************************
Pratuesh felt like his head was hammered to be in a cube shape. He felt a bit weak and nauseous as well. Nope, the nausea was not some stupid portal effects. Pratuesh was the 'Portal King' ready in all his glory to make a portal. It can be either a portal from the washroom to the bedroom and let me tell you, that his bedroom had a joint washroom, and I am talking about that washroom. Or a portal from the sofa to the kitchen to grab something to eat. He even got a lot of scoldings from his father who understood magick like not even a bit, from his mother to be this lazy, and last but not the least: his very own uncle, for using his magical powers so... repeatedly.
Once he was daydreaming about his crush at night and subconsciously made a portal to her bedroom and accidentally fell in it and crashlanded face- flat on the floor of her room. Fortunately, he didn't wake her up, and after looking at how cutely she slept, he made a portal and hurried back home.
Okay, so this was just to explain to you his portal powers. {P.S. Please do not tell him that I told you about him having a crush! Or his "accident with her". Else he is gonna kill me! And I will not be able to narrate you any more stories.}
He could hear the villagers, pillagers, and traders screaming and running, which slowly faded. By the time he came into focus. He could see Dark Entity losing badly. Sadako gave blow after blow, Entity was a complete daemon. Null and Herobrine had paired up very well. Green Steve was saving the innocents. And Notch was helping them calm- down. Dark Entity was trying to give some good blows, out of which most didn't land on his enemies.
Although all the Minecraft legends were there fighting Dark Entity in some way or the other, they were having a harder time capturing him. Pratuesh stood up weakly and said "C-ircle him. I- I can help."
Sadako looked at him with concern and Herobrine asked, "Are you, sure kid?" In reply, Pratuesh nodded his head.
The Minecraft legends covered the Dark Entity. Pratuesh was able to make binding and capturing spells on Dark Entity before he let unconsciousness take over him and letting his vision becoming dark. The last thing he remembered was the concerned looks of everyone around him, on him.
When Pratuesh woke up, he was in the medical room of the Magicians' University. "He is awake," he heard his father say.
"How are you nephew?" His uncle asked him.
"Fine, but still angry from the magicians and you." Was Pratueshe's reply.
"Awww come on, you cannot be that angry from them... Well, you are cute when you are angry." He heard Sadako say. He blushed at her last sentence and in return received a glare from Herobrine, and Herobrine in return got a playful smack on his shoulders from Entity 303 and Sadako. Pratuesh laughed seeing that.
"So... now what? Do you guys return to the Minecraft world?" Pratuesh asks his voice sad since he thought that he already knew the answer.
"Nah! We are staying here, in this world in your home." Replies Notch.
"Wait- what?" Pratuesh asked excitedly.
"You brought us back to our senses, so we again made a peace treaty with The Minecraft World!" Said the Head Master of the Magic University.
"That's awesome!" Pratuesh yelled with joy, jumping from his bed and jumping up and down while shaking his hands as well.
"Blue Pan- Cakes!" Pratueshe's mom said cheerfully coming through the door.