Beginners guide

Weapon system is made after so many disasters that happened here on earth, Human population dropped from 10 to 4. Soldiers are no longer useful since the weapon system is made, Once a student graduated its either he choose the career he wants or to be a killer(term for alien, enemy of the nation exterminator). The system have its flaws but it never failed on protecting the citizens of a certain nation.

In the land of Corvey, Suzy just finished her mission which is to kill armed goblins and gather their left ears. "I have no idea why I'm chopping your ears off but trust me if you shut up I'll end your suffering quickly." Suzy quickly smashed the head of the goblin behind her using her fist. "We can pay you gold just let us live." As the goblin begs for their life, Suzy looks at her sword and kneels down "Natasha do you think we should let this green guys leave?". "Look at this crazy bitch asking her sword." Suzy looks at the goblin coldly and points her sword at his head "No please I'm sorry I'm going to shut up now just let us go the gold is on our ship!!!!"

"What I hate the most is noisy green guys like you are."

she slowly pulls the trigger at the end of the blade of her sword blasting the head of the goblin.

"That human is crazy" "HEEELLP" The goblins keep shouting for help but Suzy didn't even slowed down a bit she still continued chopping them one by one.

On the other side of the world, In a market where our protagonist live a sudden explosion coming from a old electronics shop happened. A old man came out of the burning place and looks at the people running "I need power!" Then he started blasting lightning volts out of his fingers. A huge metal sign has been hit and it is about to fall down on a kid within 5 seconds but when it is just inches away from hitting her somebody pulled the girl out from where she is standing making her safe. "Hey little girl you alright?" The man ask "Mister I'm lost I can't find my sister anywhere." The started crying and the man rushed forward blocking the lightning volts using his iron legs. "We'll find your sister later but first get to my car before both of us die here." The man pointed his car just a couple meters away from where they are standing and the girl immediately rush into it.

"Hey old man! Heard you want some powers I guess a little kick from me would calm you down." He charges towards the old man, The old man was just about to look down but his head is already flying up in the sky resulting the panic that is happening to stop.

"I really hate this job." The man heads toward his car and ask the girl is she see anyone in the crowd that can be her sister. "I still can't find her mister."

"Just call me Carlos instead." Carlos gets in the car and drives to go to the nearby Security station to find where the sister of the girl is.

"Good afternoon Sir!" the persons inside stand and gave a salute to him. "PFFTTTTTTTTTT seriously guys we are no longer soldiers why salute." Carlos and the little girl heads to Traffic division to check whether her sister isn't that far from where they are.

"So you said you found this girl while the old man started raging right how come her sister would leave her alone." "Well I also don't know maybe she got pushed aw--". Carlos was cut when a beautiful redhead with eyeglasses enter the room. "Who do we have here." Carlos smirks while opening a beer can. "Sister!!!" The little kid came running to the girl standing on the door. "Oh that's a coincidence." Said by the guy behind Carlos.

Now we are on the house of our protagonist, He is singing his favourite song soldier of love while cooking macaroni for his dinner. "Ooohh oooh!" He sits down the couch and open his Mind window(Purpose: hologram that shows what you should for the day and for entertainment at the same time.).

"Should I really do it?" our protagonist fell asleep leaving the room so quiet.

The night pass our protagonist stand up from his bed and start his daily routine. "Let's kiss till were nakeddd ohh Versace on the flooorr." He shouted while taking a bath. He finished his bath and accidentally got hit by the florescent lamp that his friend broke the other day. "Goddamn!" He wear his favourite red hoodie and left the house to start his day.

He went straight to the noodle shop in front of his house to buy something to eat while he starts his first hunt on the forest. He is just walking down the pedestrian when a truck horns at him "Kid the road already is miserable don't commit suicide here." The driver shouted . "Jeez what's wrong with staring at my cru—wait she's gone already that fast?!"

"Look dude the kid is talking to himself."

He just look at the one who said that with an irritated expression on his face. "Why can't people mind their own business." He whispered to himself.

Back to Suzy, Her plane just landed on Cratex main city.

"Is she the merciless contract killer?" Someone from behind ask Suzy heard them but she decided to ignore it. She headed outside and ride a taxi to go to her next hunting spot THE CRAZY FOREST. It is a place known for the several mutated insects living there some of them are dangerous some of them are not.

"Ma'am this is the limit of my service but don't worry you can deduct this from your payment." The driver said "No worries I can walk from here on." She gave her payment then walks in to the forest.

At the gun shop here is our protagonist choosing his first weapon for his first hunt. "Oi! William what brings you here today." The shop owner said. "Mr. Benedict you know that I just graduated recently and I chose the career of being a killer do you have any weapon recommendations that is beginner friendly and if possible something lightweight." William ask

"Your not rich to buy a good quality gun but a handgun or a basic laser gun sure can be afford by you." Benedict replied "Was I suppose to take that seriously." Benedict laugh cause he know that William never ever took something seriously.

"I'll have this handgun since it looks light weight." William pointed out the one on the left table.

"uhm sure it will only cost you 4 silver coins you can also have 9 ammo for it is your first time"

"Then I still have 20 silver coins, Wait what is this px50 sniper." The sniper turns William's curiosity

"That's a new one but you'll need 2 more silver coins to buy that."

"Tell me the specs it looks cool." He smirked expecting the gun to be low quality

"The bullet can reach 2000 meters without its speed even changing plus its bullets are kind of similar to a shotgun's bullet." William was speechless and surprised at the same time

"sure ill take it!'' William hand over the silver coins and left the shop to head to the crazy forest

"So what do we have here?" William looks around and opens Mind window to grab some ammunition(it can also be used to teleport your items from where you placed them and where you are now.)

He started shooting boars and bees but still have nothing special to take home. "Why the fu- wait I remember in my history class they said that at the lake there is a giant turtle drops a super durable and dangerous material I should head there quickly. Our protagonist start searching ¼ of the forest but still all he finds is strong monsters and golems. "Looks like I find something good a titanium vine." He equipped his hand with his gloves and slowly cut the vines but he heard a shout near from where the titanium vine is. He runs to the place where the sound came from but it is not human it is a titanium witch. William run for his life and shoots when he has the chance he hit a snake which them transformed into a metal snake because of the witch's power.

"Why do I have to so unlucky!!!" He then reached the lake where he slipped and fell down the water. The witch is already in front of him and he started begging for his life.

"Wait please don't kill me I'm not a good decorat—" What he is saying was cut when he was thrown up to the sky by a giant turtle which then jumps towards him.

From 500 meters away Suzy saw the turtle jump and she starts to rush forward




Then she launched herself up to the sky using her swords new upgrade which comes with the grenade launching feature. She holds Williams shoulders and the spins in the air and she shot the turtle right in the head.

"Miss we are still falling!" Suzy then aim her sword to the ground and when they are inches away from landing she fired it launching them up but not high enough to kill them with fall damage.