
Its the day after and William's alarm started to rang, he throw it off the ground hoping the ringing will stop but it didn't making William stand up from his bed.

He sat on the floor trying to sleep again but a beeping sound appear and a voice similar to Megtia started speaking.

"Wakey wakey kiddo." The voice said

"Fuck this." William muttered

"Lets meet at the rooftop of building 2." The voice said and ended with a beeping sound

William stood up and took a bath which lasted for half an hour because of him falling asleep inside the bathroom.

He left the bathroom and head straight to the building forgetting his ID which he use to enter the building.

He reached building 2 but its locked, He checked his pockets but his ID isn't there so he tried knocking hoping for the people inside to hear him but instead Carlos from behind throw a canned bottle to William's head.

"Its 4 in the morning idiot go get your own ID." Carlos said

William walk his way back to the room and get his ID from inside his coat that is hanging on the door.

Now William goes back to building 2 and meet Megtia at the rooftop.

"Didn't expect that going in here will took you an hour and a half." Megtia said

"Things happen." William replied

"So from the list Baron gave you which one do you want to start doing?" Megtia ask

"I'd start with the 5 kilometer run." William said

"Great choice!!" Megtia said showing a thumbs up

"I just designed this thing but it moves on a speed impossible for weaklings to catch up with." Megtia continues

"That is still a treadmill." William said

"It is not! I mean it is but it is not just any other treadmill." Megtia said

"Follow me I'll show you." Megtia said

The two walk their way in to a certain room where they are greeted by machine with a virtual goggles attached above it and a carpet like thing which is where a person will run.

"I guess your right." William whispered upon seeing the machine

"See! Told you this isn't a treadmill." Megtia said

"What's the goggles for?" William ask

"You'd be seeing a stimulation through that thing which in your case is you are going to run away from a super fast bear and fail, the goggles will taze you hard enough to fall on your knees." Megtia said

"That's freaking hardcore." William muttered

"Now shall we begin." Megtia assist William to the device and as William stepped on the pad his feet suddenly felt lighter.

"Wear the goggles." Megtia said while preparing to launch the simulation through the computer

"Like this?" William ask

"Yes, Now can you please press the button and upper right side." a vacuum sound started as William pressed the button and William started running as quickly as he can.

A couple second passed, William suddenly fell on his knees being thrown to the back by the moving pad.

"What the fuck was that." William said in exhaustion

In the mansion of Sebastian, Suzy is currently staying there as a guest of the next head of the family.

Suzy isn't used on being treated so much by professional maids.

A helicopter seems to have landed due to the noise happening outside the mansion and to Suzy's curiosity she went out and saw Sebastian leaving the chopper. Sebastian walk to where Suzy is and ask "How's your stay?"

"Not used to this but your place is so amazing." Suzy replied

"Glad you liked it." Sebastian said

The two head back inside the mansion and went to the living room.

Sebastian is greeted by a young while haired girl with different eye colors which red on the right and purple on the left.

"Big bro!" The girl said and come running to Sebastian to hug him

"Sup Circa." Sebastian said upon kneeling down.

"How are you and your big sis Suzy." Sebastian continue

"Sis is really good at cooking but she doesn't like people serving her!" Circa said in joy

"That's great." Sebastian said looking at Suzy

"I think me and Circa should go out for a bit first to get you rested." Suzy said

"I want to be with big bro for a while first besides we've been playing for days now." Circa said

"Suzy gone soft huh." Sebastian said on his mind

"Something bothering you?" Suzy ask

"Nothing just thinking on how we could execute our plan to lure William out." Sebastian said

Suzy looked at Circa seeing a wide smile on her face like she thought of doing something fun.

"You suddenly smiled huh, thought of something fun?" Suzy ask

And is Circa is about to reply a young girl opened her eyes revealing herself to be a even younger Circa.

"Who are they." Circa whispered

She stood up and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, And a couple minutes later she left the bathroom and head to the dining room where a multiple bodies are filled with blood including the carpet.

Circa grabbed a milk from the refrigerator and poured it into a glass and drank it.

Back to William's training 4 hours after falling down the running pad, He is now doing to burpees which he currently is halfway through.

"I.... Proo… mise… after... all this.." William said while continuesly grunting due to him not being able to stand up after the 251'st jump while Megtia is actively doing burpees which he already reached 900.

"Tired already?" Megtia ask

"If only I wasn't a human." William said

"You shouldn't wish that mate, we all have different uses." Megtia said

William continued doing his burpees and the two got silent.

"370... 371... 372..." William grunts continuously and falls off to the floor after losing balance on his next jump

"I wonder how many times I fall on to this floor." William said

"Just shut up and keep going mate." Megtia while changing to pushups