Was It Love?

The next morning, there was a surprise when Rhea came out of her room. It was non-other than Flynn.

"I need to talk with you!"

Rhea had already guessed that it was about yesterday. She had no better option than following him. She followed him to their first-floor balcony which was almost full of snow.

"Don't you have a better place to talk, Flynn?"

"Do you want him to know what we are talking about?"

"He's not the type to eavesdrop!"

"Now, you are you speaking for him?"

"Get to the point, will you?"

He took a few breaths before he spoke.

"Where did you go yesterday?"

For the first time in his life, Flynn behaved like an elder brother. It was obvious that he wanted to control his little sister but couldn't.

"Why do you ask?"

"You ask me why? In this winter, who ride a motorbike? Do you think that's funny? That's reckless! He may not know the risk, but you...?" He wanted to scold more but stopped. It made him angrier when he thought that Rhea was not someone who make such childish mistakes before. She even corrected his mistakes many times. What happened to her now?

Rhea already felt thankful towards Flynn since he hadn't reported the incident to her dad. But she is not sure if he will not do that in the future. She suddenly realized that she must not argue this time. Also, it seemed like he was talking to her out of care. So she didn't want to further explain this matter either. She just wanted to calm him down first.

"Flynn, I know I was wrong this time. It won't happen again. So please, calm down"

She told him a few more apologetic words. Whatever it is, she was indeed wrong. She went out without letting him know, with someone who is almost a stranger to him.

But Flynn still seemed confused.

"Rhea, I want to know one more thing"

"Go ahead"

"...Do you love him?"

"What?" Rhea almost cried.

"You were never like this before"

"What are you blabbering? Don't let your imaginations run wild.... I don't love him" she halted.

"Are you sure?"

"Flynn, just let me be honest. I really have a crush on him. But that's it."

"What's the difference?"

"You dump head" she almost wanted to hit him. He was still hopelessly staring at her like a stupid kid. It seemed like he didn't really know!

"Flynn, a crush is someone you admire. But love is... that requires a lot of emotional involvement and dedication. I don't know how to explain, but both are different. What I have on Ryan... It's not that!"

".....Ok. If you are so sure"

"....." She was already exhausted. How can Flynn even didn't know these things?

"What? Say something! Are you angry?"


"He'll go back today anyway. So just forget what I said. I'm really sorry"

"....." This time instead of being angry Rhea's mind started to hold on to the 'He'll go back today anyway' part. Yes. She knew that. But... But why does she have to feel dejected?

She shook her head and went back to her room, ignoring Flynn's 'sorrys'.

That day, Ryan was going to depart on the night flight. They had planned to look around Fairbanks and Denali. In the evening they were going to stay near Denali, in a hotel, get some rest then drive him back to Anchorage.

After thanking and waving their goodbyes to Mr. Philip and other workers they went around Fairbanks for about an hour or two. Since they had seen much of Fairbanks on the way there before, they just visited a few new places, then moved towards Denali. All this time, Rhea was not feeling well. Something was piercing her mind again and again causing more and more pain with time. She felt strange and upset.

Within two hours they had reached Denali.

"Denali is one of the most beautiful places on Earth" Xander proudly said.

Yes. It was. They could see the mountain range which fathomed the sky at the end of the road. It was all covered in white snow. Even the area around the mountain was covered in snow. Both sides of the path were full trees as if they are welcoming the guests. The mountain looked majestic and with such beautiful surroundings, it became a lot more magnificent.

"It's beautiful. Isn't it?", Rhea asked, looking at a mesmerized Ryan"

They had become a lot friendlier, so it felt so normal when she talked to him this time. She felt a lot more comfortable.

From the back seat, a pair of eyes had been watching all these. It was non-other than Flynn.

Rhea and Ryan went out with Xander to take some photos but Flynn had decided to stay inside the car, observing the two.

Rhea was talking with Ryan. It must be about Denali's specialties. Ryan was attentively listening and just nodding. But Flynn observed that Ryan's eyes which were always distant and cold, became warmer when he was responding to her. It was a minor change, but he could still see. It was just like what he saw in romantic movies.

Confused by them, Flynn took out his phone and searched the internet.

-'What is the difference between a crush and love?'-

He read the result.

-A crush is a brief and intense infatuation while love is an intense feeling of deep affection-

'Both are intense! But it says a crush is a brief infatuation. She had his photo a year ago on her laptop. Is one year brief? What the hell?' he was more confused.

'Whatever!' he finally let it slide.

Once Ryan finished with his photography, as Rhea was going to start the car, Ryan spoke for the first time, "Can we just stay here a little longer?"

'His eyes! Here it goes again!' Flynn thought.

"We need to reach the hotel earlier. You've got a night flight. So you must rest for a while"

Rhea seemed worried.

"I like it here!"

His eyes were intense this time.

As Rhea speechlessly stared at him, he spoke again "Drop me directly in the airport. I don't need to rest today. I just want to stay here a little longer"

"Are you sure?"

He nodded again.

Flynn felt like he is about to go crazy. Is it love or not? Love or not? If not love, what is it? Extended crush?'

The four just stayed inside the car looking at the mountains. When Rhea asked Ryan if he wanted to take a closer look at the mountain, he said no. If he wants it that way, let it be. Anyway, she felt a little better sitting beside him.

It seemed like everyone had something in their mind. Nobody spoke. Even Flynn was thinking seriously. As he was silent, Xander remained silent too.

"Rhea, I'll go buy something to eat." Flynn couldn't take it any longer. He wanted some time alone, to think of all the possibilities. He wanted to make sure before acting up.

Rhea had arranged the dinner in the hotel. But now they had to do something about dinner. She can't send off Ryan without giving him a meal.

"I'll come with you," she said.

"I'll go" Ryan interrupted.

"I'll go with Xander." Flynn denied their offer. He wanted to think, without Rhea's or Ryan's presence. Looking at them made him befuddled.

"We'll be back in a few minutes. I'm quite familiar here" he got off the car.

"Here is the map. Use this" Rhea handed him the map.

The night fell.

The two who went to the nearest shop hadn't returned even after thirty minutes. Ryan looked like he was meditating looking at the mountain range. He didn't move an inch just stared at the mountain. Rhea didn't know if she should start a conversation.

After a few more minutes, Ryan broke the silence first.

"The sky seems so clear!"

"Yeah. It's a good day to stargaze" she replied.

"Is it?" he calmly asked then got out of the car.

"Stay inside. It's so cold."

She just obeyed him. He stood out for a while then sat down on the hood of the car. She was keenly watching him all the time.

'Is it only cold for me? Not for him?' she thought but didn't dare to ask.

He finally laid down there, looking at the sky.

She picked up her phone then called Flynn.

"Are you alive?"


"Are you ok?"

"Yes. Fine"

"Why are you not back yet?"

"We've got lost"

"Didn't you tell me that you are familiar with this place?"

"I am. We'll be back soon"

"Soon means?"

"Thirty minutes"


"Don't panic. Just wait for me" he cut the call.

It was not new for Flynn to be late like this. When he is on the way somewhere, if he finds something interesting in the middle, he'll just forget where he was going and play with that interesting thing. The reasons for him to be late were always amusing. 'I saw a new movie poster, I saw a puppy, I saw a playground, I saw a vending machine, etc. Rhea was not sure what he saw this time, but she really felt bad for Xander. So she called Xande instead, again. He had picked up the call and ensured their safety, so she felt at ease.

Rhea opened the window and informed Ryan that they'll be late. She was hungry so he must be too.

"Are you hungry?" She had some snacks. If he is, she should share them with him.

"I'm fine" he replied.

She didn't open the snacks. She just continued to look at him. He continued to stare at the sky. After some time, she felt dizzy and closed her eyes. She was really tired from driving. She was also hungry.

That day she dreamt of Ryan. The two were in the midst of the woods. The moonlight shone above them.

In her dream, he was standing with his playful smile. He slowly touched her face, still with that smile.

"I don't want to....", after that, he said something. But it was like a whisper. She couldn't hear the words or identify what he said with his lip movement.

When Rhea woke up, she couldn't see Ryan outside. When she turned, she found that he was already inside the car, still staring far away in the direction of the mountain, although it was dark. She drifted her gaze from him to the road. Flynn and Xander were walking towards the car a few meters away.

"They are back", Rhea went out of the car. She was worried about Flynn. She started to blame him for taking so much time. Ryan just stayed in his seat.

Once the other three got in the car, Flynn finally gave the bag to Rhea.

"Rhea, were you sleeping just before?" Flynn asked Rhea. But his eyes were on Ryan.

"I was"

"Then let me drive. If you don't want Mr. Ryan to meet with an accident!"

That's right. She was indeed so sleepy. "Ok. But be careful"

"I will" Flynn talked like a grown-up for the first time in his life which surprised Rhea a lot.

The four ate their dinner.

Then Flynn exchanged seats with Rhea.

"Mr. Ryan, do you also want to go back? You can sleep comfortably"

"No need. I'm fine"

"Though you say so, why do I feel like you are not?" Flynn muttered in a voice only audible for Ryan.

This time Ryan turned his head towards Flynn, but Flynn just focused on the road, started the car and the car started to move towards Anchorage.

After that, it was so quiet. Flynn only concentrated on driving. Ryan just turned his head to the window. Rhea tried to sleep. She couldn't. She closed her eyes and placed her head on the headrest and pretended to be asleep. Xander was left alone so he kept quiet.

After about an hour Rhea reluctantly opened her eyes. Everything was the same around her. It was complete silence. As time passed, Rhea started to experience an indescribable uneasy feeling. Her heart started to panic. She didn't know how but that uneasiness grew inside her with every minute. She felt like her mind is so heavy. It was so annoying to even think about anything. She really didn't like the fact that the car is driving towards the airport.

Finally, after four hours the car stopped in front of the airport entrance.

Flynn started to unload all the luggage of Ryan. Xander started to carry his luggage to the entrance in a trolley.

Rhea didn't immediately get off the car as she was feeling uneasy. When she did, she saw Ryan standing there wearing a mask, and a cap, hiding his identity from the people in that airport.

Rhea had seen so many photos of him in the same style. But this time, it was unbearably painful.

'He is ready to leave.'

She felt a chill. It was like someone stabbing her heart. The unknown panic so far had already turned into pain.

She was totally lost. She never imagined his departure will be this painful to her. All this while, she had known she had to face this day. So she couldn't understand why she is feeling this way suddenly. As for her, she had fulfilled her dreams, as a fan. She got more than what she asked for. Then why is she feeling this way? She had always prepared to send him off with a smiling face, but now it seemed impossible.

As his duty was over, Xander bid farewell. Rhea gave him a handshake. Flynn went to send off Xander.

The two who had been avoiding talking to each other from the moment they arrived at the airport were finally left alone. They had to talk to each other at last!

Rhea finally went near Ryan. She stretched her hand to give him a handshake. Ryan didn't immediately react. He kept staring at her. When she lifted her head to see his face he suddenly pulled her into a hug.

"...Take care", his voice was undoubtedly full of care and sincerity.

Rhea's eyes started to tear up. "I will, you too" she replied in between her sniffles.

"...." he was silent then stroked her hair twice.

The two of them remained silent for a while.

"Thank you!" he said.

Once he said that he abruptly released her. Without turning back he hurriedly went inside the gate.

She saw him go. Her sight blurred. Her face was drenched in tears before she could even realize it. She wiped them and looked at him going away. Her eyes continually teared up and his image faded again and again. She was there continually wiping her tears. When she wiped her tears and looked up, he had already disappeared from her sight.

That time the question Flynn asked her crossed her mind.

'Do you love him?'

With that question, she felt like her heart is being shredded into pieces. Finally, she understood! She understood what she felt for him so far.

'Was it...' she thought. Her lips automatically spilled the word, "Love".