Stardom to Abyss

Rhea got what she wanted. She had moved to Shanghai.

For the first few months, she was occupied with university works. She focused on her education more than ever, performed well in her exams as well. Her free time was always spent in the library, reading history and literature. Whenever she returned to her room, she spent the time drawing the illustrations for her next comic. Just as she told her father, she translated her comic into Chinese and published it. The sales were not bad.

Her life was pretty normal, without so many events. All she did was reading, drawing and writing.

She had earned a few good friends as well.

She was staying at the university dormitory. Even though Flynn begged her to stay in an apartment, she chose to stay in the dorm because she wanted to have a full university life experience. As usual, Mr. Frank didn't object to this either. She got friends there. They were none other than her roommates!

Her three roommates were three interesting characters.

The first one was Naomi, an independent, strong, and talented girl. She was from the USA as well. But unlike Rhea, she was from Texas. She was majoring in Statistics. Naomi was very talented at singing. Rhea loved listening to her songs. She was also a brilliant guitarist. Naomi was the bold girl of the group.

The next one was Hyejin, a talkative and adorable girl. She was from South Korea. She was reading for a computer science degree. Hyejin had her favorite boy band. The most area in the wall around her bed would be full of photos of the band members. She almost reminded Rhea, of her own self. The crazy fangirl! She had a hobby of playing games which was also her specialty. Hyejin was the cute girl of the group.

The last but not least, Chaem Choi, a silent, brilliant, hardworking girl. She was from Thailand. She was also reading for a computer science degree. Chaem Choi was a nerd. She used to wear glasses which added to her nerdy look. She was very popular in her department because she was one of the cleverest there. She was also the study buddy for Rhea. She was the genius of the group.

Though they were from different departments, all of them attended the Chinese language course together which strengthened the bond between them.

Rhea always felt that being with her roommates was fun. Still, Rhea spent most of her time in the library!

This way she earned another close friend. Her name was Mei Xing.

Naomi, Hyejin, and Chaem Choi, none of them were from Rhea's department, which was Business Administration. At first, Rhea ended up alone in her classes. Rhea was obsessed with learning, so once the classes were over she will hurry to the library. Because of this habit, she didn't have much time to associate with her classmates! Later Rhea found out that Mei Xing, one of her classmates also had the same habit. She also frequented the library. At first, they only smiled at each other whenever they saw the other in the library. But in no time, they started to get to know each other and became good friends.

Mei Xing was really a kind girl. She always helped Rhea in a lot of ways.

Rhea was struggling at first to travel within Shanghai. It was quite difficult for her to travel within the crowded city. Once she became friends with Mei Xing, the two of them attended the classes together. They went to the library together. They even went shopping together. Mei Xing was the one who taught Rhea about the important places of Shanghai, like shopping malls, restaurants, etc. With her help, Rhea had learned a lot about Shanghai.

Mei Xing also helped Rhea to proofread her comics. Since she was a native Chinese, she easily found Rhea's mistakes and pointed them out. As Rhea requested Mei Xing to be her editor, she agreed. The two started to work for the comic together. Though Rhea had a very friendly bonding with those in her room, Mei Xing ended up as her best friend in no time.

If anyone asked Rhea about her friends, she would say that the four were literally angels! She loved them very much and the four loved her too. Their genuine love and care made her feel a little better. But good things will not come alone. There was also a problem and that was tagging along with Mei Xing!

To Rhea's dismay, she was a fan of Ryan Jin.

Though Rhea had already stopped reading the news about Ryan, Mei Xing never let her free. She will always bring all the news about Ryan to Rhea. Since Rhea was in her 'trying to forget' period of her love, it was quite difficult for her to deal with that news. But still, she always listened to Mei Xing, as she didn't want to hurt her feelings.

Rhea never expected, her 'trying to forget' period will come to an end one day with Mei Xing's news!

That day Mei Xing came to class with so much excitement. Rhea waited till the class ends to ask for the reason.

"What's the matter?" she asked her.

"Do you remember Ryan Jin?"

"Is it him again? How can I forget when you talk about him daily?"

"He is dating Ying Yue"

When Rhea came to China, she never once imagined a situation like this.

Wasn't she obviously dumb?

Isn't this normal for him to date anyone he wanted to?

Did she really let her hopes up high just because he kissed her?

Did she really believe that he would one day come back to her?

Did she hope deep inside her heart that one day, they will end up together?

Because it hurt!

Why would it hurt this much if there was no hope in the first place?

She was hurt. Still, she was composed!

"Oh," she replied!

"I didn't believe when I saw the photograph of them together, but today they both confirmed the news!"

So, he confirmed that he is dating Ying Yue. Rhea felt her hand trembling. She had to bring it into a fist to control it.

"I see"

"You know he is also working in the new movie"

"Yeah I remember that"

"It's with her. Ying Yue. I'm so happy for him. She is so beautiful. See!".

Mei Xing showed a photo to Rhea. Ryan was there smiling. There was a girl next to him. Rhea's eyes moved from Ryan to that girl.

Ying Yue means 'reflection of the moon'. She was really like the reflection of the moon. Her innocent face told Rhea that she was a nice woman. She had been acting for a while. Though Rhea was aware of a few Chinese actresses, she didn't know her until the day. It was Mei Xing who told her everything about Ying Yue.

OK. So that's it. Rhea had already known that a day like this would come. It was her fault, dumbness, and madness that she fell for a celebrity. Who does that? She was angry with herself.

After that day, she kept herself busy. So busy. She almost lived like a robot at times.

She stopped watching Ryan's movies. Stopped even seeing his photos. Stopped talking about him with anyone.

Now it became so difficult to live in the same city as him. Maybe she should have listened to Flynn.

Mei Xing continued to tell Rhea her 'Ryan stories' and Rhea continued to pretend that she didn't know him and had no interest at all. But Mei Xing will talk the matter and finish it no matter what!

Rhea learned to live in mid of these difficulties. She got adapted!

During holidays, she went back to Anchorage and spent the holidays there as she had promised to visit her dad at least once in six months. After spending time there, she really started to feel ok.

When she came back for the second semester of her first year, life was once again better.

Though she had to listen to Mei Xing's blabbering about Ryan, she could still focus on her work and studies. She published her second book 'Just Met You', that time.

The second half of the year felt a lot better than the first one. She was just living her life. Her comic sold well. Even Yuan Yu sent her a congrats mail!

Though Rhea lived in Shanghai, she never told that to Yuan Yu. She felt more at ease that way. So their conversations were always email-based. Yuan Yu didn't have the time to check her phone number either.

In the beginning, Rhea wanted to love Ryan for four years, now, she didn't want to do that. Loving another woman's man is not the right thing and she never wanted to do that.

Rhea started to count the days. She wanted to go back to Alaska more than anything. But she had to desperately wait for the four years to end now!

Time was flying. Another six months had passed. Rhea was almost over Ryan!

But Mei Xing continued to torture her with 'Ryan stories'. She will always start with "Rhea, do you remember Ryan Jin?" and made Rhea unable to forget him!

One day Mei Xing started.

"Rhea, do you remember Ryan Jin?"


Rhea once tried saying 'no'. That time she ended up listening to Ryan's biography. Mei Xing even used some reference images! Thus she always replied 'Yes'. To shorten the conversation!

"I went to his fan meeting. See I have got his autograph. Isn't this pretty?"


"I can't still believe that he signed this with his own hand"


"So pretty right?"


Though Rhea was talkative, whenever Mei Xing started a conversation about Ryan, she replied with few words as possible. She didn't want to cut Mei Xing out either. She just listened.

Another day!

"Rhea, do you remember Ryan Jin?"


"Do you remember my boyfriend?"

"Ya", this time Rhea's eyes drifted from the book to Mei Xing. She thought this must be something important, in other words, something not related to Ryan Jin!

"From his new apartment, Ryan Jin's apartment is visible. But only the balcony!"

Rhea wanted to smack her own forehead for listening to her attentively. She decided to reply anyway.

"Ok!" her eyes drifted once again to her book!

"Isn't that amazing?"


Another day!

"Rhea, do you remember Ryan Jin?"


"Yesterday I saw him"


"I saw him from my boyfriend's apartment, using binoculars!"

"Isn't that illegal?"

"Only once! Don't glare. I promised my boyfriend that I won't do that ever again!"


And another day!

"Rhea, do you remember Ryan Jin?"


"His new movie is released. Ying Yue and he looked amazing on-screen"

Hearing Ying Yue's name Rhea felt a shriek of pain in her heart.

"Mn," she replied.

"They were like a match made in heaven!"


"And I can feel how much he love her from the way he looked at her. Aww! I was really jealous Rhea. Do you know how lucky Ying Yue is"

Nobody else knows better than Rhea. Right?

"There were so many romantic scenes..."

Rhea couldn't take it anymore.

"Mei Xing!", she suddenly cut in.

"Hmm?" By Rhea's sudden intervention Mei Xing seemed confused.

"Mei Xing, I need to go to the room earlier today" Rhea calmly told her.

"Oh! Ok, Rhea. Then I'll tell you about the movie later."

"Ok" Rhea helplessly replied her.

Though there were still some days that filled her with pain, life was still, normal for her. She could overcome this. She firmly believed.

All these 'Ryan stories' and 'Ryan's love stories' continued until one day!

Mei Xing came almost crying to the class. She was late so she sat in the front row. Rhea couldn't talk to her until the class was over.

"What's wrong?" Rhea asked her once the class ended.

"You know Ryan Jin, right?"

"Yeah... What's wrong?", this time Rhea didn't ignore it since she felt something was wrong.

"Something bad happened to him."

"B...Bad? What happened to him?" Rhea unknowingly started to panick.

"A scandal broke!"

Rhea was still shocked.


"Ying Yue gave an interview. She claimed that Ryan had promised to marry her, then now he wanted to break up with her as her popularity is fading. She said that she wants justice"

"Weren't the two fine the day before? When did this happen?"

"Yesterday. Her fans are slamming Ryan. Even the public is enraged. They have gathered around his house."

"...Is he alright?"

"I don't know", Mei Xing sadly responded. She was about to cry.


"I don't know how he is doing now. He wouldn't have done that. I know that for sure"

Mei Xing talked like she knew everything about him. Though Rhea believed the same deep in her heart, she kept quiet.

'Is he alright?'

Rhea was worried.

But there was nothing that she could do!

She somehow let it slide as well.

After two months, everything had already turned upside down. Ying Yue who was a fading star became popular once again. Ryan Jin didn't make any statements regarding the incident, so people started to believe he was wrong. Even many of his fans started to criticize him online and offline. It was even desperate for Rhea to watch that. Even now, the producers seem to be holding back from the projects.

But there was nothing she could do!

Though it was upsetting to see, what could Rhea do about this?

Within two months, Ryan had already fallen from stardom to abyss.

But there were still many fans who trusted him. Like Mei Xing.

One day, Rhea went to her class earlier. She happened to listen to a group of girl's conversations. They were openly making fun of Ryan. Their conversation is about how Ryan is hiding from the media and living in the dark.

Rhea who was already heartbroken enough now started to feel depressed.

The girls continued and concluded at last, "This time, he's done for!"

Rhea couldn't take it any longer. She came back to the room. She started to wonder if there is anything that she could do.

Still, there was nothing much she can do!

But, this time, Rhea at least wanted to make sure, Ryan is doing fine.

She only wanted to make sure, Ryan is doing fine. She knew that he was strong. Still, any human will be hurt and lost when facing this kind of incident. Ryan was human too!

Rhea made up her mind and called Mei Xing.

She met with Mei Xing. At first, she was hesitant. She didn't know how Mei Xing will react if she suddenly told her that she knew Ryan in person.

However, she reluctantly told Mei Xing about the fact that she worked as a tour guide for him in Alaska. She hid the 'fallen in love' part.

Mei Xing was shocked, indeed.

She had been blabbering about him all this while and the one before her never let out a word about her knowing him. She was furious, indeed.

"I'm sorry for not letting you know"

"Why did you hide it from me?"

"Professional ethics?", Rhea didn't know how to calm the other. She just said what she could think of at the moment.

Mei Xing gritted her teeth. Rhea could clearly hear that and was really scared, not because of Mei Xing's current state, but because she didn't want to lose such a friend.

"I'm sorry Mei Xing. I'm really sorry" Rhea didn't know what else to say.

"Why are you saying this now?"

"I... I need your help"

Rhea is the type who will never ask anyone for help. This time, since she was asking, Mei Xing felt a little surprised in between her anger.

So finally, she stopped gritting her teeth and listened.

"I want to know if he is doing fine or not"

Now Mei Xing started to understand what Rhea wanted to do.

"Can you help?"


Mei Xing was speechless. Rhea was the one who warned her not to do that because that was illegal. Now she wants to peek at Ryan's house?

"One time would be enough!"

Mei Xing unbelievably patted her ears, she wasn't sure if she is hearing the right thing.

"Didn't you say that was illegal?"

"One time wouldn't hurt anyone"

"....." Mei Xing fell silent once again. She seemed to be thinking. Rhea patiently waited.

"Let's go this Saturday. My boyfriend won't be home..."

"....Thank you, Mei Xing", although Rhea was dumbfounded at first she didn't forget to thank Mei Xing for a hundred times.

Mei Xing still glared at her angrily then went back. Rhea knew that she had hurt Mei Xing's feelings and trust, and she wouldn't forgive her anytime soon. But she knew that she will with time. So she kept calm and got ready for Saturday.

Mei Xing and Rhea went to Mei Xing's boyfriend's apartment that Saturday. Rhea understood that the area was full of rich people. The apartment was pretty luxurious.

Mei Xing's boyfriend was a businessman. He had gone out on a business trip.

Once they entered the house, Mei Xing handed her the binoculars. Since Rhea looked nervous, she went to prepare some tea for her.

"It's over there. Red building. 11th floor," she had told her before she went to the kitchen.

Rhea was left alone.

Rhea was so much worried since she never tried something of this sort before.

She finally made up her mind, took a deep breath, and brought the binoculars in front of her eyes.

Though her brain was screaming 'You shouldn't do that, that's not right and blah blah' her heart persuaded her to look at that red building. She counted the floor from below.

'Nine, ten, eleven...'

There was no one there.

She brought down the binoculars.

The 'only one time' she promised herself, didn't work out. She hesitantly broke the promise after five minutes of thinking and sweating.

Mei Xing was busy preparing the tea. So Rhea had plenty of time to struggle herself.

She just wanted to make sure how he is doing. 'One more time... Just one more time...'

She finally lifted the binoculars once again.

She once again looked in that direction but this time she froze!

What she saw was a frightening scene!

Ryan was sitting on that balcony balustrade with one of his legs stretched on the balustrade and the other hanging outside. He was leaning against the wall while sitting on that balustrade. His eyes were staring far away. There was also a bottle in his hand. He raised the bottle and continued to drink. It must be alcohol.

To add to her horror, he was not holding the balustrade with any of his hands!

The binoculars fell off Rhea's hand.