Day One

Rhea's favorite song kept repeating in her dreams. It didn't stop with time. It kept repeating, again and again, so she finally rubbed her eyes and opened them to see what time it was.

"Rhea your alarm, turn it off!" Naomi murmured half asleep.

Rhea woke up to see all the other creatures living in her room sleeping like pigs, as usual, and her phone kept repeating that favorite song non-stop.

It was already six in the morning!

That day she didn't have any classes. Still, it was one of the most important days of her life.

The shooting!

"Hey piggies, it's already six, wake up!", Rhea told them to wake up since they had classes that day.

Chaem Choi was not to blame since she had stayed late and studied. Hyejin had reached the hundredth level in the new video game she purchased a week ago. Naomi didn't do anything useful the night before, still slept like she did all the works in the dorm.

"Stop that alarm... Pleaseeeee", Naomi begged while taking the pillow and covering her ears with it.

But it was not an alarm. Rhea went to bed late in the night, she had set her alarm late.

Rhea sat on her bed and took her phone.

It was a call from her beloved cousin! She reluctantly picked up the call.

"What do you want?"

"Hey, I called you to wish you good luck. I didn't sleep just to wish you in time before you get ready. But you are talking to me as if I'm disturbing you!", he complained.

"It's because you are really disturbing my sleep, Flynn!", she didn't give in as usual.

"Tell me how the things with him are? Did he agree to your contract?"

"Didn't I text you everything already?"

"Yeah, you did. But listening to those important facts makes me happy!"

"Seems like you are more interested in him than me!"


Flynn had already cut the call. He must be angry. Rhea smiled, then send him a "Thank you" in chat, followed by a hug gif and heart emoji!

It took her around an hour to choose what to wear that day. Finally, she chose the blue dungaree and her favorite full-sleeve white t-shirt. Rhea didn't know what an assistant should wear. If Ryan had given her a dress code, she could buy them but he didn't give her any so she wore something she would wear to her classes.

"Am I looking good?", she asked Naomi for the umpteenth time.

"You are, and if you ask me one more time, I'll simply ignore your question!", fed up by Rhea's excitement she simply babbled.

"Rhea, are you sure you are really going to work? You behave like you are going out on a date?", Hyejin asked since she was really curious to see Rhea like that for the first time.

"A date? Rhea?? No way!", Chaem Choi simply denied and turned the page of her book!

"Hahaha!", the other two started to laugh hearing this.

"Yeah. How could she cheat on our library? She won't!", Naomi laughed.

"She is already married to our library, don't you know?" Hyejin joined her.

Chaem Choi shook her head in reluctance and dived into her book once again.

As for Rhea, she simply ignored them and got ready!

She took a bus to the studio.

The studio was situated in one of the most crowded areas, so there will be buses almost every ten minutes. She got seated.

When she thought back on what had happened within those few days, she couldn't still believe anything.

She got the job as Ryan's assistant for the time being. That literally means a few more days with him. She was cheerful.

The bus reached the stop. Rhea got down and walked her way to the studios. The studio is quite big and scattered, so Rhea had to walk a long distance from the gate. When she finally reached the huge building where she would be working, she was more than excited.

She entered the lobby but didn't know where to go at first. Everybody was so busy. They seemed to be carrying equipment here and there for arranging the set.

She could see Yuan Yu, who was busier guiding them and talking to the cameraman. She didn't want to disturb.

The female lead didn't have any shots that time so she was not there as well.

Those two were the only known people Rhea could have a normal conversation with. Since they were busy Rhea was waiting for an opportunity to talk with anyone who can help.

It seemed like Ryan hadn't arrived yet but Ryan had to be there that time.

As she was wondering about Ryan, a young man around her age reached her.

"Excuse me. Do you speak Chinese?" he politely asked her.

For Rhea, it was more than enough. It's her first day there so she needed some help. Finally, she found someone to ask about the situation.

"Yeah. I can!" she politely, yet hurriedly replied.

"I saw you searching for someone. I'm one of the assistant directors. I think I can help!"

"Thank you. I'm Mr. Ryan's assistant. I'm searching for him"

"Assistant?", he looked at her with uncertainty. Maybe because she looked exotic.

"Yes", she replied.

"He is in his cabin"

"He's already here?"


"Where is the cabin?", it's too bad that she is late on the first day of work!

"Go straight and turn left, the second room."

"Thank you, Mr…?"

"Call me Ethan!"

"Thanks, Ethan. I'm Rhea! I'll go find Mr. Ryan then."

When Rhea was about to turn, she felt someone standing behind them, turning to see Ryan.

He was standing right in front of her and looking at her. His hands were hidden in his trouser pockets. It's all added to his carefree attitude.

Liam was right next to him. Ryan's manager, Mr. Li was standing a few feet behind them.

The assistant director guy went away after a slight bow. Maybe it was because of Ryan!

Ryan was popular for his cold nature so none of the crew members dared to associate with him easily.

He really looked kinda intimidating then!

"Goo... good morning Mr. Ryan or... or should I call you s...sir?" Rhea hesitantly asked.

Liam couldn't help but smile looking at her serious face, but no one replied.

After looking at them for a few seconds in confusion, Rhea said good morning to Liam as well.

"Good morning!" he cheerfully replied with a smile.

Rhea looked up at Ryan awaiting a response to see him still scrutinizing her with the same posture and expression.

".....Did I ask anything wrong?"

"Who was that guy just before?", Liam came up with a question.

"He is Ethan, Assistant director"

Liam just smiled.

Since no one gave her a proper reply, Rhea was more confused and directly asked about her job.

"What do I need to do first?"

Ryan shited his stare a little and showed her an armchair on the corner.

"....Sit there!"

After that, the trio moved towards the set. Ryan went to Yuan Yu.

He seemed busy but once in a while, he was checking on her! Because of this, she didn't dare to look in his direction for the time being.

Within a few minutes, it started to get boring. Rhea really didn't have anything else to do other than looking at him in the first place! So finally she paid attention to him.

At that time, he was asked to perform in front of the camera. His attention was solely on the scene so Rhea didn't have to worry about him noticing her stare.

She kept looking. She was mesmerized those times. He was sincere and dedicated when it came to working. He was a perfectly fine actor acing every scene given to him.

Time has flown by so fast. She was waiting for him to give her any works but he didn't!

He sat on a chair next to Yuan Yu checking those scenes.

At last, everyone was busy except Rhea!

Ryan's manager was good enough to solve all his problems. She was almost like an extra there!

Seeing them walking here and there, and working she finally fed up with her day and took her mobile out, started to play the game she usually plays.

Maybe her luck or not, Ethan sat next to her during break time.

Do you play that game?

"Yeah" she smiled.

"I too play that game. I'm in level 5000"

"Oh really, that's great."

"Seems like we will meet often."

"Yeah, seems so."

"So why don't you add me to your WeChat? We can play this game together forming a team", he smiled.

Though Rhea was taken aback by his suddenness, she understood that it was normal to exchange numbers when working together. Besides he was the only one who has been friendly with her there.

When she was going to give him her phone, a deep, voice rang above her head.

"Rhea!", It was non-other than Ryan.

Since she heard his voice so close, she was startled a little and looked up.

Liam was there as well. Seeing them, with a slight bow, Ethan left the area!

"Any problem?", Rhea calmly asked.

"JELLY!" Liam spouted suddenly in response with a smile.

"Jelly?", Rhea asked him in confusion.

"You don't know what it means?" Liam looked at her with shining eyes and curiosity. He turned towards Ryan ready to say something, but when he confronted an angry Ryan he changed the words.

"What's wrong Ryan? Seems like I suddenly want to eat Jelly!", he murmured then turned towards Rhea.

"By the way, it seems like you've found a new friend here. Good. He is handsome!"

"He helped me this morning.", Rhea smiled at him.

"Yeah yeah. There are so many nice guys out there. Friendly, good guys.", Liam emphasized the 'friendly' part.

Rhea nodded in agreement.

But Ryan suddenly spoke!

"Aren't you here to work? You must keep yourself busy!"

"..." Rhea was left speechless. As long as she remembered, she was not assigned any works so far.

"Wasn't you the one who asked her to sit here? Be reasonable!", Liam came in for her support then once again turned towards Rhea.

"Rhea, it's just that someone is eating vinegar. Don't be upset!"

Rhea couldn't catch the meaning of the phrase.

"Someone is eating vinegar? Who?" she confusedly asked.

Liam just smiled and continued "Someone I know!"

"What you are saying is confusing. Sorry I'm not really good as you in Chinese"

"Haha, that's fine. It's ok if you don't understand now. You'll understand with time"

"That's enough! You've talked too much", Ryan almost ordered Liam in a dangerous tone.

"Ok! Ok!", Liam tightly pursed his lips this time.

Rhea looked at him as if she is seeing a strange creature. Though she couldn't understand anything, she could feel that something is fishy.

"I left my phone in my room. Bring it back", the command was now directed towards Rhea bringing her back to reality.

"Ok.... sir!"

She hurriedly went to the room Ethan mentioned and tried to open the door. Then only she noticed that it was locked.

As she was reluctantly returning, she saw Mr. Li on the way with the keys in his hands.

"You forgot the keys!"

"Thanks, uncle!", she thanked him then bit her tongue. In the past year, she had been calling, the men in that age group, like Mei Xing's father, Naomi's father, 'uncle'. So she accidentally called Mr. Li that way.

"Sorry! I'm really sorry Mr. Li! I called you uncle out of habit"

"It's okay. You can call me uncle"

Rhea was happy and surprised at the same time. She never expected him to be friendly and kind. At least Ryan's manager was friendly, unlike Ryan! It won't be that hard for her since she has a nice person around her when working.

"Uncle, Do I need to keep Mr.Ryan's phone with me in the shooting time?"

"No Rhea, Mr. Ryan usually doesn't use his phone during working hours. I don't know what happened today. Must be an emergency"

"Also uncle, I don't know what I have to do here. Can you teach me the work?"

"Sure," he agreed with a smile.

She hurried to Ryan after thanking uncle Li.

Ryan was now sitting on another armchair.

"Here sir!" she handed over the phone.

"No need to call me sir. Just call me Ryan!"

"Ok, Mr.Ryan!"

Even though Ryan asked her to call by his name, she ended up calling him with a Mr.

Liam struggled a lot to control his smile this time.

It was interesting to see Ryan like this. Ryan getting jealous, also getting rejected are things that Liam never believed he would see in this lifetime!

It was amusing for Liam to see them both. As an outsider, it was more than funny for him. As a long-time friend of Ryan, he could easily say that Ryan was jealous a moment ago, also he could say that Ryan cares a lot about her. So it was simply fun to watch Ryan struggle because of her. At times, it was hard for him to hide his amusement so he ended up smiling or laughing like just before.

Rhea didn't understand why Liam is smiling. Although Ryan understood he stayed calm. But in truth, he was furious and embarrassed.

Liam was still looking at Ryan with a mysterious smile. Ryan silently grabbed the phone and handed it back after typing his password.

"Add me to your Wechat!"

Rhea looked at him without words. Is he giving her his number? Really? She looked as if she had forgotten to blink.

"You don't want to? How do you think I can contact you if there is an emergency? Did you forget that you are my assistant?"

Liam's head dropped as he was struggling a lot to control his laughter seeing these two. He scratched his mouth area to control himself from further laughing.

Liam's words and behavior all this while had given Rhea a sense of mystery. Trapped in a totally new and mysterious situation, Rhea did as she was told. She handed him the phone back.

When she looked up at Ryan, his face was still stern as ever unlike Liam's. There was no way for her to clear the mystery.

Once put it back in Mr. Li's hand, he stood up, turned towards Liam.

"And you! You are not coming to shooting anymore!", he said the words, without any extra expressions and efforts then walked towards the camera.

"Hey buddy, your ears are red!", Liam shouted behind him.

Ryan just scratched his ears and continued walking without turning back.

Liam shook his head, then turned to Rhea with a smile on his face.

"Rhea seems like he won't let me come here anymore. Take care of him!", he winked at her, then started to walk towards the door.