A Big No!

The most awaited training period started.

Rhea was given jobs like printing or taking a copy of the script, reading and correcting the script, marking the points in the script, and also arranging Ryan's schedule. Sometimes, Rhea was asked to attend his phone calls as well. Though it was nothing much as she expected, it was still better than doing nothing at all.

But to do her tasks Rhea had to stay in Ryan's cabin most of the time. She was busy and couldn't enjoy the shooting as she did in the past weeks.

One day, Rhea was taking the print of the script. Since the printer and the photocopy machine were placed in a common room she was there with a few newbies. The new workers have gathered around and chatted.

"Hey, why suddenly Ryan Jin agreed to act in this movie? Huh?"

"Yeah right? Did Ying Yue make any statements regarding this?"

"She didn't. She must be too busy to concentrate on him now!"

Listening to unwanted conversations was one of the disadvantages Rhea had to face since she arrived in China. People guessed themselves that she won't understand what they speak, and spoke what she didn't want to hear.

If only they had known that she is his assistant, would they be brave enough to talk behind his back, in front of her?

Although Rhea was fuming inside hearing the conversation, she just took the printout and went back to the cabin. The conversation had already ignited her enough.

She didn't know there was another headache waiting for her in his cabin. It was non-other than Ryan himself. Before she could go back to the cabin, Ryan and another man who was dressed in a suit were already inside discussing something. Uncle Li stood by the door. Yuan Yu was also there, almost eavesdropping on what they are talking about.

"What is it?" Rhea whispered, understanding that there is a situation.

"It's him. That director!" Yuan Yu replied in a whisper.

"The one who asked Ryan to..."

"Yes, it's that ...", though Yuan Yu wanted to swear, she stopped seeing uncle Li. Uncle Li was calmly standing there showing no emotions at all.

"Why is he here?" Rhea whispered once again.

"I'm trying to find why!" Yuan Yu told her and once again placed her ear, right next to the door opening.

But this time they could hear someone opening the door from the inside. Yuan Yu straightened herself. Rhea opened the document and pretended to read it. Uncle Li remained calm.

It wasn't that difficult for Ryan to understand what's going on when he saw them. Seeing the man, Yuan Yu glared at him once then followed him out. Ryan who just stood by the door gave Rhea a look.

'What's with that look? Am I the one who eavesdropped? Always thinking I'm on the wrong!', an aggravated Rhea looked straight into his eyes. If she didn't do anything wrong, why would she fear him?

"Did you..." Ryan calmly started a question.

"I didn't!" a reply bounced back her mouth like just like a ball that hit the wall.

"You didn't what? I haven't finished my question yet"

"I didn't do anything!", she replied.

"It's fine even if you did something. I..."

"But I didn't do anything!"

Ryan didn't need one more question to find out that she was in a very bad mood. He just titled his head and perused her.

"Let's discuss what you didn't do, once the shoot is over!", he calmly told her then moved towards the set.

Rhea who was already annoyed enough by listening to the conversation about Ying Yue is now even more fed up.

'What did the director guy told him? Could this one also be that Ying Yue?'

When she was unable to think of anything other than that, she got a call from Yuan Yu.

"Rhea! It was not bad as we expected. He felt guilty so he came here to ask Ryan to act in his new film!"

"Why can't he confess the truth to the public instead?", Rhea asked the question then realized why he can't. It will damage his reputation forever and it's not going to give Ryan any good name either.

"Because that will also result in another scandal"

"I understand. So what did Ryan say?"

"A big 'No'!"


Yuan Yu ended the call with a sigh.

Rhea was way too frustrated. She put on her headphone and started to listen to some music, which usually enhances her mood. She was also typing a document inside the cabin. Rhea, with her headphones on, couldn't hear anything else other than the song.

When Ryan returned and soundlessly opened the cabin door, Rhea almost scared him!

She was focused on her laptop screen while mouthing the song, shaking her head.

Suddenly noticing someone in her peripheral view, Rhea lifted her head to see Ryan right before her. She froze, while her mouth opened. He too froze by the door.

After a moment or two, Rhea brought herself back from the daze.

She hurriedly cleared her throat and asked him "Mr. Ryan!"

He stood still.

"How can I help you?" she almost shouted. Because the volume was so high so she forgot the fact and shouted as if she was in a noisy area.

Ryan unbelievably closed his eyes once in dismay. Then looked at her helplessly.

He didn't say a word. Even if he replied, she can't hear anything since she was still wearing the headphone. He walked towards her, sat at the table, and picked up her big white headphones off her head, disturbing her double ponytail which hung from behind her head. He wore it without a word.

Rhea raised one of her eyebrows in doubt. Listening to that song, Ryan's face changed.

A woman was singing in high pitch. It was an English love song.

"The volume is too high!", he calmly told her.


"Good that you know!"


"Your hair, it's messed up"


Isn't he the one who messed it? She looked at him without words.

He removed the headphones.

"By the way Rhea, I know you didn't", he faintly smiled. It was the continuation of the 'I didn't do anything' conversation she had with him earlier.

"It's not like I always doubt you. I don't actually doubt you in the first place. So don't be angry!"

Rhea was dumbstruck hearing these words.

'Does this mean he trust me?'

Once he said that he averted the gaze to the paperweight on the table. She was speechlessly looking at him. After sitting there for a few more seconds in silence, he stood and walked out the door.

'Why did he come here? To say this? That's all?', she was wondering for a while. Suddenly something shiny fell in her sight.

A canned strawberry juice!

It wasn't there a moment ago.

It was the same as what Ethan gave her the day before, but a little bigger can.

Did he come back to drop this for her? Rhea felt like she had received the world's most precious treasure, the moment.

She didn't know how many minutes she looked at the can! She finally smiled then grabbed that can.

The strawberry juice was a lot tastier than yesterday indeed.

She wanted to thank him. She went out searching for him, he had already left. She checked the time. It was already the time for her to leave.

She saved that 'thanks' for the next day.

But the next day, Rhea didn't get the opportunity to thank him.

The director who was there to persuade him had come there. But there was also an unexpected guest who came to visit Ryan together with him.

Ying Yue, the so-called ex-girlfriend of Ryan was there for him!

She was there, to persuade him! To persuade him to act in that movie, alongside her!