Tyrant, My Boss

Bryce was a goal-driven guy.

He had already prepared everything required for the software. The things left were the designs, which was Rhea's job to complete.

Bryce had taught her how to draw the designs in the application. But one day was not enough for her to master it.

Rhea was left with no choice. For that one week, she couldn't attend any of the lectures. She couldn't go to the shooting either. For the greater good, she worked hard.

But there was also a hidden reason behind this. She was not willing to see Ryan after what happened the day before. The revelation of the striking truth that he loved Ying Yue, was tormenting Rhea.

She was staying in the study hall most of the time, patiently drawing. Drawing had always helped her mind to stay composed and calm. She could somewhat forget the bad memories of yesterday by doing what she liked the most. It was her kind of meditation.

Additionally, working for Bryce, in his project really required a lot of patience and concentration.

As Bryce told her, it was not easy to impress him.

He rejected so many designs at first, nitpicking even the small details, exhausting Rhea.

But she didn't give up.

She worked day and night.

There were four more days for the competition.

Bryce had accepted only five of her designs so far. All the others got rejected.

Although Bryce was a workaholic, he didn't intimidate Rhea. He was calm and composed, guiding her, giving her ideas, and nitpicking!

Bryce also didn't attend the lectures that day.

Rhea was patiently listening to Bryce's instructions. Her phone rang. Bryce stopped talking.

The screen showed 'Boss' followed by a wink emoji and a heart! Since the phone was placed in between her and Bryce, he could also see the name on the screen.

Seeing that, Rhea lost her mind. It was Ryan's first-ever phone call from his own number. She unbelievably looked at the screen for some time, then hesitantly picked up the phone.

She turned to Bryce and smiled, "One minute!"

Rhea had already informed uncle Li that she won't be able to come since she had to help a friend with competition the next week. So why is he calling now?



"Mr. Ryan!", she hesitantly called out his name.

"Don't you need this job anymore?"

Rhea was shocked by the abrupt question but didn't know how to respond immediately. Meantime, she was afraid if Bryce could hear the words!

"I...I'm helping a friend with a competition. So... But I really need the job!"

"Come back to the work tomorrow!"

Rhea hesitantly looked at Bryce. Bryce was sitting next to her focusing on the computer.

"...I...I'm afraid I can't Mr. Ryan"

"....", there was a long silence at the other end. For some reason, Rhea felt that clearing Ryan's name was a lot more important than her job. For that, she had to help Bryce, no matter what.

Just as Rhea expected, Bryce could hear most of her phone conversation which was about her job.

He already knew that Rhea was not attending her lectures. Hyejin had told him that she was working in the night as well. Her friend from her department, came searching for her as Rhea was not to be found in the library. He could clearly see the dark circles surrounding her eyes as well.

So he suddenly spoke, "Rhea, you may take a break tomorrow!", he abruptly got up and left for the lectures.

Rhea was confused by his sudden behavior. Is he angry? But she calmed herself since he told her to come back the day after the next. Suddenly she heard the 'toot toot' sound from her phone.

Ryan had just cut the call!

Though Rhea tried to call him again, he didn't pick up!

Rhea was seriously angry.

What's wrong with Ryan?

Finally, she decided to send him a text. She created a long text message explaining the cause. She also mentioned that not giving her any break when she is in an emergency is breaking the labor law!

But it was a pity that she didn't get any replies.

That night, Rhea got a call from uncle Li. He was passing Mr. Ryan's message. He had told Rhea that she doesn't have to come there the next day. Also, she can come back after a week time, if she wants. If she is not interested she can quit. He also added that he is giving her the freedom to choose because of the contract since he had no other way but to keep her with him, till the shooting ends!

Rhea was truly annoyed by this. Although she didn't show it in her voice, she was really angry.

What the hell is wrong with that big idiot? The way he behaved in the call was like if she didn't go to work the next day, the studio will collapse. There is really nothing much that Rhea had to do herself there. She was only doing the leftover works of uncle Li. So Ryan's anger was obviously unreasonable.

She sat on the bed hugging her pillows pouting.

"What happened Rhea? Did you get scolded by Bryce?", Hyejin asked her with curiosity.

"No. It was someone else"

"Who?", the girl continued with a more curious voice.

"A tyrant!"


"My boss"

Rhea shook her head and went to bed early that day. The next day she didn't go to shooting. She went to the study hall and continued to draw new designs. But her mind was not calm. She continued to think of that tyrant.

She really couldn't concentrate on the drawings. She was also slightly afraid that Ryan will be angry and fire her in the end.

She ended up drawing some unsightly architectural designs.

She knew that she can't keep this going. So she left out a big sigh making a big decision.

"Fine! Fire me if you want!" she murmured. Then continued to draw, pulling back her conscience.

Two days before the competition, Rhea had finished everything and handed them to Bryce.

"I wish you good luck Bryce!", she also wished him with all her heart. Although she really hoped he should win because she needed his help, he truly wished him good luck. He had been acquainted with her for a week. Rhea had seen how passionate he was about his project. How hardworking he was. So she really wished that he'll win this competition.

"Won't you come?"


"To the competition?"

"Ahh. I have to go back to my work. I may end up losing my job if I didn't."


Rhea went back to the studio again the next day.

Bryce had a competition the next day. Once it's over Rhea could start to worry about Ying Yue. Currently, she had another bother. She didn't know how she would be able to face Ryan.

She hesitantly entered the building. Uncle Li calmly welcomed her and assigned a few jobs. She was told that Ryan was busy in another location. Uncle Li left in a car. Rhea didn't follow.

Nothing she feared happen. That day she didn't get to see Ryan!

The next day, was a holiday. Rhea didn't have any classes. So she had to spend full time in the shooting. Rhea believed it will be the same as the day before. But uncle Li had invited her to come to the next building where the shooting was taking place.

This building was a new one. Rhea had to carry everything there. She was slightly exhausted. Uncle Li met her by the gate, carrying all the goods.

"Rhea, why are you carrying everything?"

"....Are these not needed?"

"No. I just asked you to come here and watch the shooting. I thought you'll be bored there"

Bored? It's ok to be bored. But to think that she had to meet Ryan here, she was actually scared. It's better to be bored than scared.

"Ah, uncle. That's fine. I can stay there. It's not like I haven't watched them filming"


"Bye uncle!", she turned away and started to walk back.

"Are you going to carry everything back?"

"..." Rhea's feet froze then. It was a familiar voice. She slowly turned.

".....Yeah. It's not that heavy!", she looked up at that tall figure, standing next to uncle Li.

His face was stern. To Rhea's surprise, he didn't look angry. His expression couldn't be categorized but Rhea could describe it.

He simply looked as if Rhea owed him a lot of money!

Bewildered by Ryan, Rhea stood there speechless after that.

Seeing the two, one glaring and the other bewildered, uncle Li spoke!

"Rhea, you can keep these in Mr. Ryan's cabin here. Then I'll bring it back in our car"

"Mr. Ryan has a cabin here?", Rhea started the question enthusiastically but seeing Ryan's expression, her voice went downhill with every word.

".....Follow me!", Ryan spoke, then started to walk towards the so-called cabin. Rhea had to almost run to catch up with him. His long legs were so quick to move. Rhea was carrying some weight in her hand. She was unable to follow him. She got lost in the middle of the turns of the building.

Rhea started to wonder if Ryan is taking revenge on her.

There were two paths from where she was standing. Two paths were filled with a few number of rooms. After a few minutes of staying in the corner, unable to guess which direction he went, Rhea tried her best to get her phone out, to call uncle Li, who had already went out to the parking lot to grab something from Ryan's car. But it was almost impossible to do so since she still held those things in her hands.

After a few minutes, Ryan came out of a room from the left side.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh.. I thought I got lost", she hurried there.

Unlike the previous one, this cabin was a lot bigger.

"We'll be working here a few more days. You can set up your things here"


Ryan then left to the room where they were shooting. Rhea didn't want to get lost this time, so she hurriedly followed him.

The set was decorated extraordinarily. Rhea was really stunned at first. Also she had got to see the shooting after a long time. So she happily found a place for her and watched the shooting.

At first it was all fun and interesting. Rhea got the chance to take in all the handsomeness of her 'cold boss' with her eyes, saving them deep in her heart. But with time, she started to feel something was off with him. Ryan usually check out what Rhea is doing but this time he didn't. He didn't turn his head once in her direction. Rhea had always felt safe when he was watching over her. But now... she could feel her heart was heavy.

Although what she did last week was wrong, she didn't really expect him to forsake her like that.

Forsake her...

Did he forsake her?

Is it true?

She started to worry.

Rhea was really not herself from the day, Ying Yue came. Now that she think of it, she had gone overboard.

On that day of Ying Yue's arrival, Rhea had rudely answered his questions, out of anger and confusion. Later she took one week leave. When he asked her to come back, she.... she rudely sent him a reply.

Rhea had her reasons. She was really annoyed, angry and sad. More than that, she was jealous. She couldn't deny that.

When she first came to know Ryan loved Ying Yue, although it was painful, it was bearable. When she heard it was all an act, she was truly happy. But then again, when Ying Yue declared that he had been in love for all along, it was not something Rhea could understand. It was unberably hurtful. For some reason, Rhea felt like she had been deceived by the whole world.

More than anything, she could simply not forgive that woman. The woman who took away his life. He still loved her. This thought was too painful.

No matter what Ying Yue does, how evil she was, Ryan will love her and that love, will continue to stay a dream for Rhea.

Rhea was not arrogant. She never thought that she 'must' end up with Ryan. But to think that someone who doesn't deserve him, can have him, Rhea couldn't accept that.

So Rhea really needed some time alone, faraway from him. She took her time. But now, it seems she had already lost even the little amount of affection he had for her.

She had lost that as well.

From the beginning, it was a game she can never win!