I Wanted to Say I Love You

Rhea woke up the next day only by noon.

It was already late when the party ended. When they got to the room and when she slept there, it must be around midnight.

Rhea's head hurt so much because of the hangover. She messily scratched her head once then supported her head with her right hand due to the pain.

'What did I do yesterday? Why do I have a headache now?', she wondered.

When she woke up she suddenly got the faint images of the flashback.

She asked Ryan to carry her!

She told him that he is handsome!

She was touching his face, almost the entire time!

Also she... BIT HIM!!!!!

Also... Also KISSED HIM!!!!!!!!!!!




She couldn't pull herself back to tranquility anymore. Somehow she could tell that she was disgraceful the day before.

She absent-mindedly checked the time. That was another bummer. It's already 4.30 p.m. That means Rhea has been sleeping for more than twelve hours.

She hurriedly got out of the bed and almost ran to the bathroom. But why is she in a hurry? Of course to apologize. She immediately has to apologize. But suddenly her legs halted.

'How am I going to face him? What can I say to explain what I've done?'

Anyway, she had to do something. It's already evening. She is hungry. They must have planned for the night. Who knows? The others may be waiting for her. She had to hurry and go out and that's the only option Rhea has.

Another thing is, they will depart tomorrow. This is the only day she is left with.

Also, all along, Rhea had tried to hide from problems. Maybe she should just surrender and let the time decides her face.

After giving it some thought, it appeared to be the best option.

Rhea made up her mind to put an end to this problem that day!

Rhea took bath and wore the khaki-colored non-denim shorts and a random t-shirt, which happened to be white in color.

She didn't even have the time to do her hair so just let it free.

When everything is done, it's already 5.30 p.m.

She grabbed the white sneaker from her bag and started to wear it by the door.

At that time someone knocked on her door.

She stopped wearing the shoes and nervously opened the door. With only one shoe worn, she confronted a happy-faced Yuan Yu.

"You're up?"

A flustered Rhea looked at Yuan Yu. How does she know she just woke up?

"Let's go grab our dinner"

"Before that, do you know where is Mr. Ryan?"

"Oh, Ryan? I called him. He told me that he'll join after watching the sunset. He must be there", Yuan Yu pointed in the direction of the bridge's end.

"I need to talk to him. I'll join you soon!", Rhea replied and ran in that direction.

She could see a tall figure. He was also wearing a sky blue polo t-shirt and knee-length white shorts.

She slowed down and took a deep breath.

Staying like strangers is not going to work anymore.

Ryan was still standing there by the end of the bridge, staring at the sunset from there.

She turned to see the sun.


Things had always been extra beautiful whenever he is there around her. It's still the same for her.

Rhea gathered her courage and walked towards him.

He felt someone approaching so turned to his left, so turned to the left.

It was the most unexpected visitor. Ryan didn't expect to see her there.

He wasn't sure if he should say something after what happened the night before but didn't want to make her feel awkward as well.

"Are you alright?"

Rhea could tell that he is asking about her hangover.

"I left some hangover medicine by the drawer...", he told her, then hesitated since it may remind her of yesterday's incident.

"Oh... I... I didn't see that. I'll take them once I return."

Ryan just nodded.

Then, silence fell.

After a few seconds, Ryan spoke again.

"Do you remember anything from yesterday?", he asked the question which bothered him.

But instead of answering, she started to apologize.

"Mr. Ryan... I'm really sorry... I didn't mean to do anything to you. I was so drunk yesterday so please forgive me. It won't ever happen again!"

She stopped after realizing how to dump she sounded.

'It will never happen again? Well of course it will never happen because probably they won't meet again'

'She remembers!', he didn't say a word for a few seconds.

"It's ok!"

Hearing him say that she abruptly lifted her head. Did he just say 'It's ok?'

"I should be the one to apologize! I'm really sorry, Rhea! I mean, what happened a month ago"

This time he only apologized for scolding her back then. He really didn't want to apologize for kissing her anymore. Even if he did, he really does not think it will be from the bottom of his heart anymore. He was truly happy about what happened the day before. He was happy even if he couldn't sleep the whole night. So why would he apologize?

But he wanted to make sure is if she really remembers everything that happened the day before.

When this thought arose in his mind, he instinctively looked at her neck. Although her T-shirt is covering her upper body well, her neck and his traces were clearly visible. Seeing them his ears reddened. He turned towards the sea and asked in a low voice.

"Do you clearly remember everything that happened the day before?"

"Mn? No, not really. Only some fragments", she paused.

"Sorry" she apologized again.

"It's okay. You were drunk!"

"No, it's not like I was only drunk!"

Ryan turned towards her now showing some doubt on his face.

"Mr. Ryan, this could be possibly the last day I meet you!" she said.

'Last day?'

Hearing her say that he was indeed shocked. The frown on his face intensified.

"So I've decided to let you know why I did everything all along"

Now Ryan keenly listened to her. It was a question he had been asking her for a very long time. She never gave him the answer he wanted. Back then, he wasn't sure what he wanted to hear either. But now, he knows. But, she had already broken that by saying it's going to be the last day.

'Why did you say that?' he kept thinking.

Rhea didn't know from where she got the courage from. She didn't want to hide it anymore. She believed that there won't be any more interactions between them so she decided to let him know! She let out a quick sigh as to gather some courage and looked him straight into his eyes.

Seeing those pair of arrow-like eyes which showed faint doubt in them, she said the words she always wanted to say.

"I wouldn't kiss anyone, Mr. Ryan. I wouldn't kiss a man whom I don't love", Ryan couldn't believe what he is hearing for a few seconds.

"I love you!"

".....", Ryan got goosebumps all over.

"You mean?"

Ryan wasn't sure if she really means it. But his heart already started to beat so fast.

"Wǒ ài nǐ!"

Ryan wasn't still sure. He remembered her saying "I like you" then "as a fan"

"As a fan?"

He carefully asked remembering the last time she said that.

"She let out the breath she was holding. She wasn't sure what to do now. She had used up all the courage she gathered.

There was silence except for the sea waves.

Finally, as if she had decided something she stepped forward and grabbed him by his cheeks, and pulled his face down.

He followed her guidance without so much struggling. His little heart had already started to hope something.

Rhea softly pressed her lips on his!

His eyes naturally widened.

She looked at him straight in his eyes.

"I love you like this. Not as a fan. I love you... Romantically!" her voice faded with every word.

Ryan's eyes widened. His heart reached an alarming speed.

Rhea stepped back letting him go.

"Sorry! I'm sorry for hiding it. But... but I'm not going to do this anymore! I'm really sorry. I've already made up my mind and now I'm really sorry for my unruly behavior. It's not like we'll meet in the future, so I just wanted to tell you. I don't know why. But maybe this way, I can let go. I... I don't know. That's... That's all."

She panicked and spoke everything she thought looking at the ground. She couldn't see any of his facial expression changes.

"Now... now I'm almost over you!"

Ryan had to go through a sudden rise and fall of frame of mind. Ryan couldn't understand if she is confessing her love or not. She told him that she loves him a moment ago and now she told him that she is almost over him.

His poor heart beat faster than before because of fear.

"I understand that you don't like me that way so I have tried my best to forget you. So trust me I won't bother you anymore. I won't come to see you or trouble you. I don't want to either!"


"Thank you for everything and really sorry" she finished and started to walk back.

Ryan, who was bewildered, was left alone, once again!