The Ice Festival

Rhea was surprised to see those enormous sculptures made of ice standing on the ground. Even there were bridges. She had never really seen ice sculptures which were so significant as them. They were the same size as the entire building. Mr Zhang did not seem very surprised since he was a person living in Harbin. As for Ryan, since he had visited Harbin many times already he seemed nonchalant. Despite that, his eyes showed appreciation for the sculptures. 

But the case was so different for both Rhea and Flynn. Rhea was gawking at the surrounding with widen eyes. Flynn was almost dumbstruck. He was looking around open-mouthed. Finally, something made him stop talking.

"Let's move," Ryan bought the two of them back to Earth. "There's so much more to see," he spoke from behind his mask.

With a happy nod, the two followed Ryan and Mr Zhang. Time fly faster. They all had lunch together and continued exploring the city throughout the afternoon.