The Children of Marelirium: Rouge Children


"Ah seriously. Clean ups are the worst," Sgt. Maraya says as he stretches his hands.

"They're not so bad. I prefer them to patrol duty," Lt. Evans replies, though she too looked haggard.

We just came back from a clean-up operation (which I just learned was a thing), where we had to spend ten grueling hours ridding an unoccupied condominium of pesky little Strogs.

Strogs are palm-sized spherical deimos with pudgy tails, bodies all covered in black eyes, and a toothless mouth that spans half its body. They have the annoying ability of making people have bad dreams, as well as the usual amount of the air of lifelessness all deimos exude.

We got a call this morning from the building owner, complaining that the little demons are littered all over his property. Which is why we were sent out to take care of the situation.