The Sword Returns Home


The man who called himself Araion Erise left with his tail between his feet, so to speak. He was visibly trembling when he left, daring not to take his eyes away from me as he slowly crept out the door. Lais always said I inspired a certain amount of fear in people when I intend to, and that my appearance with a sword can be….well, fearsome. Still, it is amusing to see such things in motion right in front of me, if not curious. 

Another thing still, is that that man knew about me and Lais, and the life we live in the shadows, far from where the eyes can see. 

We, Lais and I, have always lived two lives. One in the limelight, for all to see, and another in the shadow, where we only know what goes on. There is, of course, a profound reason for the secrecy, and the life we live in the shadows is not one we take lightly. We keep our secrets for a reason, and it is…curious to have someone have a peek into that life that we live.